Thursday, December 4, 2014

Black or right

Life in America has become all about we vs. they and has fallen far from the facts replaced by finding and forming divide within the community we live. Madmen kill innocents with guns but we never discuss the murders but instead take sides on something as absurd as the 2nd Amendment. Cops kill black men and boys and instead of questioning why we move to one side or the other never debating the death of so many but who is right in doing the killing and who deserved to be killed. Compromise we are told is a weakness, (ask any T-Publican in Congress and the Christian right wing people who elected them), to find common ground suddenly is so un American and of course something Jesus the first president of the US would have never wanted. Events happen and we refuse to look closely as to the sad rational behind them instead we insist someone was right and someone was wrong and if you don’t agree with me you must be one of them! It is either black of right!

Trayvon Martin is gunned down, Michael Brown is shot in cold blood, Eric Garner is choked to death and somehow each black man deserved to die because it was the black man against the police. And as is the case in this very volatile and divisive nation you either take the side of the police or you must be a Commie loving/African American on the dole/anti-law and order traitor. There is no conversation about why so many black men are killed but instead a diatribe as to why you like the police or you don’t. No longer are we pressing for truth, but would rather take shelter in our own biases fearful that anything else might expose our own personal experiences lack of insight and of course our own hate. You are either black or right!

When did discussion of fear, bigotry, and stupid stop being permitted to take precedent? When did the Constitution become highjacked by pistol packing Patriots who long for the days of the Confederacy, Jim Crow and of course old time region where Jesus was a white straight man and frowned upon anyone not? When did the strides of integration get sidetracked, or were they just a facade to begin with. When did policing stop serving and protecting all of the people but instead became a fraternity for some of the people? When did it become all or nothing as in your are black or you are right?

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