Thursday, June 30, 2022


 Antiabortion lawmakers are planning their next fight.

What’s happening? Advocacy groups and their allies in state legislatures are drafting bills to stop people from crossing state lines to get abortions.

Would that work? The bills are being written to make them hard to challenge in court, but the Justice Department said it would fight such laws.

The timeline: Most legislatures are done for the year, but these kinds of bills could be introduced in special sessions, like one planned in Arkansas. (Washington Post)


The maneuver by the American Christian Taliban Nationalists is to permit private citizens to report other private citizens to state authorities so this IS not a “Big Brother” government 1984 scheme. Ya know Militia is not necessarily armed with AKs but armed with enough BIGOTED, THEOLOGY to stop FREEDOM OF CHOICE, in its tracks.


Think of: The Salem witch trials that occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft—the Devil's magic—and 20 were executed---In America) Think of: McCarthyism (or McCarthyism as some scholars have suggested) is the practice of making accusations of subversion and treason, especially when related to communism and socialism---In America) Think of: In 1933, the Nazis issued a decree that required Germans to turn in anyone who spoke against the party, its leaders, or the government. That decree, “For the Defense against Malicious Attacks against the Government,”---(In Germany) Think of: Being witnessed cleaning out their Shabbat lamps on Friday afternoon, lighting candles behind a closed door or under a table, or even changing wicks for their lamps was enough to accuse new-Christians of Judaizing and send them to the Inquisition prison.


THINK OF: Self-appointed Christian Crusaders or Christian Nationalists acting as the pointed prong of an American Christian Taliban BAYONETTE, always spying on YOU in your home, driving in YOUR car, shopping at YOUR retailer. THINK OF never being safe from some American Christian Taliban reporting YOU to a RED STATE SS Soldier, because YOU have decided that YOUR choice is YOUR business. OH YEAH, for the people who pretend, that the current inflation with prices skyrocketing somehow is more of a PRIORITY than LIBERTY/FREEDOM/EQUALITY and that YOU are not pregnant, Gay, A Non-Christian, A Person of Color, so what the fuck, none of this matters, REMEMBER, “THEY ALWAYS NEED SOMEONE TO BE THE OTHER!”

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

W-T-F and H

 Today’s blog is presented by the letters W-T-F, and the letter H. 

What The Fuck happened on January 6th? Why The Fuck are we still reeling from the one day in current history that could have changed the course of this nation's path forward, and actually still may change our democracy forever? When The Fuck will the Republicans admit that the one man they so embrace is nothing but a full-fledged TRAITOR and ENEMY of the STATE? And How The Fuck are we ever going to make certain no person or persons, let me shout that one out again NO PERSON OR PERSONS can ever have the ability or power to do that again?


To imagine that the PRESIDENT of the United States had coalesced a clandestine bunch of Comrades to plan a COUP is hard enough to fathom. To imagine that an inner circle of men and women sworn to uphold the law of the land as ATTORNEYS, to imagine sitting members of the US CONGRESS, who create laws of the land, to imagine that Federal Civil Servants are sworn to serve and protect; ALL decided that THEIR plan for America was to install a DICTATOR, ending Democracy for AUTHROTITARIANSIM SHOULD AND COULD AND DOES make ANYONE SHUDDER.


BUT, yet, as the FACTS mount up and add up, the Criminal and Treasonous parade of TRUMP Enablers surpasses anyone’s conceivable idea of just how many Insurrectionists and Seditious Players had access to the Oval Office; very few if anyone NOW identifying as a REPUBLICAN have expressed any identifiable amount of concern for the welfare of this nation. Rather the silence of disgust seems better achieved to salvage their own professional futures, by AIDING AND ABETTING TRUMP!


And even more of a WHAT THE FUCK, WHY THE FUCK AND HOW THE FUCK…are the numbers of people, in spite of the real demise of Democracy, who insist TRUMP is good for America!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 Every single Democrat sitting on his or her Royal Ass in the Royal Palace called the US Senate, should demand some response from their Republican Klansmen and Klanswomen regarding the EVIDENCE provided previously and especially TODAY regarding TRUMPS pure NARCISSISTIC and NASTY response to PERMIT the ANARCHISTS free reign to overthrow the government, and TRUMPS disregard for HUMAN LIFE, those especially of the CAPITOL POLICE!


COME ON SCHUMER, be a fucking leader already. CALL OUT, ACT UP, INSITE SOME BACKBONE, already and DEMAND from your FRATERNITY AND SORORITY of ROYALS that they either provide and OATH to the CONSITUTION or to TRUMP!



Free what now?

 Supreme Court sides with former Bremerton, Wash., high school football coach, ruling he has Constitutional right to pray on field. "The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike," wrote Justice Neil Gorsuch for the majority. (ABC News)


…But in Florida, you can not say Gay in public schools! But NOW in the Red States of America, you can not say it is my body my decision regarding access to abortions!

…But in Texas, you can not say I am a Trans Kid!


The decision is the latest in a line of Supreme Court rulings for religious plaintiffs. In another recent example, the court ruled that Maine can't exclude religious schools from a program that offers tuition aid for private education, a decision that could ease religious organizations' access to taxpayer money. (ABC News) 


Coach Kennedy's attorney, Kelly Shackelford, confirmed to Fox News Kennedy's main goal was to rejoin his former squad and be allowed to publicly offer praise to Jesus Christ. (FOX News)


There IS NO longer a DIVIDE between Church and State, except if that church is a Mosque or a Temple or a Synagogue. There is free speech UNLESS you are a Female or a Trans Kid or an LGBQ. Where this IS going IS quite apparent, and apparently, the collusion right into the mountainside of CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM which will devour the car-carrying Democracy is happening before our very eyes. The NEW GOVERNING REGIME OF THOMAS/GORSUCH/BARRETT/KAVANAUGH now has more POWER than the President or his cadre of VERY WEAK LINK Dems.  The Four Horsemen (Alito/Kavanaugh/Barrett/Gorsuch) lied under oath, but somehow all we get in return is a MEH, and what me worry. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!

Monday, June 27, 2022


 Bill of Rights (and 14th Amendment) Provisions Relating to the Right of Privacy

Amendment I

(Privacy of Beliefs)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

Amendment IX

(More General Protection for Privacy?)

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Liberty Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment

No State shall... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,

without due process of law. (Exploring the Constitution)


A written document THE US CONSTITUTION, by which this nation has often times referred to as the law of the land, UNTIL the changing times OR the POLTICLAIZATION of the times, has suddenly rendered the CONSTITUTION as more of a “HE said SHE said” bit of blunder and bull shit. Sometimes, the reader of the text, if HE or SHE has the power, decides that the same words read by others, definitely do NOT mean the same thing to them, so a new INTERPRETATION is prepared; one better suited to personal biases and bigotries! 


The U. S. Constitution contains no express right to privacy.  The Bill of Rights, however, reflects the concern of James Madison and other framers for protecting specific aspects of privacy, such as the privacy of beliefs (1st Amendment), and privacy of the home against demands that it be used to house soldiers (3rd Amendment), the privacy of the person and possessions as against unreasonable searches (4th Amendment), and the 5th Amendment's privilege against self-incrimination, which provides protection for the privacy of personal information.  In addition, the Ninth Amendment states that the "enumeration of certain rights" in the Bill of Rights "shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people."  The meaning of the Ninth Amendment is elusive, but some persons (including Justice Goldberg in his Griswold concurrence) have interpreted the Ninth Amendment as justification for broadly reading the Bill of Rights to protect privacy in ways not specifically provided in the first eight amendments. (Exploring the Constitution)


And thus a QUITE A QUANDRY…9 People are expected to provide opinions on Privacy. 9 people whose own history may or may not reflect well on respecting privacy for the public. 100 people to pretend that politics are irrelevant, also pretending that IN EARNEST, they are looking out for the welfare of the country; when history has pointed out the only welfare achieved is furthering the POLITICAL FORTUNES for those 100 people. 1 person sets the entire WHEEL OF FORTUNE in motion. 1 person enables 100 people thus enabling 9 people while 329.5 million people reap consequences.












Saturday, June 25, 2022

Who is the One?

 The court rejected Roe v. Wade , a 49-year-old legal precedent that guaranteed the right to an abortion, after a string of national polls showed a clear majority of Americans wanted the opposite result. A similar court majority invalidated a 108-year-old New York state law restricting who can carry concealed guns that is supported by nearly 8 in 10 New Yorkers, according to a recent poll by Siena College.

Rather than ignore the dissonance, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., writing for the majority in the abortion decision, attacked the notion that the court should consider the public will. He quoted late chief justice William H. Rehnquist from a previous ruling: “The Judicial Branch derives its legitimacy, not from following public opinion, but from deciding by its best lights.”


“Up until a couple years ago, it used to be the case that where the court fell was well within the lines of the average Americans’ positions,” Sen said. “Now we are estimating that the court falls more squarely in line with the average Republican, not the average American.” (Washington Post)


A Dystopian society in which a few people decide the rights and will of the many. A careless group of people, anointed by one person elected by only 100 people pretend to understand the WANTS of the CITIZENRY. In an Ivory Tower, removed from the everyday situations of trying to THRIVE, SURVIVE, LIVE, a group of 9 are called SUPREMES. Look closely at how they entered the BLACK ROBED world of ultimate DECISION making, and look even closer PLEASE, at their CAPABILITIES, ABILITIES, KNOWLEDGE, and EXPERIENCES and from where they DRAW their OWN conclusions!


Thomas and Kavanaugh were both accused of Sexual Harassment, and rather than seeking truth, their accusations are dismissed, BOTH ruling in favor, against WOMEN and their Reproductive Rights. Barrett, whose personal life is tied to a Religious Organization some call a Cult, and others have accused that the CULT Religious Leader has also participated in activities of Sexual Harassment. Gorsuch and Alito referring to Biblical pronouncements to be as much or more authority for this nation’s moral and ethical standards.


BUT for me, the real CULPRITS in this attempt to make AMERICA the United States of Christian Nationality, are the COWARDS sitting as Senators, who when they desire WEILD power to make or break the good and welfare of Americans, and in turn who when THEY COULD make a difference, IGNORE any responsibility which belongs to them. If any Senator is suddenly dismayed that Gorsuch, Barrett, or Kavanaugh lied to them about overturning ROE, then why have they not IMMEDIATELY place a motion on the Senate floor to make women first-class citizens instead of CHATTEL!  



Friday, June 24, 2022


 Susie Collins cried “crocodile tears” that Brett (so what if I drink and party a lot) Kavanaugh lied to her about ABORTION RIGHTS, and her GAL PAL Senator Lisa Murkowski complained had they known their Republican nominee Supreme (I believe Irregular is the correct word) would betray the majority of wishes by Americans and devalue women’s rights. Neil Gorsuch and Amy (Handmaid) Barrett also pulled a few I LIED speeches regarding ABORTION.  So I wonder, (and I also call out Susie and Lisa’s own LIES) HOW ABOUT THIS: to prove they both are VERY DISTRESSED, why not have both women propose a LAW to make Abortion rights a part of our CONSTITUTION!

Ya know, SUSIE loves her 15 minutes of “IF I ONLY KNEW BETTER moments. SO, now that SUSIE and LISA do KNOW BETTER, why not remedy the situation, and offer a new AMENDMENT that permits women to have ownership over their own bodies. And how about all and any of those GOP Senators who suddenly are shocked by what the rest of America KNEW, and they add their names so there are 60 votes, and MITCH has to shit in his diapers and not fight it!


I AM TIRED of the LIES of the SUPREMES but just as PISSED at the Senators who always seem unable to move past their THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS!

I Should Be Happy

 “I should be happy

But all I do is cry

(Cry cry no more laughter)

Oh, I should be happy “ ‘One Less Bell To Answer’/Hal David


For McConnell, the effort on guns was an opportunity to make changes to school security and mental health, which he viewed as the root of the problem, and shore up some support for suburban voters Republicans had suffered losses with in the last election. "It is no secret that we have lost ground in suburban areas," McConnell said. "We pretty much own rural and small town America, and I think this is a sensible solution to the problem before us, which is school safety and mental health and, yes, I hope it will be viewed favorably by voters in the suburbs we need to regain in order to hopefully be a majority next year." (CNN NEWS)


So it seems that the ONLY main goal for McConnell and his Cascade of Republican Lemmings is to woo the Suburban voter into voting RED, because Premier Mitch has permitted a very teeny tiny of Anti-Murder Via Gun law to take place. And read the part of the quote where Premier McConnell states clearly that HIS RED PARTY owns rural and small town AMERIKA!


“I should be happy

But all I do is cry

(Cry cry no more laughter)

Oh, I should be happy “ ‘One Less Bell To Answer’/Hal David


Red flag laws had attracted the ire of the NRA and had become a key concern for conservatives in the conference who were on the fence about backing the gun safety bill. Republicans' preference was to ensure the federal dollars could go to both states that had red flag laws and states that had other crisis intervention programs like drug courts, mental health courts or veterans courts. (CNN NEWS)


I am not certain of the true outcome of this attempt to stop MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE, within the United States. I am not against any attempt to bring back morals, justice, and common sense, BUT I am skeptical of the motives, the mechanics, and the politics behind, what I find to be a straightforward solution…GUNS kill people. ASSAULT WEAPONS kill more PEOPLE, quickly and easily. The 2nd Amendment spoke about MUSKETS not WEAPONS of WAR. COME ON, SENATORS, become real HEROS…PLEASE!

Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Book bombs: Trump aide tell-alls fail to sell: Mark Meadows/” The Chief’s Chief, (which should have been titled THE THEIVES THEIF), sold 21,569

“The Chief’s Chief” Memoir of Deborah Birx, the Covid response coordinator under Trump, has sold fewer than 6,000 copies; Dr. Scott Atlas’ book sold 27,013 copies; Dr. Ben Carson’s book sold 21,786 copies; counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway has sold 42,273 books since it was published in late May, and former defense secretary Mark Esper sold 20,900 books. Former attorney general Bill Barr sold 64,103 books (POLITICO)


It seems the same crowd of Con Artists all cleaning Trump’s entrails during his SNAKE OIL ADMINISTRATION, figured that making even more money from a GULLIBLE, and CONSPIRACIES contagious gaggle of GOONS, would be EASY-PEAZY, after all, four years of LIES, believed as THE GOD-GIVEN TRUTH, by the unintelligent could and should benefit these SHYSTER COURT JESTERS OF TRUMPLANDIA. Some of these SLEAZY TREASON-loving TRAITORS were certain that the same dopes who considered TRUMP a DIVINE INTERVENTION by some cock-eyed GOD, would RELISH and DEVOUR BOOKS about how anyone NOT TRUMP was evil, and EVERYBODY who loved and adored TRUMP the victim. (Oh yeah and for some of these CRIMINAL INTENDED douchebags; a few MIA CULPA’s were thrown in to perhaps THWART any misconception that THEY helped perpetrate SEDITIOUS acts against the US CONSTITUTION.


For the TRUMP DUMPSTERS, many, unless they stop hiding behind their 5th Amendment privilege of keeping THEIR LIES HIDDEN, will pretend that EVERYTHING they did was for DEMOCRACY, hoping that suddenly their TELL-ALL BOOKS, which actually TELL-NOTHING will demonstrate some kind of bizarro world PATRIOTISM. I believe that the market of MAGA these AUTHORS were hoping would buy these books forgot that a MAJORITY can not read or think that anything that looks like a BOOK, must be a LIBERAL scheme to RECRUIT! AND that the rest of AMERICANS know that no matter how you sell it, SHIT STINKS!



Wednesday, June 22, 2022


 If THE YEAR 2022 was a movie, one of the APOCALYPTIC Blockbusters released for summer audiences, by the time the JUNE 2022 scene was flashing up on the screen, at least in the movie, some smart-aleck high school kid and his nerdy best friend would have begun to figure out what the HELL IS GOING ON, and HOW THE HELL to remedy it.


Most likely by the JUNE 2022 scene in the movie, we would have met the CEO’S of at least three MEGA CORPORATIONS who cunningly assume that when SHIT HAPPENS it will not HAPPEN to them because they think that somehow their PROFITS stashed away in some OFFSHORE ACCOUNT, or their SPACESHIP, hidden in some God-forsaken mountain in Nevada or Saudi Arabia will whisk them away to some hidden SPACE STATION, serviced by some poor schnooks who will work because somehow those SCHNOOKS were promised enough money to live large.


Meanwhile, as SEVERE DROUGHTS heighten tensions between FARMERS, RANCH OWNERS, and those LEFTY Urban Dwellers, water shortages will provide even more POLITICAL folly for POLITICIANS to use as ammunition to actually NOT DO A FUCKING thing about CLIMATE CHANGE, blaming the Democrats of using Mother nature as a scapegoat. BUT real ammunition is used as a bunch of GOOD OLE’ BOYS AND GALS, decide that MILITIAS are the new LAW AND ORDER. The camera will pan to cities like Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh, New York, and Philadelphia as TORNADOES reign supreme, hail falls as large as basketballs, and of course the go-to standard of chastising People of Color, retail stores will be vandalized, because in crisis we know that the paper towels toilet paper and TECH Devices will save the day. The SOUTHERN cities like Charlotte and Atlanta will be showcased as we watch those citizens melting on pavements as temperatures rise to 122 degrees, but with a bit of hope, the camera will pinpoint a church and a Preacher who says his God is listening.


All the while we will hear 1. Messiaen: Quartet for the End of Time · Scriabin: Mysterium · Berlioz: Requiem played in the background as we watch neighbor verse neighbor, family verse family for food shelter, and of course GUNS, GUNS, GUNS will become the only COMMON EXCHANGE. By June 2022, the movie THE YEAR 2022, will have been playing for 1.5 hours, and the audience is becoming weakened by despair and doom. We will flash to the original two high school kids, who pull out ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA’S stuffed in boxes left to their families by their Grandparents, along with Farmers Almanacs and Civics Books from the 1950s. The audience will know that MAYBE, just maybe there is hope on the horizon as we listen to Hoe Down, and Fan Fare For The Common Man by Aaron Copeland, BECAUSE, to make things BAD become BETTER, AMERICANA MUSIC is key. We have another 1.5 hours left in this movie, THE YEAR 2022 some of the audience is bored and leave the theater, OTHERS SIT BACK and whisper to their companions I am NERVOUS, what comes next!

On This Day

  On the same day: This nation discovers even more dangerous attempts at overthrowing a fair election by TRUMP and his cadre of TREASONIST warriors. Yet voters in primaries continue to vote for candidates supported by the INSURECTIONIST AND CHIEF, TRUMP! More and more the hidden knowledge of just how much of an enemy of the state, TRUMP, and his compadres of seditious have been and continue to be, YET the silence from the majority of currently serving in office Republican Politicians is DEAFENING!

Now a sitting Senator, Ron Johnson has been accused of trying to OVERTHROW our government, trying to provide knowingly FALSE information in an attempt to disregard Democracy, and from the Republican Party which enjoys establishing WITCH HUNTS toward the innocent, we hear crickets regarding any sane and sensible INQUIRY or ATTEMPT to at least Censure this man. And on the same week as we heard testimony after testimony about TRUMPS' enjoyment encouraging his DOMESTIC TERRORISTS to either take the life of PENCE or harm the life of PENCE, this weak-spined, whiney COWARD, dedicated to his own self-preservation rather than this nation, makes the statement that Joe Biden is the President who has lied the most to the American people!


We are told by Texas Republicans that if you were a Vet but believed that TRUMP was out to destroy America, YOU, SIR, are the problem and YOUR SIR Patriotism is in question! The same group of Texas Republicans now pontificate on the LGBTQ community insisting that homosexuality is an abomination, all the while overlooking INCEST, MURDER I in classrooms, and of course support for TRUMP and his ongoing COUP!


I believe this nation is in the midst of a Civil War. I believe that even with the facts, the truth of all of the events from the DAYS OF TRUMP spewing outwards like the toxic spill from the rusted pipe of a Nuclear Power Plant gone bad, and THAT INDEED, the amount of support for TRUMP, not decreasing, PRECARIOUSLY demonstrates a divide in this nation pitting HONOR/LIBERTY/FREEDOM and JUSTICE against BIGOTRY/BIAS and HATE. And so far, I DO NOT see any victory for GOOD in the foreseeable future.





Tuesday, June 21, 2022


 For those who pretend that CRAZY AS SHIT is just some Crazy shit, that will fade and fold, THOSE folks have either been hiding under a rock or still have their head up their own ass! For those who might say, “WELL I AM NOT A PERSON OF COLOR, OR AN IMMIGRANT, OR A JEW, OR LGBTQ, OR EVER GOING TO HAVE POP OR GRANDPOP RAPE ME,” when you are finished living in a world of LIES, get ready for the REAL WORLD, because ready or not the REAL WORLD is coming for you!

Two brothers who were recently arrested in Idaho along with 29 other members of white nationalist group Patriot Front have extensive ties to a Christian nationalist church known for its apocalyptic outlook and culture war teachings.  On Fire Ministries platforms a regular show called “Church and State” for “Christian patriots.” It’s less of a sermon and more far-right shock-jock fare, where hosts touch on a wide range of issues, including drag queens, why patriots eat red meat, Prince Charles’ support for the “antichrist,” communists’ secret pedophilic agenda, and so on.  (VICE)


And then there is a QUESTION for me, which is puzzling and pervasive. If the GOP finds it difficult to sever ties with Racists-Bigots-Homophobes-Xenophobes-Anti-Semites-Misogynists, because way too many Republicans believe the only way forward for their careers is to embrace the lowest form of life; why in the world would anyone who IS a person of color, an LGBTQ, a Female a Jew, and Immigrant support the GOP?


The question isn't why Carl Paladino has a record of racist rhetoric. Rather, the question is why Republican leaders don't seem to care. Paladino has a history of racism, homophobia, and pushing utterly bonkers conspiracy theories. More recently, the New Yorker shared a Facebook message claiming recent mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde were false flag operations. (The Republican soon after said he had “no idea” how the post appeared on his page.) Paladino argued publicly that rascally Democrats have somehow kept Black Americans “dumb and hungry,” which can’t be undone since, in the GOP candidate’s mind, Black people can’t be taught otherwise. (MSNBC)


TRUMP may have unearthed the rot that has filled the sewers of America, but it seems to me that today’s BATCH of BOGUS GOP Politicians has enjoyed playing in the rot and ruin now UNEARTHED!

Monday, June 20, 2022

Look Over There

 The Republicans are experts at playing the game ‘LOOK OVER THERE,” and a large majority of the American public is just as much the EXPERT in playing the “LOOK OVER THERE” game becoming the much-adored LACKEYS needed to complete a successful game of “LOOK OVER THERE!” 

I ask, rhetorically, how many Drag Queens or Trans Kids were attacking the US Capitol Building on January 6Th? OR I can seriously BEG the question how many LGBTQ were a part of the attempted COUP on January 6th?


YET, if you listen to the noise, the rhetoric, the blame for WHAT ALL AILS THIS NATION, as blared on the PROPAGANDA NETWORKS these days you will hear, how it is the LGBTQ population DESTROYING OUR DEMOCRACY.


Now ask the question, how many self-declared HETEROSEXUAL men and women were on the CAPITOL grounds, shouting to hang MIKE PENCE, kidnap sitting Congress People, demanding the 2020 election was a lie and stolen, and insisting that the policies of one-person-one-vote were a Communist plot! HMMM, kind of confusing isn’t it…NOPE, but as long as AMERICANS play along with the REPUBLICANS' game of “LOOK OVER THERE,” the truth once again is never recognized and INNUENDO reigns supreme!


Money made

 The bigotry and bias may remain the same for the Republicans, but if YOU happen to be a Puppet Master with a lot of money somehow the BIGOTRY and BIAS take a back seat to your PAYOFF! As the lyrics in Cabaret explain “…Money makes the world go round…” and for the moment when a large check is handed to you as a Politician, THRIVING ON BRIBES, your Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, and Xenophobia suddenly become hidden (REMEMBER those who HATE or happen to be a PHONY never stop being so). We currently have three examples of how RACIST attitudes remain hidden, as long as the money from the groups of people usually considered as THE OTHERS, flows in with the power of a TSUNAMI! 

“Don’t Say Gay,” unless you are receiving BRIBES from Peter Theil. Peter is the G in LBGTQ. Peter, it seems loves him some REPUBLICANS and has no problem with their anti-Gay stance and policies. I suppose HE supposes that CIVIL RIGHTS for the LGBTQ community are non-essential, or NOT AS ESSENTIAL as PROFIT, AUTHORITARIANISM, and CIVIL WAR. Peter has donated over $120 million for RIGHT-WING candidates and supported the COUP LOVING and SEDITION SETTING TRUMP. I have to wonder why and how some HOMOSEXUALS think that their lifestyle is somehow better than others because they have MONEY!


And then there was Sheldon Adelson and still is Bernie Marcus. Both Jews, and both TRUMP BOOSTERS and both providing TRUMP and his TREASONISTs with large sums of millions and millions of dollars. I suppose for them the Evangelical White Southern Baptist Christian Nationalists become irrelevant in their persistent rage against Jews, because like so many other wealthy Jews throughout history, somehow MONEY is like your own personal Teflon, and if you pay you automatically receive protection! 


There is ELON (I am better, bigger, and richer than you) MUSK. He suddenly is considered a CHOIR BOY, since he decided that HATE SPEECH and TREASONOUS speech, are fine and dandy. He of course is the KING of electric cars, and if you follow the likes of the bottom-of-the-barrel Republicans who think waving the Nazi or Confederate Flag makes you more Patriotic and driving only GASOLINE-POWERED CARS is a true Patriot…Musk might normally be considered a member of ANTIFA. But since Musk has somehow embraced the MAGA low life, his electric car THINGIE somehow does not matter. Again, MONEY speaks, and speaks and speaks!



Saturday, June 18, 2022

I call BS

 The more and more EVIDENCE, I read regarding the attempted COUP by Trump and his Seditious Enemies of the State regarding Trump’s pure hatred for Mikey Pence, the more EVIDENCE which has spewed like the fire and rage of a volcanic eruption in which Trump’s desire to end Pence’s life one way or the other, AND the more I DISCOVER EXACTLY how much Mikey Pence was aware of the bounty on his head…THE MORE ANGRY I GET WITH MIKEY PENCE, who has had plenty of opportunities to let AMERICA know, (first hand if you will), just what kind of a BAD GUY and ANTI-DEMOCRACY FELON, TRUMP truly was is and will remain! 

WHERE is MIKEY PENCE? If MIKEY PENCE wants us to believe he is some kind of HERO, then WHY HASN’T MIKEY PENCE offered to be the first to work with the January 6 Commission, and WHY hasn’t he come forward with warnings and worry for ALL OF AMERICA! AND why hasn’t Mikey Pence shouted ‘LOCK HIM UP!”


At 2:26, after a team of agents scouted a safe path to ensure the Pences would not encounter trouble, Giebels (Secret Service leader) and the rest of Pence’s detail guided them down a staircase to a secure subterranean area that rioters couldn’t reach, where the vice president’s armored limousine awaited. Giebels asked Pence to get in one of the vehicles. “We can hold here,” he said. “I’m not getting in the car, Tim,” Pence replied. “I trust you, Tim, but you’re not driving the car. If I get in that vehicle, you guys are taking off. I’m not getting in the car.”  (“I Alone Can Fix It,” by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonig.)


I call BULL SHIT MIKEY PENCE. You knew the real DANGEROUS AND DEVIOUS, TRUMP and yet you remained one of his court jesters. And worse MIKEY PENCE, you, to this day remain QUIET, and ALOOF, NOT once putting America or Americans first! I call BS MIKEY PENCE!

Friday, June 17, 2022


 Mike Pence did the right thing on Jan. 6. That doesn't make him a hero.

Pence had plenty of time before Jan. 6 to come out against Trump's election fraud lies. (MSNBC)


Watching the January 6 Hearings I become, once again, violently ill, knowing how close, THEN, MY COUNTRY came to dissolving into an AUTHORITARIAN REGIME, the likes of North Korea, China, Venezuela, or Russia. But as I watch the Hearings, I find NO relief in thinking that “WOW THAT WAS A CLOSE ONE, SO GLAD THAT IS BEHIND US!” Instead, I feel like Sisyphus who is punished in the underworld by the god Zeus, who forces him to roll a boulder up a hill for eternity. Every time he nears the top of the hill, the boulder rolls back down. Seeing the light of day does not make this VAMPIRE immediately combust into flames, because somehow this VAMPIRE has discovered a secret to remain alive and aloof!


Now, more is revealed about MRS. PENCE'S husband, MIKEY’S, tendency to be a kiss-ass, and to seemingly do, in the end, what is better for MIKEY, than the rest of us. Sure, MIKEY did not adhere to the TREASONOUS choice presented to him by TRUMP, but CERTAINLY, it was not just January 6 from which TRUMP diverted from Democracy preferring a Dictatorship there had been a PLETHORA of anti-American actions which good ole’ MIKEY had known about and CONDONED!


And when it came time to IMPEACH TRUMP, MIKEY was 100% on Team Trump. And even after the SEDITIOUS maneuvers, all instituted by TRUMP, MIKEY still followed his Ventriloquist, only deciding to speak SOFTLY because MIKEY was considering a run for President. And where oh where is MIKEY, boldly speaking out about the near-death of DEMOCRACY, and even his own life…MISSING IN ACTION! So, NO, MIKEY you ain’t NOBODY'S HERO!

Never as I do

 I’m not unsympathetic to the argument that Walker’s family life is a private matter. But as the Daily Beast’s original report noted, the problem is that Walker, who has no political record, has spent years making public condemnations “against fatherless households and deadbeat dads — specifically in the Black community.” (MSNBC) 

HERE we go AGAIN…A REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN pontificating about morals and values for anyone else, BUT conveniently overlooking HER or HIS own transgressions. How easy it is to be a Margie Taylor Trump, oops I mean Greene and woman-splain how LGBTQ folks are bad at marriages, bad at relationships, and bad at family---ALL THE WHILE having enjoyed three, count ‘em three affairs with other married HETEROSEXUAL MALES. (At least it is three we are aware of.) But when the Media reports on HER adulterous RELATIONSHIPS, we are told that HER PRIVATE LIFE, is not to be spoken about! DAMN GURL!


And then there is BOEBERT, one of those folks who needs just one name to be easily identified, not for fame but for her INFAMOUS reputation! Her HETEROSEXUAL Hubby has been arrested for show and tell regarding his MALE Plumbing to underaged girls. Yet, BOEBERT constantly screams about Transexuals and Drag Queens being the Devil in Living Color. BOEBERT also whines that HER life and her married life being bantered about is a LEFT-WING attack!


A day after The Daily Beast broke the news that Herschel Walker had a secret 10-year-old son he fathered out of wedlock, the football star-turned-politician confirmed late Wednesday night that he has yet another son with a different woman that the public doesn’t know about — as well as a daughter that he had in college. (MSNBC) So HERSHEL TRUMP, oops I mean Walker wants to sell himself as the FATHERS FATHER, THE MAN’S MAN, the leader for his LORD, when all he is, IS nothing but one more sleazy REPUBLICAN CAROETBAGGER!


Thursday, June 16, 2022


 The Republican Senators must have a secret pact which states who can be the DUMB AS SHIT PERSON of the DAY. This is not being SNARKY, this is just a statement by me, referring to the STATEMENTS provided by way too many GOP Senators, disregarding common sense, facts for conspiracy theories and fiction.

The latest in the PARADE OF THE PATHETIC, is Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee. Sen. Marsha Blackburn has been known to embrace some odd conspiracy theories, but late last week, the Tennessee Republican broke some new ground. Blackburn released a video claiming, in all seriousness, that high gas prices are the result of a deliberate Democratic scheme.

“Well, the Democrats have been trying to get $5-a-gallon gas for well over a decade — and it looks like they have now hit their target,” the senator insisted. “They feel like this helps them, moving to all electric vehicles, forcing you out of a gas-powered vehicle and into an electric vehicle.” (MSNBC)


Normally ONE (other than those who voted for MARSHA, MARSHA, MARSHA in the first place) would GAFAW, GAWFAW again and again, and maybe say WHAT AN IDIOT! But with the culmination of REPUBLICAN SENATORS, claiming that PLANES NEVER STOPPED FLYING after 9/11 making that comparison to YET ONE MORE MASS MURDER BY GUN…Not a one GOP Senator voting for an ANTI-GOUGING BILL, and of course the overwhelming support of TRUMP even after his January 6 attempted overthrow of our government…MARSHA BLACKBURN’S insistence that DEMS and ELECTRIC CARS are the real villains for outrageous gas pricing!


I wish I could just write this latest bit of a very mentally ill Senator off as a just pure BS, but MARSHA who once might have been just the top of an oddly floating ICE BERG, is really the part of the underbelly of the ICEBERG that causes the most damage!


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Flag Day?

 Yesterday, was June 14, 2022. That day had been identified as Flag Day. Since 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14, Americans have commemorated the adoption of the Stars and Stripes in many ways–displaying the flag in the front of their homes, parades, and other patriotic observances. THAT WAS THEN 

AND NOW, some people living in this nation no longer prefer to commemorate the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress, BUT instead, wish to celebrate the flags of NAZI GERMANY, the CONFEDERACY, TRUMP/MAGA made in China Flags, Flags demonstrating their particular BIGOTRY as promoting PROUD BOYS, CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM, and the fringe fighters whose only motto is TO HATE.


Those TRAITORS prefer to identify as PATRIOTS, but one must beg the question, TO WHOM, or FOR WHOM is their so-called PATRIOTISM geared? They obliterate the Constitution, as many often do with their so-called New Testament, picking and choosing the passages which can fit into their DISINFORMATION AND DELUSION and ignoring any text that states the opposite of hate and loathing. Looking closely at the spate of Republican Primaries throughout this Mid-Term election period, those same self-annotated PATRIOTS have prioritized the politicians who also wish to watch DEMOCRACY die.


The same batch of BULL SHIT artists has decided to draw their own flags, flying the colors of rancor, rebellion, ruin, and disregard for freedoms and liberties FOR ALL AMERICANS, trying their hardest to DISCRIMINATE between US and THEM. I am afraid because what I once thought was a ONCE IN AWHILE banging of a disingenuous drum, has turned into a cacophony of War on America, by those who happen to be AMERICANS!

Monday, June 13, 2022



Extremist Gun Group Says To Prepare For ‘Battle’ At U.S. Capitol Amid Gun Control Talks

The American Firearms Association warned of “tens of thousands of Bloomberg-funded, red shirt radical, commie mommies all over the Capitol complex.”

The far-right American Firearms Association is telling its supporters to prepare for “battle” at the U.S. Capitol this week amid Senate talks on potential legislation for relatively small gun safety reforms.

“They’re coming after us right now,” warns the subject line of a Monday fundraising email, signed by AFA president Christopher Dorr. (HUFFPOST)


AS IF WE NEEDED ANY MORE EXAMPLES OF WHY GOOD PEOPLE ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE FOLKS WHO PURCHASE GUNS! Here is one more WHOPPER of the purest of reasons why the 2ndAmendment must be challenged and formulated into the reality of American life.


These potential MASS MURDERS identifying as The American Firearms Association seem to be planning some kind of GUN FRENZY gathering to stop a peaceful protest at the Capitol Building, in Washington DC, in a nation that ALSO permits Peaceful Protest. I know, I KNOW this is pure HYPOCRITICAL BULL SHIT on the part of The American Firearms Association and one might imagine even the CULTISTS of the REPUBLICAN SENATORS belonging to MTICH MCCONNELL, can see it---BUT alas alack Gun Crazy Soldiers want to shoot up innocents who ONLY WISH to stop CRAZIES from owning GUNS! WTF!



Ron “DON’T SAY GAY,” DeSantis Deems Drag Show 'Inappropriate,' Considers Investigating Parents

The Florida governor said video from a Texas drag show showed the performance was “not something children should be exposed to.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is considering using child protective services to investigate parents who bring their children to see drag performances.

During a Wednesday press conference, DeSantis said he’d consider investigating parents, just as Florida Rep. Anthony Sabatini (R) proposed, to “terminate the parental rights” of an adult and hit them with a felony charge if they bring their children to watch drag shows. (HUFFPOST)


Dr. Death DeSantis in his quest to remake Florida into his own FIEFDOM now has decided to become the MORALS POLICE and establish the good, the bad, the ugly of WHAT HE CONSIDERS RIGHT AND WRONG, regarding parenting. DeSantis may or may not truly care about any of the issues from denying Freedom of Speech, or Parental Rights, but this DIINGENUOUS and DANGEROUS DUDE is smart enough to have learned the TRUMP PLAYBOOK, on dividing the citizens of this nation (or his wanna be Fiefdom) into US or THEM. His newest BOOGY MAN now becomes the LGBTQ community. As an aside, have you noticed how DeSantis has not made any statement about having Child Protective Service, dispatched IMMEDIATELY when Grandpappy, or Pappy, make their Granddaughter or Daughter pregnant!


DeSantis is SCARY! (I find him more frightening than TRUMP because he is much more INTELLIGENT than TRUMP) He understands just how gullible, the truest of RACISTS and BIGOTS really are. DeSantis wants to become the next AUTHORITARIAN REPUBLICA PRESIDENT.  Take a look at PUTIN/Jung-un/XI JINPING/ and exactly how THEY decide the fate of their citizens, based only on how THEY can remain in power, by denying any freedoms at all to the rest of their nations!


DeSantis has one potential Achilles Heel. If the rest of Floridians actually understand that THEY might be next on the chopping block of denial of EQUALITY, JUSTICE, and FREEDOM, and this time vote AGAINST DeSantis his power can and will be diminished!


 While speaking at the Family Camp Meeting event at Charis Christian Center, Lauren Boebert said she “prays for our President” while butchering the Psalms 109:8 Bible verse, “May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.” Instead of saying, “another take his place of leadership,” Boebert jokingly said, “another take his place of office,” amid laughter and applause from the attendees. Boebert then shouted, “Hallelujah! Glory to God! (HUFFPOST)


Boebert is currently under investigation by Colorado officials for manipulating mileage numbers during her 2020 Congressional District campaign trail and using donor payments to pay off tax liens attached to her restaurant, “Shooters Grill,” in Rifle, Colorado, according to The New York Times. (HUFFPOST)


Jesus becomes a pawn, a prop. Add “Hallelujah! Glory to God!” and those who actually think their religious voodoo makes them more pious remain as pitiful as any heretic they pretend to oppose. BOEBERT is a dangerous person. Stupid but smart enough to act like the Snake Oil Salesperson, she inspires those who love to race to the bottom, knowing only hate, insecurity, and blame. BOEBERT, HOWEVER, remains in a position of power, because of the LEMMINGS who share her POISON, and PASSION to spew anything but the TRUTH. BOEBERT also remains in power because like so many RELIGIOUS HERETICS, she pretends that HER PERSONAL SAVIOR, is as evil as she!

Sunday, June 12, 2022


 Appeasement in an international context is a diplomatic policy of making political, material, or territorial concessions to an aggressive power in order to avoid conflict.

Appeasement was also a policy used in the 1930s by England and France in response to Germany's military attempts to take more land.

Appeasement means giving people what they want to prevent them from harming you or being angry with you. [formal, disapproval] (Cambridge Dictionary)


For those of us who believe that History is real, that the facts History uncovers are real, WE understand that APPEASEMENT has never stopped the BAD PEOPLE from remaining BAD, and instead had demonstrated that the GOOD PEOPLE, were more like cattle being taken to slaughter. As if the BAD PEOPLE, actually function with a Conscience or Morals, is quite a FUCKING STUPID FALLACY. As if the BAD PEOPLE want to make peace, make amends, and correct their aggressive ways is also, like insisting the GOOD PEOPLE wear a sign that reads “KICK ME!”


Examples of APPEASEMENT usually represent historical international blunders by the supposed GOOD PEOPLE, trying to do their best to stop the BAD PEOPLE from committing any more Mayhem, Mass Murders, Chaos, and Confusion. The idea has been for the GOOD to acquiesce to the BAD, permitting the BAD to still achieve some of their goals of conquest, but hoping to avoid any more disruption of life, limb, and liberty. History has proven that THEORY has never succeeded…EVER!


I write this BLOG, because, somehow as I see it, APPEASEMENT, is now being practiced by the DEMOCRATS regarding the hopeful wish that the REPUBLICANS, having chiseled away at Democracy will somehow now stop doing so, BECAUSE it was wrong. WRONG, because very few REPUBLICANS have yet to come forward begging for forgiveness, by having forgiven TRUMP and his co-conspirators in planning a COUP! Another example of DEMOCRAT APPEASEMENT is how whenever power is on their side, they play stupid, thinking that if they play by rules McConnell will find a conscience and find a compromise. Again, it’s like the BAD PEOPLE holding a pie in their hands, and the GOOD PEOPLE wearing that T-shirt that says, “THROW A PIE IN MY FACE!”



Saturday, June 11, 2022


 Hurricanes, Tornados, Tsunamis, Flash Floods, Blizzards, horrible events! All five of them, however, are Natural occurrences, all of them unavoidable, no matter what preparations may be made, most of them can be deadly and destructive. None of them MAN-MADE!


Inflation, Recession, Depression, horrible events! All three of them, however, are Not Natural occurrences, all of them AVOIDABLE, and all of them MAN-MADE!


Who wins and who loses in Natural events, most likely even some wealthy folks get caught in drowning, houses torn apart by wind-swept currents! Who wins and who loses in Man-Made events, usually the poor, the have-nots, the common man or woman! Capitalism was invented by people! Capitalism may benefit many, but when it goes array it usually affects anyone who is not rich, who has never benefited from the Reagan Era Bull shit known as Trickle Down Economics. Money whatever color the currency is printed is not a Natural Resource, it is also MAN-MADE. A false Prophet, a Carrot and Stick, a Shell Game, a ploy to make ALL of us think that satisfaction is NOT based on clean air, plentiful water, oceans, rivers, mountains, or valleys, just Profit.


So now, ONCE AGAIN, (and yes MAGA-Minions) history repeats itself and lessons never learned must still be learned, the mere mortal (nowadays that includes anyone who pays their fair in taxes and can only count up from zero to maybe $100,000 in their bank accounts) fall prey to the idea that ONLY CAPITALISM can save the day. Capitalism may be brighter than most MAN_MADE economic principles but remember that Capitalism spawns greed and gluttony. If man invented THEORIES of ECONOMICS and they do BAD things, I have to wonder why can’t man re-invent ECONOMIC THEORIES to do good things.


And saddest of all for this nation is the knee-jerk reaction of IMMEDICACY. So as the Midterm Elections begin to inundate us, way too many will want to trade the SURVIVAL of our Democracy for less expensive Gasoline and Food Prices; somehow thinking DEMOCRACY will live on if they vote for the lies and falsehoods of the REPUBLICANS!



Friday, June 10, 2022


 When I was young, I believed that the BOOGY MAN would be held at bay by simply hiding under MY sheets. When I was young I imagined the BOOGY MAN to manifest into a variety of shapes and sizes from a Space Alien, one of the Creatures I watched on Chiller Theater, or some kind of Monster described on KDKA TV, as Bill Burns anchored the 11:00 PM News and warned us of Bad People! For some strange reason, I felt a little safer under my own blankets and actually knew that hiding worked, because there I was the next day, ALIVE!

I watched the first SELECT COMMITTEE hearings. I did not learn much more than I had already read about or witnessed prior to watching television. BUT DAMN, a long thin shard of fear began to claim the hairs on my body, closing in on my lungs causing them to work extra hard to inhale and exhale, as my heart, joining this cavalcade, began to beat rapidly. All I had known was even MORE evident, and suddenly even MORE dangerous. How close we came as a Nation, to succumbing to the demented and disastrous machinations of a MADMAN and his TREASONOUS THUGS. On the precipice of Anarchy and Fascism, on the verge of a Coup, on the edge of losing Democracy, I rediscovered how anyone TRUMP, desired to stop our FREEDOMS, JUSTICE, and LIBERTIES, and almost succeeded! And perhaps, even more, nausea-inducing was the BLATANT fact that many of those who hailed TRUMP the hero, or at first seemed to fear more for their own lives than anyone else, REMAIN in a place of power and prestige, identifying as REPUBLICANS!


I could not watch the Videos without placing one hand over my eye, as I did as a kid watching Sci-Fi or Horror movies. I had to turn the volume down because the anguish and torture moan and shouts actually made me feel light-headed. As the Hearing continued, and the EVIDENCE loomed even larger, I began to twitch my limbs, I had to stand up and walk circles in my living room, as my brain kept insisting that I REMEMBER, how TRUMP is still a free man, and way too many of his Enablers are not in jail!


I am trying to process how this SCENARIO will play out, BUT when I truly stop whatever I am doing and JUST concentrate on it, I become ANGRY, and ever so FRUSTRATED. I tried to sleep last night placing the covers over my head, but some realized, that when the BOOGY MAN is real, no matter how many blankets or covers I try to hide under, when the BOOGY MAN is real, he REMAINS FREE!


Thursday, June 9, 2022

For Whom

 The Republican response to shootings is the very definition of insanity

Too many people killed by guns. Some folks suggest getting more guns into the hands of more people. A stunning percentage of the GOP accepts frequent mass shootings as part of American life.


For me, it is not the CRAZY AS SHIT headline of the DEFINITION OF INSANITY- THE Republican response to MURDER!!!! BUT, what truly has me BOTHERED, maybe BEWILDERED, is how the BOTTOM OF THE BARREL group of Americans, identifying as the GOP BASE (or is it BASELESS), have ZERO problems considering the new slogan for America, aside from BASEBALL, WHITE PICKET FENCES, AND APPLE PIE, is DEATH BY GUN! ‘Make America Die’ Red Hats, White Robes, Confederate Flags, and of course Nazi Paraphernalia, all popular because, it seems that a STUNNING PERCENT of the GOP, hate this nation, our freedoms, hate our democracy, and APPEARANTLY grew up as insecure idiots, paranoid, and as parasites!


Let me be clear, about my perception of things. The GOP leadership as in Moscow Mitch, understands very well that Republicanism is NOT the majority of thought. Moscow Mitch, however, having no ethics or morals, also knows that NEVER compromising with those who try to be civil (The Dumb as Shit Dem leadership), and NEVER embracing the will of all the PEOPLE is a sly waste product, toxic in nature, to spark the INFERIORITY COMPLEX of men and women who will never succeed on their own, but need scapegoats to thrive. Kentuckians who continuously re-elect this Puppet, are also to blame, but without any kind of term limits or money out of politics, SLIME in the Senate will expand and survive. I have to wonder, with whom should I be SPEAKING regarding CHANGE? For me, I have learned (FINALLY) that it is not the GOP goons or thugs because MURDER BY GUN, they suppose will never really affect them. But WHERE THE HELL are the rest of the Americans? If change is to come, I believe it must, like a TSUNAMI be unleashed by the rest of us!

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Rule By Decree

 RULE BY DECREE is a style of governance allowing quick, unchallenged promulgation of law by a single person or group. It allows the ruler to make or change laws without legislative approval. The worst of the worse have done so from HITLER/MUSSOLINI/STALIN/KIN JONG-IL/KIM JOMG-UN/CASTRO/PUTIN and very recently TRUMP attempted to join this PATHETIC CLUB, with the assistance of quite too many GOP POLITICIANS serving in CONGRESS!


RULE BY DECREE is a FASCIST SMOGESBOARD of NASTY DICTATORSHIP, disguised as NATIONIALISTIC PRIDE. RULE BY DECREE permits the LEADER to be the LAW, and for the LEADER to decide who breaks the LAW, and who must either be arrested or maybe just DISAPPEAR!


Guys like Mike Flynn URGED TRUMP to RULE BY DECREE once the HONEST AND LEGAL ELECTION demonstrated that TRUMP lost. Flynn, it seemed was a FASCIST, wearing the uniform of the US Armed Services, but who hated Democracy! For those who still think FASCISM is so OLD SCHOOL 1930s, here is a definition for you…Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The HYPOCRITICAL thingie is that the GOP rallies against a group that does not exist identifying them as ANTI-FASCISTS. Think about that, somehow ANTI-FASCISTS are bad for America!


RULE BY DECREE, if you need a current example, is happening in the FASCIST STATE of FLORIDA. There is a LEADER, Dr. Death DeSantis, he becomes the LAW. He, with the permission of a Republican Majority in that Banana Republic’s Legislature, has banned saying Gay, banned any private organization for requiring masks, banned books, and has banned free speech if it speaks against anything the LEADER/DESANTIS does not believe in. 


If you are not a WHITE HETEROSEXUAL CHRISTIAN MALE or maybe married a WHITE HETEROSEXUAL CHRISTIAN FEMALE related to a WHITE HETEROSEXUAL CHRISTIAN MALE, when FASCISM is in your neighborhood, YOU SHOULD WORRY A LOT. That means JEWS/MUSLIMS/NON-CHRISTIANS, even some of you POPE LOVING CATHOLICS/PEOPLE OF ANY COLOR BUT PURE WHITE/anyone one the spectrum of LGBTQ/speaking of spectrums, SPECIAL NEEDS/…THE LIST will go on and on because when THE LEADER OF A FASCIST DICTATORSHIP decides who is THE OTHER, ANYONE should worry! Don’t believe this then WHILE YOU CAN, read any history book!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Seemingly So

 The sheer convenience of PERSONAL BIAS, to explain fiction one uses as FACTS, seems to be the priority for the Republicans sitting on the SUPREME COURT these days.


Have you ever wondered how those REPUBLICAN appointed Supreme Court Justices, (mostly qualified for their jobs due to POLITICS) insist that they are ORIGINALISTS, you know like Mr. Ginni Thomas and Monsignor Alito, SEEM to never quite stick to the ORIGINALIST THINGY if it is NOT CONVENIENT? Seems that WHEN the 2nd Amendment was placed in the US Constitution, the arms believed to be made legal--- AS IN WELL ARMED MILITIA--- had no BULLETS. Bullets were fired from combustibles (paper/cloth) cartridges. They were already common when the 1847 Walker Colt was made… THUS, The American Revolutionary Soldiers used a variety of different weapons including muskets, pistols, rifles, long rifles, knives, bayonets, tomahawks, axes, swords, sabres, pole arms and cannon. The soldiers also carried the equipment needed to fight, such as shot molds, tinder lighters and cartridge boxes. (Colonial America)


So NO BULLETS/NO ASSAULT WEAPONS/and NO GHOST GUNS. Yet somehow as the progress of the MURDER INCORPORATION of AMERICA evolved (or am I thinking of devolved), and DEFINITELY moved away from a less immediate spree of blood bath preferring a quicker rat, tat, tat of  pain and agony, the SUPREMES, like Amy (men rule my world) Barrett, Brett (but I was drunk) Kavanaugh, and Neil ( I answer to no one) Gorsich) always like to insist that they knew what the Founding Fathers meant. These new methods for MURDER so much more harmful than the ORIGINALS, were not anywhere on the minds of the writers of the 2nd Amendment.


But then again neither was A CHURCH to be the LANDLORD of the STATE, but conveniently for the Christian Nationalists like Thomas/Alito/Barrett/Kavanaugh/Gorsuch, that ORIGIANLIST thinking is quickly forgotten. And the whole WOMAN as Chattel, well that still remains, a part of the ORIGINALITS, even though 246 years has happened, and WOMEN are free.


It ain’t about the CONSTITUTION, nope it IS about BIAS, BOGUS/BIGOTRY, and ah yes THEOLOGY! 




Monday, June 6, 2022

12 more, and what's next

 …..At least 12 dead in another weekend of mass shootings across America. In Mesa, Arizona, in Saginaw, Michigan, in Clarendon County, South Carolina, In Clarendon County, South Carolina….(NBC News)…..

…..Trump-Backed Senate Candidate Says Gun Violence Is 'Black People, Frankly'Blake Masters, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Arizona who is backed by former President Donald Trump, claims gun violence is largely a racial issue. “We do have a gun violence problem in this country, and it’s gang violence.” Masters told “The Jeff Oravits Show” podcast in April in comments that were spotted this week by The Daily Beast…..

…..“It’s people in Chicago, St. Louis shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly,” Masters said. “And the Democrats don’t want to do anything about that.” Just weeks after his comments, 10 Black shoppers were murdered in a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York. The suspect, who is white, allegedly targeted Black people during his killing spree. He was also reportedly a believer in “replacement theory,” a conspiracy theory that has spread in conservative media circles such as Fox News….. (The Daily Beast)…..


POLITICS! Death, dying, gloom, gore. Guns are manufactured to destroy, be it bottles in your backyard, be it for hunting, be it for innocents in Classrooms, Concerts, BB-Ques, or on the Battlefields of War. PROFITS! Greed, gains, bottom lines, benefits. Guns are big business, and as this nation has become older, the ideals of freedom and equality relate more to I HAVE AND YOU DON’T! PUPPETRY! Paid For, Owned By! Mostly Republican Shysters whose only priority is their own Personal Professions, who pretend they care about the public, but when the PRIVATE PUPPET MASTERS, hand them large amounts of CASH, DOUGH, BENJAMINS, Bribes become Better Business!


Death by Gun, Death by Pro Murder Politicians could end if this nation of ours ever dared to take away the PAY TO PLAY GAME, for all of the GOOD OLE’ BOYS AND GIRLS. At least 12 more dead this weekend, and the FUCKING BEAT GOES ON…the FUCKING ENDLESS FAUX DEBATE…



Sunday, June 5, 2022


 Guess you believed the world

Played by your rules

Here stands an experienced girl

I ain't nobody's fool, bump you.

Who's fooling who?

Take another look and tell me, baby yeah

I'd rather fish in the sea than on me

(Who's zooming who?)

Sure am I, yeah yeah

(Who's zooming who?)

Take another look and tell me, boy

(Who's zooming who?)

Oh, oh (‘Who’s Zommin’ Who?/Walter-Franklin-Glass)


Police officers from across Texas are out in force in Uvalde, providing a conspicuous law enforcement presence at funerals for the 19 children and two teachers killed in the massacre at Robb Elementary School. The outside officers have been especially visible at funerals for victims of the massacre. Reporters have been barred from attending the services and have been limited to designated viewing areas. Although the number of journalists in town has dwindled, interactions with police have become tense.

Officers have threatened to arrest journalists for walking on public streets near funerals. Police also have been seen mingling with motorcycle club members, who have interfered with journalists’ efforts to observe and photograph funerals by physically surrounding them and obstructing their view, even in designated media areas. (Houston Chronicle)


PICTURE PERFECT, after the murder and onslaught of INNOCENTS. The BLUE LINE OF TEXAS, after the fact. Maybe THE TEXAS BANANA REPUBLIC DICTATOR, Greg Abbott, has become AWARE and SCARED that his polling numbers, by those who are AGAINST MASS MURDER BY WEAPON, have slid into the same ABYSS, he PURPOSELY created by IGNORING DEATH BY GUN. Gotta look CONCERNED, again PICTURE PERFECT! But read this article closely, somehow the bad guys seem to be the MEDIA, not the NRA or the POLITICIANS who are the PAID PUPPETS of the NRA. Motorcycle Clun members acting the BULLY…POLICE intimidation, AFTET THE FACT that 19 people died from the same kind of madness by GUNS since Columbine! HUH, what…Maybe the POLICE are concerned, but are they CONCERNED enough to PROTEST the INEFFICIENT GUN LAWS of this nation!!! WHO’S ZOOMIN’ WHO!




 Just a brief RANT, today, but all in CAPS!










Lots more but at least for this Sunday, June 5, 2022, I feel a little better!



Saturday, June 4, 2022

Call them OUT

 GUN VIOLENCE ADVOCATES. MASS MURDER ADVOCATES. Let those of us prioritizing LIFE over the PARANOIA of the 2nd Amendment somehow being ELIMINATED, or that OWNING and OPERATING of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, does make a person more AMERICAN…let those of us who actually believe in fewer GUNS on the STREETS of this HIGH NOON Nation get right to the point. If you advocate for GUNS/ASSAULT WEAPONS, you indeed ARE A GUN VIOLENCE ADVOCATE and or AMASS MURDER ADVOCATE!


GUNS are manufactured to kill! People who purchase GUNS understand that they are buying an inanimate object that, when touched by HUMAN HANDS, animates into a KILLING MACHINE. ASSAULT WEAPONS were created to make WARFARE even more DEADLY! ASSAULT WEAPONS' priority when first manufactured was to help a SOLDIER, create MAYHEM, MAIM THE ENEMY, AND MURDER THE ENEMY! 


MUSKETS/RIFLES/LONG RIFLES/BAYONETS/ were the WEAPONS available during the REVOLUTIONARY WAR and DECLARATION INDEPENDENCE. The CONSTITUTION may have been relevant for its time in history, but since then, we discovered that SLAVERY was an assault on People of Color, WOMEN are NOT CHATTEL, aside from the CIVIL WAR, that twice only two PRESIDENTS wanted to become DICTATORS, NIXON, AND TRUMP. And in TRUMP’s CASE, he called on his ENEMY OF THE STATE to use VIOLENCE. So, NOPE, the 2nd Amendment was not incurred to squelch a REVOLUTION, but to incite it.


LET’S GET down to it. I am tired of having to defend my love of life, liberty, justice, and freedom, and I THINK we call those who ADVOCATE for the DEATH of others, GUN VIOLENCE ADVOCATES and MASS MURDER ADVOCATES!

Friday, June 3, 2022

stopping the STUPID

 Rep. Billy Long (R-MO) blames gun violence on abortion: "Something has happened to our society. I go back to abortion, when we decided it was okay to murder kids in their mothers' wombs. Life has no value to a lot of these folks."  (BTW/Rep. Billy Long is running for Senate from the state of Missouri)

In a sane country that actually valued human lives, last week’s mass shooting in Texas—or, the one before that in Buffalo, or thousands before that in the years prior—would have marked the moment the elected officials who’ve refused to pass gun control legislation looked in the mirror and decided to stop being part of the problem.

Unfortunately, the U.S. is not a sane country, and instead of actually doing something to prevent these atrocities from occurring all the time—in case you missed it, there have been 17 mass shootings since Uvalde, Texas—Republicans have launched a competition in which they duke it out to see who can come up with the most ridiculous thing to blame mass shootings on besides guns. So far, that’s included too many doors; not enough God; pot; single moms; unarmed teachers; and schools being designed without “trip wires” and “man traps.” (Vanity Fair)


I write this BLOG, not in an attempt to find hope, for when MEN like this MISSOURI IDIOT fart out TWEETS like this, HIS HOPELESSNESS is unnerving. I write this BLOG, not to try and make sense, for when MEN like this MISSOURI IDIOT, can not understand that GUNS KILL, PEOPLE WHO OWN GUNS, USE THEM TO MURDER how can we even be certain he understands life itself. BUT I do write this BLOG thinking that if ENOUGH Americans read just one more excuse from MEN or WOMEN like this MISSOURI IDIOT, FINALLY ENOUGH Americans will decide that STUPID must STOP!

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Only 5 People

 “BUT THE CONSTITUTION! “Or is it, THE CONSTITUTION IS A BUTT of a JOKE for 5 people called the SUPREMES! As has become the FASHION for anyone calling themselves a REPUBLICAN, or SECRETLY IDENTIFYING as a REPUBLICAN, their go-to reply, no matter what the question, is THE CONSTITUTION…EXCEPT when CONVENIENTLY it is NOT THE CONSTITUTION! 


THE CONSTITUTION never recognized WOMEN OR NEGROS as whole people. Both categories of Americans were CHATTEL. Women would bake, have children, mend and tend to THE every need of their HUMBLE LORD AND MASTER, while the NEGRO was considered outright property of that same LORD AND MASTER! CHURCH was not STATE, and ON PURPOSE, due to the HORRENDOUS and TOXIC INDULGENCE of the INTERFERENCE by RELIGIOUS LEADERS in EUROPE, making the lives of the NOT AS CHRISTIAN AS THOU, miserable as HELL! There was no mention of some kind of population called LGBT, because way back in the day, to admit to your own identity as something more than a HETEROSEXUAL MALE or HETEROSEXUAL FEMALE would have meant deciding that SUICIDE was your only choice to live! And as for JEWS, well even though this new AMERICA did not have a relationship with any organized religion, RELIGION was ORGANIZED to recognize OUTLIERS, and JEWISH FOLK fit that definition.


How EASY, to SCREAM, “BUT THE CONSTITUTION!,” when in fact, too many who PROTEST …("The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is a line from the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. The phrase is used in everyday speech to indicate doubt of someone's sincerity, especially regarding the truth of a strong denial.)… pretending that they have actually read the CONSTITUTION or any footnotes relating to the CONSTITUTION. The Founding Fathers (No thank you madam) become scapegoats for the MODERN DAY BIGOTDS/RACISTS and HATERS. 


5 people with the anointed title of SUPREMES, can make or break the equality and freedoms of ALL AMERICANS. Their WHIMS/WISHES/BIAS/and BULLYING become the WAY IN WHICH WE LIVE, and somehow WE THE PEOPLE ARE TO ACCEPT THIS!