Monday, December 22, 2014


Ever wonder why miracles are needed in the first place? How come the events of our lives sometimes desire that extra big bonus of hope, help and happiness? Yet when something unexpected comes around and changes the course of our lives we celebrate, wiping off the sweat of a furrowed brow, release the pain which held tightly to our temples, breathe a deep desired breath and shout loudly what a miracle!

Tis the season we are told of Miracles. We hang our lights on the tree, or gather eight of them on the menorah. We recount the birth of a man with the promise for all humankind or remember when humankind was adrift in slavery and how that sadness changed for the better. Then some of us recall this time of year when humankind can watch the days fade into night earlier and how the night can cradle us with a glow of a fire, the warmth of a blanket, the love of family and friends.

They never happen on schedule and actually like to surprise you, eliciting  a laughter so deep in the belly that when released it seems miraculous enough.They never are posted on your calendar, or to do list, instead find their way to the front of the line in a most miraculous manner. They are many times imagined, but when they appear they are deliciously hard to imagine.

We wish you a reason for a miracle or two this season. We want you to find your own surprises,  promises or passion for a celebration of miracles. Let them be as loud as you desire or as calm and quiet as you need. Let them be bold, brash and brilliant or so subtle that it takes keen eyesight and sharp listening to see and hear them. We wish you the kind of miracle you want!

Happy Holidays/Season’s Greetings,

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Black or right

Life in America has become all about we vs. they and has fallen far from the facts replaced by finding and forming divide within the community we live. Madmen kill innocents with guns but we never discuss the murders but instead take sides on something as absurd as the 2nd Amendment. Cops kill black men and boys and instead of questioning why we move to one side or the other never debating the death of so many but who is right in doing the killing and who deserved to be killed. Compromise we are told is a weakness, (ask any T-Publican in Congress and the Christian right wing people who elected them), to find common ground suddenly is so un American and of course something Jesus the first president of the US would have never wanted. Events happen and we refuse to look closely as to the sad rational behind them instead we insist someone was right and someone was wrong and if you don’t agree with me you must be one of them! It is either black of right!

Trayvon Martin is gunned down, Michael Brown is shot in cold blood, Eric Garner is choked to death and somehow each black man deserved to die because it was the black man against the police. And as is the case in this very volatile and divisive nation you either take the side of the police or you must be a Commie loving/African American on the dole/anti-law and order traitor. There is no conversation about why so many black men are killed but instead a diatribe as to why you like the police or you don’t. No longer are we pressing for truth, but would rather take shelter in our own biases fearful that anything else might expose our own personal experiences lack of insight and of course our own hate. You are either black or right!

When did discussion of fear, bigotry, and stupid stop being permitted to take precedent? When did the Constitution become highjacked by pistol packing Patriots who long for the days of the Confederacy, Jim Crow and of course old time region where Jesus was a white straight man and frowned upon anyone not? When did the strides of integration get sidetracked, or were they just a facade to begin with. When did policing stop serving and protecting all of the people but instead became a fraternity for some of the people? When did it become all or nothing as in your are black or you are right?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Imagine this?

Rick Santorum: “Separation Of Church And State A Communist Idea, Not An American One” -. Imagine if a liberal/progressive/democrat inferred that the founding fathers of this nation like Adams, Franklin, Jefferson were commies; Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly would demand they burned at the stake. In the world of men like Santorum history is only useful when it is twisted to suit the twisted bigotry of a very small minded and hateful brain. For many T-Republicans the Constitution is always an immovable object until it needs to be moved more to the right enabling false prophecies to be propagated by false prophets!

Ben Carson: “Young African American men like Michael Brown are getting killed by the police because they “never really learn how to relate to authority in the proper way.” “Certainly in a lot of our inner cities, in particular the black inner cities, where 73 percent of the young people are born out of wedlock, the majority of them have no father figure in their life. - Imagine how much more pleasant and safer this world would be if Ozzie and Harriet were everyone’s parents, if June and Ward Cleaver took the time to raise all of our families, if Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar would take the time and not only parent their brood of 19 kids but the entire black community? Violence in the world of the T-Republicans is never the fault of the propagator but usually of the victim.

Mike Huckabee: blamed the legalization of abortion and same-sex marriage on the failure of pastors to become active in politics. Huckabee said Americans have “blood on our hands” for failing to criminalize abortion and contended that reproductive freedom is much worse than the Nazi Holocaust. He added that the country will also “pay the consequences” for trying to “tinker” with marriage and “having upended the very foundation which is the essence of how a civilization survives.” Imagine an Amerika which limits certain freedoms and choices based on the bias and bogus of self proclaimed Crusaders for Christ. Imagine just how much more pure this nation would become when purity tests for morals and values based on nothing but a human interpretation of the Bible become the standard. The laws of the land in the mind of T-Publicans are for a few and even fewer get to pick and choose who lives free and who receives equality.

Santorum, Carson, Huckabee are all potent predators at the ready to run for the office of President from the T-Publican party. Imagine if any one of these men are elected to the highest office of the land and then wonder depending on your religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and level of income upon which rung you will become stranded or upon which gallows you will be hung?