Monday, November 28, 2022

they are the same

 It’s that Trump has always been desperate to send signals to his base of support that he agrees with and loves them. That his political instinct has always centered on stoking loyalty from his most energetic supporters, a tactic that helped him narrowly win the presidency in 2016. Others in the party, often worried about party primaries, adopted a similar policy of declining to confront Trump’s base, which is why the response to controversies has consistently been silence. (Opinion/Washington Post). 

Desperate Deranged, Delusional. Pick one, choose all, make your own selection, but whichever adjective you provide before the name of Trump, and at least 95%of our current crop of Republican Politicians, understand that Trump and his parade of Turd Collectors, are in their jobs, not for the good of the people, but for the welfare of themselves. 


I honestly have to wonder, are the current crop of Coup loving GOP politicians, so afraid of inciting the rage of the BASE OR, perhaps, MAYBE they do indeed share the Racist/Anti-Semitic/Homophobia/Misogynist/Bigotry embraced by TRUMP and his Minions?