Wednesday, September 30, 2009

the scary thing

It's time to be scared. Not just worried, but really scared. Not paranoid, or bothered but SCARED.

When individuals can call the President a liar while sitting in halls of Congress; when elected officials never stop the angry mob from demanding that the President show copy upon copy of a birth certificate, when pictures of Obama dressed as Hitler or words of Fascist and Communist are plastered all over his face, its time to become scared.

When a smiling man plans on attending a rally for the President and smirks that this time he did not come with his gun, be very scared.

When there is a survey on Facebook asking if we should kill the President, we need to be very,very scared.

The fact that an email has surfaced that explains that now is the time for a military coupe to overtake a Government that has lost its true Democracy and is floundering in the throws of Socialism and we all should take arms and assist is VERY SCARY.

And even scarier is the fact that the thugs and hooligans, the anarchists and conspirators are not half humans living in the swamp or goons dressed in white robes, or armed bully's in brown shirts, indeed, they are elected officials who call themselves Republican Senators and Congress People. And they will stop at nothing until they make America look and feel the way they want.

And the scary thing is after they find success in toppling this President, who is next?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

livin' is easy

The livin' seems easy for many of our elected officials. They get a salary in the mid 100 thousands, never pay for their own health insurance, receive chump change from "interested groups" who remind them that conscience is not required when voting, just a deep set of pockets.

If the elected officials screw up or get found out, they can write a tell tale book, go on a reality television show, or become a lobbyist for the same people who once owned them, or maybe become a regular "entertainment celebrity for FOX News.

They can always be born again, and swear this time the devil or the Democrats are out of his/her system.

The livin' must be easy when an Eric Cantor, Republican Whip from Virginia told a constituent that if she really needed expensive treatment for cancer she should sell her assets to pay for it, or just stop working sell everything and become so poor that the Government will finally help her. Easy livin' for him never having to worry about any of that common folk stuff.

Easy livin' for Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma who recently told a town hall group that true American health care is going to your neighbors or church and having them lend a hand and if necessary some dollars to your better health. The woman he spoke with said she already had over $200,000 in bills, and expected about $200,000 more or she would have to stop receiving necessary treatment. Easy livin' for good ole' Senator Coburn cause all he has to do is use his Government run/sponsored health plan and rack up maybe NOTHING to pay for any treatment he or his family may need.

And good old Senator Max Baucus from Montana. He just admitted that he can't pass a bill that many Americans may need if it costs too much. He is comfortable with no public option because it will mean that the Senate will pass a bill that he sponsored in spite of the fact that it will add to the bottom line profits of the insurance and health corporations. Easy livin' for him because passing a bill for his ego is much more important than passing a bill for the good of the majority of Americans, and for the under or never insured.

The Republicans, Blue Dog Dems, the current officials up for re-election, the good ole boys and girls on the receiving end of lobbyist money all are livin' easy because its always about them. It's about how much fame and fortune they can get. Yeah, yeah, yeah we are told how what they do is for us the voting American public. And if they talk badly about too much Government interference in our lives, or too many taxes, or not enough God, or those with no money wanting the same things as those with money, the loser lemmings, the self loathing low life, the selfish, the I fear different folk all give them their attention. The livin' is easy when all you have to is set up fear in the minds of blank minded fools who can't achieve but blame others for their failures.

Imagine if the bad guys win and we have no public option. Imagine how much more we will pay for insurance because NOW there will be no regulations nor any roadblocks. Imagine when the folks who rebel about Socialism or Fascism meet real Capitalism and find that the Corporation profit is the great Messiah. Imagine when the livin' gets so easy for all those who claim they do what they do for you and me find another target.

Seems livin' is easy when you just don't care.

Friday, September 25, 2009

and we wait...

So, once again we wait.

Once again the Politicians, Republican and Democrat, posture and pontificate, ponder and propose, and WE wait.

We are told tall tales, short stories, lies, fabrications and half truths. We are told that in the name of the Flag, or the Constitution on behalf of Jesus, or the Old Testament, according to the will of our fore fathers that no one really knows the needs of American than the people elected by the Americans how best we all should live or survive. Then we are told that not ALL elected officials really know best, just the elected officials of a particular political party can be trusted.

And the media reports on all the excess noise, never the quiet of truth. And the hooligans holler and scream calling people names like Nazi, or Socialist or Fascist. We never learn our lessons from name calling of the past and some self anointed "true" Americans now honor Joe Mc Carthy and say he was right. They say WE need to rid the country of the ENEMY. And the ENEMY is always someone who looks different, thinks different, and must be different, cause they "ain't" like ME.

And we wait.

How long must we wait for fairness and rights? How long must we wait for honesty and honor? How long must we wait until those elected to office realize they work for the people who elected them? How long do we wait for Health Care or Marriage Equality, or Jobs, or receiving the same kind of treatment Wall Street, or CEO's or AIG, got? How long do wait for people to say I lied, I led you on, I did this to promote my way, my life, ME.

How long until we find out that many of those in charge see the ME they care about as not you or I?

And we wait.

And wait, and wait, and wait.....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

bad guys win

No matter what the crime or the criminal intention, it seems the more gluttonous and greedy you become, the better your life in these United States.

Ask Tom DeLay the indited ex- House Majority Leader. The man is a criminal. He was charged with conspiracy to violate election laws in 2002. And he was charged with conspiracy to engage in money laundering. But criminals, as long as they brand the Republican hate toward democracy, and do what it takes to never tell the truth, seem to advance in this country. Mister Delay has been on news shows speaking his twisted mind. And most recently his rewards for his criminal act is to make a few $100,000 as he dances his way with the stars.

Ask Sarah Palin, the lady who quit being Governor because, well she was tired of it. Didn't matter she gave her word and her oath with her hand on a Bible to serve the people of Alaska to serve for four years. Or it didn't matter that she forgot to tell her daughter the truth about two sides of the story when it comes to abstinence. And it does not matter that she lied about the "death panels" in the Obama health care package. Nope, she can point fingers to anyone else and point out their faults, their sins, but her finger pointed to others never finds her own face. Nope she is speaking in Honk Kong raking in at least half a million dollars.

Ask the CEO's of he auto industry or AIG, or the lending institutions how they cheated the public of billions of dollars, how they cared less about law or fairness. Ask them when they made bad decisions, when they helped millions of men and women lose their millions of dollars, ask them as they cash in the millions they made from their golden parachutes. For doing such a poor job.

Ask the Republican Senators and the Blue Dog Democrats who seem to feel we have a whole bunch of time to figure out this Health Care Reform. Ask them why they get to have a Government run health insurance year after year, never paying for any of it, and ask them while they go from Specialist to Specialist, paying next to nothing for prescriptions, or never worrying about preexisting conditions why Government run Health Care for everyone else just is not right.

Every day a loser seems to win. Everyday the rich seem to think they deserve it all and those without any should stay that way. Everyday the Bad guys seem to win.


Monday, September 21, 2009

change had to happen

In 1890 the Church of the Latter Day Saints, officially discontinued the rights of Polygamy. The Church leadership called it the Great Accommodation, never really saying that what Polygamy stood for was right or wrong. There are official writings about the subject and on the "record" Polygamy is looked at as something the Church does not condone, but there is no real paper as to the Church condemning it either. But the point is, something so written in stone, something that was once so basic to the Mormons had to be changed.

In August, 1920 the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was ratified providing Women with the right to vote. Any right equal to men was seen as family unfriendly because women would then act like men, allowing them to pursue other vocations then the Godly one of just being a wife and mother. The passage of this Amendment would wreck family values, emasculate men, and make the American society weak and weaker. Pastors, preachers, all shouted from the their respective pulpits, America would rue this day. And something thought to be so basic to the life of the family, to the inherent rights of men to remain men, to the crux and heart of American values, had to be changed.

In 1964, the Civil Rights Act of the United States, outlawed racial segregation in schools, public places, and employment. Creatures of history proclaimed loud clear that this equal but equal, not separate but equal would certainly make America a third world country. Blacks were not "real " citizens of this country as they were brought over as slaves and have never earned the right for what the white men fought for.

Baptists preachers in the South said it was against the Bible, mixing the races. It was unChristian to allow blacks to worship at the same churches as white, it would deny the whites their freedom to segregate. But change had to happen, and the Civil Rights Act took form and fruition, and the laws had to change

In June, 1967 the case of Loving V. Virginia was heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. The U. S. Supreme Court knocked down the Virginia and about a dozen other states ban on "whites not allowed to marry non whites." And it became law in this country that the color of your skin, was no longer legal for denying you to marry.

The Supreme Court took away the States rights to legislate the issue of marriage just because some states felt the color of your skin was good enough reason to hate.

The Preachers went crazy, citing passages from the Bible where Jesus himself spoke of the purity of the races. How God did not just create one man to marry one woman, God created one white man to marry just one white woman. According to the Preachers, Ministers, it was blasphemy to consider making the races so impure by permitting them to marry.

But despite the fear that the antiChrist just placed a robe on his back and sat with the Justices, despite the the worry that there would no longer be any pure Caucasian race left in the U.S., change had to happen, and whites were permitted to marry nonwhites.

Change had to happen. Change from religious fears, from personal bigotries, from discrimination based on learned responses. Change had to happen. Change from small minds to bigger pictures, from selfishness to selflessness, from anger to reason.

Change has to happen in this country once again, because as long as we disallow, dismiss and deny then no one is safe.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

prayer and promise

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Ha Shannah, has concluded. I was lucky this year as I celebrated this day of new beginnings with my partner Joe, my son Adam, and two friends Scott and Benjie.

Growing up in a not too religious family I had to figure out why this major Jewish holiday was considered so important and referred to as a High Holy Holiday. I had little religious upbringing, and more cultural and community input into the how's and why's of being Jewish.

Through my own pursuit my own experiences, my own interpretations based on my life and how my life interacted through those around me did I try to figure out the why's the how's and all the meanings.

The Jewish New Year for me, became and IS a crucial moment in a year where I can gather my will, sum up my failures and successes, question God, and travel deep inside places I somehow never want to wander. It is a day when I stop and consider the consequences both good and bad of the decisions and directions made by me and how those choices might become my future.

I was told that Rosh Ha Shannah is when God opens the book of life once again. Where at-one-ment, where reflection and repose are key to saying I am sorry, I regret, I will try to be different. It is a time to ask, a time to hope, a time to consider and be considered.

I have found that as I age, my life is no longer a solitude existence. That I am a greater part of other lives and in turn they are a GREATER part of mine. So what I do is not just about me, but about the first through 100 degrees of separation of individuals of those in my universe.

So until the High Holy Holiday of Yom Kippur, when I am told God closes the Book of Life, I have the opportunity, the privilege, the responsibility to ask for forgiveness for understanding and the chance to give unto others as I would have them give to me.

The older I get the more I worry. Perhaps it is because I have reached some magic age when the time behind me seems greater than the time in front me. The older I get the more I realize my responsibility in this world is to make a difference. The older I get the more I must work from my conscience and not my selfishness.

I want the Book of Life to hold wonder and amazement for the next year. I want the Book of Life to hold promise and hope for my children and their contemporaries. I want the Book of Life to help me find a world that does care, that does coalesces, that does consider and does communicate.

I am so confused as to the direction we are headed. So much hate for difference, so much desperate discourse about finding consensus. So little love and such heart felt hate. Where do we go from here.

It is the Eve after the New Year and I am hoping for so much more as God writes my life in HIS book about me. I am hoping God writes some happy ever after's for this world in which I live; so I can live to see another Rosh Ha Shannah happier and whole.

It is a prayer and I am told a prayer can bring promise.

value voters

The Value Voters-Conference is meeting this weekend. It is sponsored by the Family Research Council, whose President is Tony Perkins.

The Conference is to be a collection of individuals who are seeking values, honor, moral and ethical behavior in the U.S. which according to the Family Research Council are suddenly missing since the election of Barak Obama.

To emphasize the importance of values the "Conference" invited Republican politicians as well as a few FOX and Ultra Conservative entertainment personalities to bring home the message that if not a conservative Republican , there are no values at all.

Newt Gingrich the thrice married twice divorced ex House Speaker will present. He may mention how marriage is and Institution that is a solemn right of one man and one woman. It is a bond not to be broken, that is until you cheat, and decide that the bond is tighter with someone else you find a lot sexier.

Mike Pence, Congressman from Indiana, spoke. He talked about the Christian approach to the whole Health Care Reform debacle. Representative Pence stood like a preacher as he proudly said he could not sponsor any reform that included "on demand abortion". He spoke of the Obama plan as one so unChristian that any real elected official with any values or conscience could not vote for it. The problem is, there is not clause for "on demand abortions" nor any plan to include abortions in the reform package. So we are suppose to think that abortion is wrong, but lying, fabricating being dishonest about it is okay. There is no value in abortion but plenty of value to tell a downright out and out lie

Then Carrie Prejean, the ex Miss California with just the appropriate amount of cleavage showing, stood to the podium and dumbfoundly and full of amazement and disgust, talked about how the Liberals in this country have no regard for fair and equal. How she was robbed of her crown because she said same sex couples should not have the same equality as opposite sex couples to wed. Carrie was appalled by the Liberal response and that she was now treated with inequality and unable to speak her and Jesus' mind. Values of exclusion and hate are okay but values of inclusion and love are appalling. ( No mention was made of Ms Prejeans nude pictures).

Bill Bennett is scheduled to speak, he was the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy for President George H.W. Bush. He was the the Drug Czar. Mister Bennett who argues that self discipline is a virtue is a High Stakes Gambler and had been seen at some casinos in Vegas throwing around a lot of cash, gambling. Mister Bennett is full of phrases and statements mocking the unethical life of those who can not control their urges with drugs or alcohol or gambling, but feels his issue is just a hobby and not he same kind of problem of true unethical unChristian like "low lives". (He has enough self discipline to gamble at respectable casinos.)

Mike Huckabee, ex Arkansas Governor, turned talk show host, spoke. Aside from explaining why Jesus would not like the Health Care Reform package offered by President Obama, (he thought Jesus would not like the plan because it meant the Government urged you to stay healthy, and that takes away your free will), he also criticized the President for having too many Russian sounding leaders in this country called Czars. Of course Huckabee never mentioned the Czars named by Presidents Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. Nor did Mister Huckabee mention that one of those Russian sounding appointees was speaking to the audience in the form of Bill Bennett, ex Drug Czar for President George H.W. Bush.

Sarah Palin will be a no show, so I am wondering who will talk about completing a task, raising your children and hunting.

So the Values Voter Conference is meeting this weekend. I am supposing to be involved with this group you must have been divorced at least two times, take the truth and twist it into a lie, complain about the lack of self discipline of others, never demonstrate the facts but highlight the fiction, explain health care is your responsibility if you want it or not and never own up to any mistakes you have made. Wrap all of it in the glorious colors of red white and blue, only colors a true Evangelical right wing Christian can see, add the name of Jesus to the mix, carry a gun, demonstrate bits and pieces of Bigotry so you can find true Value.

Each and every day this world of ours gets more confusing and complicated and dumber and dumber.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So now the "mavens" who also act as the talking heads for any and all subjects on television, have come to the conclusion that the Republicans have reinvented the RUMOR. That in their ascent to to the higher heavens of hate and harangue, the weapon most likely to hurt is RUMOR.

Say something, anything, say it often, say it a few ways, never missing the point that what you are saying is far from the truth, a far fetched fabrication or something so absurd that the fact it is said could only mean it MUST be truth.

And so from the RUMOR mongers we get the tea baggers who assume Obama will raise taxes and slowly decrease representation. We get the birthers, the ones who find it hard that anyone named Obama could be of American decent, let alone President. We get the death panelists, people so sure that speaking about how to face your life as you age could only mean the only way to face your future is to have the Government kill you. And now we have the 9/12 movement, those who insist we must revert back to the way America was on 9/11, you know fearful, frightened fainting awaiting the end of the world.

And now the RUMOR somehow has found legs to stand on, lungs to breathe with, and muscle to leap tall buildings or to make sure that anyone in disagreement with the RUMOR has the tall building fall on them.

And because this newest tactic is precise, all the Democrats can do now is spend the valuable time of Americans explaining why the RUMOR is not true, why it is lies, but never having any time to tell the truth, set direction, realize the sadness of never making change or finding fact.

Once again evil triumphs over good. No happily ever after unless its filled with lies.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

what a waste

Michael O'Hare willing to tell anyone who asks, his family is the SAME family for whom O'Hare Airport in Chicago is named after. After he chugs a few beers, he laughs accordingly and asks anyone still listening, if they are interested in buying a bridge in Brooklyn? His wife Marion, still remembers the many tall tales he used to swap with any willing ear, but that was when Michael still had time. Michael was diagnosed with prostate cancer, but all he was able to afford through his medical insurance was the old finger up the ass test, more than that meant a more expensive coverage.

Arnold met the love of his life 30 years ago. At first Arnold was a little skeptical about anything more than a date or two. But after the date or two, it turned into three four and then 30 years later. The two set up house, shared finances, bought a house together and lived like husband and wife, except they were husband and husband, and in reality could only pretend to be even husband and husband, because they lived in Texas. And in Texas, "ain't" no such sin as men marrying men. Arnold, became sick, he had heart problems and more and had to go to the emergency room to handle the threat to his life. More and more Arnold had to carry a legal form from his attorney permitting Leonard to accompany him to the hospital, and to actually be spoken to by the hospital staff. It was a night in May that Arnold had a severe pain in his chest, they both were in Dallas, not Houston, so the emergency trip took them to a totally new environment. In the rush of the EMT no one brought the attorney's paper permitting Leonard to be with his partner. Leonard had to return to the hotel, and had he still had time, he would have been with his loved one as he passed away.

Jeremiah Johnson star quarterback from Tupelo Mississippi, found his nationalism and patriotism to be greater than any opportunity he might glean from playing football in college. If he was good enough for the college pro's to recruit him now, they surely would find him even more desirable once he won a few medals killing the enemy. Jeremiah faced adversity in the field missed a few misled bullets in Iraq, and was considered by his platoon as a good man. One night Jeremiah left his personal diary open, he was so tired he napped on his bunk, and the pages of his 5"x5" tablet were fluttering in the wind. Noah Cassik wandered by and picked up the diary, read it to himself, after all it wasn't closed or locked. Noah read the part about Jeremiah wanting to tell his Sergeant about his homosexual yearning. Noah, wrapped in red white and hate ran to the Sergeant and reported that Jeremiah was gay. If Jeremiah still had time he might have been able to tell the Sergeant himself.

Maybe the characters were fictional, but the situations were not, maybe the situations were fictional but the people were real.

We wait for debate to make a decision on health care, we wait for a debate but instead of talk there is thuggery, instead of consensus there is chaos and had we still had time many Michael O'Hare's would not die.

We wait for people who love one another, people who do not participate in infidelity or adulterous behavior, people who only want to spend their waking lives, their restful nights, their memory laden life with one another to marry. If we still had time, Leonard could have held his lover Arnold, tightly and whispered words to say goodbye.

How many unsung heros go unsung fighting for freedom in Iraq or Afghanistan, only to be celebrated as true Americans one day but asked to leave the Armed Forces because they were finally honest and did tell before they were asked about being gay or lesbian. If we still had time, Jeremiah could have spoken about his life man to man.

We are running out of so much valuable time, by wasting our time on rumor, here say, bigotry and hate. Wasting our time on Religious babble only spoken to keep those in charge of the Institution of Religion in places of power. Wasting our time on blaming others from succeeding because we have not found the ability to do so. Wasting time never trying to find resolve just resistance.

What a waste.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I get worried. I worry when a bully can beat up and batter boldly without anyone stopping his actions or making him accountable for his behavior. Only for the bully to find yet another victim without any remorse.

I get worried and I worry when someone yells fire in the theater right before he/she stands up and heads for the exit. Awaiting amusingly for the panic stricken crowds to push, pull and pulverize each other to try and flee for safety. Only to laugh at his foibles and smugly smirk at how those crazy people react to a mere suggestion.

I get worried and I worry when a truth is turned into a lie through suggestion or innuendo. When fact is shoved aside for something with more drama or disgust. When fiction suits the moment as too much honesty might make some thinking people wonder why and ask why not.

I get worried and I worry when Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh, or Sarah Palin, or Senator Demint lay claim to bigotry and bias and base it on the American way, and never get questioned by their Republican followers. When they indirectly encourage their lemming like followers to carry signs proclaiming President Obama like Hitler, or Stalin or like an African animal in the White House.

I get worried and I worry when protesters carry signs bragging about how lucky we are that this time they did not bring their guns or ammo to the rally.

I get worried and I worry when those who disagree with anything different than they, decide that militias, anarchy, intimidation are better causes for change than democracy.

I get worried and I worry when Liberals educated intellectuals, the average American thinks that the charades and scripted dramas shown on television by Evangelical right wing radicals are humorous and silly, non threatening and harmless, done only by a bunch of buffoons; and that all their actions mean little to the landscape in which we live.

I get worried and I worry that we have let the dumb decide out future, we have allowed the angry to set the agenda, we have decided the lowest common denominator in their demented way can push all limits of freedom, democracy and fairness.

I have gotten worried and have worried for 8 years with Bush/Cheney, thinking with Obama/Change the worry would end.

I am so worried we have so much more to worry about now. Now that the hate has been released, the bigotry unbridled, and the poison pulsating in perpetual lies.

It worries me and worries me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

family values?

Family Values. Lots of groups have risen to protect the values for families, all assuming that if anyone does not share their indoctrination, ideological propaganda, or illogical antagonistic definitions, those in disagreement have no values.

Family Values. If you place the word Christian in front of any irresponsible communication, the word Christian next to any denial of free speech, or choice, the word Christian by the lack of respect for difference, it becomes more valuable and less questionable or need to be questioned.

Family Values. Always for the children. No matter if you deem the child a "fag", or "queer" if he or she expresses a part of their personality which is homosexual, its for the children. No matter if you deem the child anti Christian or anti American because he or she asks why and how come, and does not follow like a lemming like his lemming like parents, its for the children. No matter if he or she has loving parents of any gender, or one or two of the same sex, he or she is going to hell, because how can he or she really be loved by anyone but a heterosexual man or woman, its for the children.

Family Values. Always someone else's values never yours or anyone who at least orally subscribes to your clan or group or family. Never for a Republican, no not like Mark Sanford, who quotes the Bible as he sweetly quotes the sonnets he sang for his mistress. Never for Senator Ensign who even over the objections of his adulterous coquette's husband continued to cheat and swoon and dribble. Never for Senator David Vitter, who found more solace and pleasure paying a prostitute for all the loving and snuggling he did not get from his wife.

Family Values. Seems they are lacking in anything the President of the United States even offers, to aid and assist a population which so much is in need of values. Seems they are missing in a Health Care Plan, which is designed to provide care for members of the family so they can have more time, money and health to promote a valuable life. Seems lies and fabrications are all the values needed to dissuade anyone from finding refuge and help. Lies like death squads for the elderly, abortion clinics for young girls, and sex change store fronts for any young adult.

Since when do family values, ignore the unique values each individual possess? Since when do family values only become valuable when preached to by biased, bigoted, Bible based bullies who claim to know God, but really only lay claim to knowing the devils work better? Since when do family values become valueless if not followed by a a strict script, with selected passages by a self selecting few?

Family values. Too bad those who seem to find a soapbox or ownership or possession of, never really seem to value the family at all; just their own distaste, disgruntled denial, and disregard for anyone who is a part of a family with love.

Friday, September 11, 2009

how about the three of you?

Dear Mister Ex-President Bush, Mr. Ex Vice President Cheney, Mister Ex Defense Secretary Rumsfeld,

Today is the Eighth Anniversary of the horrible, terrible, ghastly, unnerving tragedy of 9/11. You GUYS remember don't you, as it fell on your watch as President and Vice President and Defense Secretary of the United States.

9/11 changed the way Americans viewed the world and the way the world viewed us. All three of you were in charge of the way we handled this crisis, and all three of you left office without once apologizing for the way you did not handle the whole 9/11 horror.

None of the three of you were or are man enough to admit your mistakes, your oversights, your selfishness, your greed, or you Political maneuverings in not dealing with Osama Bin Laden or Al Qaeda. None of you ever acknowledged why we begrudgingly went into Afghanistan to hunt the "number one most wanted criminal"; but spent more time, more propaganda, more hate and anger to invade Iraq.

None of the three of you have made any sympathy call to the families who died in the tragic bombings, or to the families of the men and women who fought and still fight a war in Iraq in which at least one of you, Mister Cheney have received great revenue from the profit made by the corporation you worked for, Haliburton.

All of the three of you have however moved on with your lives and are are or will make great profit from your misdeeds, your days of lying, your selfish self serving, self loathing, days in public office. All three of you suppose you fooled the public, and all three of you somehow sleep at night without the worry of a conscience getting in the way.

It is the Eighth Anniversary of a day no one will ever forget. Somehow the three of you GUYS, have forgotten what your inactions, your indiscretions, your irresponsibility your disregard for democratic process and most disgusting how your contempt for lives American or Iraqi, or Afghani have left the world.

It is the Eighth Anniversary of 9/11, I remember where I was, the shock I felt, the overwhelming sadness that encompassed me. How about the three of you?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


When did truth and honor, conscience and care, respect for debate intelligence and education stop being the norm for the American public, and fiction and fable, disregard and gluttony, screaming and harassment, ignorance and absence of knowledge take charge.

Why, when we need smart do we see silly and insincere. Why when we crave thought we are thrown into mass hysteria based on baseless bigotry. Why when we strive for change we get charades and quick tempered, uneven abruptness leading to chaos and hooliganism.

Why is it when Politicians are caught in the act of ugly, they only haphazardly apologize, never admitting the misdeed, but suggesting that if in fact anyone was offended then well begrudgingly they silently say sorry.

Why can people like Glenn Beck suggest poisoning the Speaker of the House, Evangelical Leadership admit that if the President were to be assassinated he wouldn't be upset, that those who say they are closer to God, because they are a Priest, Minister or Rabbi, speak for their God as a non caring entity, Godless in power and Godless in understanding equality, fairness and humanity. And why does no one speaks out loud against their inhumanity?

When did mediocre become cool? When did those with reason rhyme and rationale become silenced?

When do we begin to take back an America that believes, that includes, that strives for more than mediocre excellence?

I get so tired of the maniacs managing the manger. So tired of the thugs taking the streets. So sick of the insane running the asylum.

Too much, too little and if we don't begin to challenge the change we voted for for too late!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"'s only WORDS..."

" think that I don't even mean a single WORD I say. It's only WORDS, and WORDS are all I have to, take your heart away...", lyrics by the Brothers Gibb from the song Words.

Tonight once again for the first time, the President of the United States spoke to the citizens of this country (those of whom) for the most part have NOT decided that he is in the midst of developing death squads, setting up abortion clinics, opening sex change store fronts, or destroying the very foundation of greedy gluttonous capitalism with devious socialistic mad men medicine.

The President spoke WORDS from the heart of great depth and desire and hints of sincere intention and honest approach. He spoke WORDS that sounded like a man with compassion who truly understood the torture, the tedium, the tremendous angst and stress anyone in this country must confront when ill, sick or dying; dealing with hospitals, health insurers, and hidden administrators ready to pull the plug because of preexisting conditions, being too sick to begin with, or just too expensive to cover.

And then the talking heads took to the airwaves to add their WORDS, suggesting that this time for the first time, they, the men and women in white (the good guys and gals), will make reform happen.

Senator Barbara Boxer (D), of California went on the Rachel Maddow Show and spoke WORDS of how NOW she will challenge her cronies in Congress and ask them if the public option is not good for the PUBLIC, why is it good for the elected public servants. (Try to reach Senator Boxer via email and all you get are pre-recorded WORDS of how wonderful she is as Senator.)

And then the WORDS started to reflow and regurgitate from the Republican spin machine and the lies, fabrications, and excuses fell so fast that one might have thought a Tsunami just happened. And those WORDS continue to stop the motion of any health care reform that aids and abides the public, but just keeps the corporations coffers healthy and stuffy. (How many more people need to suffer, go broke or die while these WORDS are spoken?)

And now the few hours after the WORDS were spoken, and rebuffed, and lied about and heart wrenchingly embraced, the WORDS of anti this and pro that are flowing like lava from an eruption of Mount Kilimanjaro.

And if you watched the televised presentation of the Presidents WORDS, all the Senators and Congress People, who ARE receiving Government Run Health Coverage, kissed hugged, patted themselves on their respective backs, and had WORDS to share with one another.

You know what I do think..." I think that YOU don't even mean a single WORD you say, and by it just being WORDS,"... you just might take my heart, my breath my life away..."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

grandma said

My Grandmother used to tell her minions of grandchildren, think before you speak because once you say something it will echo like the tremors of falling trees on a very high mountainside. She added that gossip is like an unofficial curse, it can cause harm and hurt until the next foolish spit and splatter is said. And because it is unofficial there is no way to stop the curse from taking its toll.

The Republican propaganda soldiers have once again started echos that never cease, never stop and only seem to lead to results which are taking their toll and may, if unchecked translate into something terrible and troublesome.

The lies and fabrications, the tales without fact, the suggestions without merit, the cunning display of Politicians enjoying innuendos without any consequence, are like the unofficial curse my Grandmother warned her children of. The evil of fiction, the availability of vile, the acceptance of bigotry all used as a divisive tool will linger and live longer than those who perpetuated them.

And the lemmings and self loathing idiots who need an excuse to hate out loud will use any and all irrational and unreasonable information to intimidate threaten and desperately despise. and to seperate and split apart a nation in need of hope, harmony and change.

When any of my Grandmothers family was caught gossiping and sprouting untruths, she took them by the cheeks pulled them close to her and were told, God will remember this. Sleep well if you can.

Wonder how many of the "wonder boys and girls" who make up the madness and lies wonder if god will remember this!

I am remembering and hope all sane, reasonable, smart self loving individuals also remember.

Monday, September 7, 2009

imagine, if you can

Imagine if you can. A mother standing next to her husband, crying, sobbing, her eyes painful remorseful. She longingly looks into the camera, and sobs one long and loud moan and says how could she ever let her children listen to the President of the United States. He is going to talk to MY children about staying in school, about setting goals. HIS goals.

Imagine if you can. Questions still flutter fly freely in the wind is HE really a citizen. Did his parents conceive him, birth him and raise him in Africa, and somehow pay the officials in Hawaii to post a fake, phony birth certificate?

Imagine if you can a slight short thick deeply hairy mustache on the upper lip of a man who only asked America to embrace change, to re-open their eyes and renounce the greed and gluttony of the past 8 years. To raise hi hands in a welcoming manner to only have one of those hands facing the crowd, and to have that man called Hitler.

Imagine if you can lies and innuendo, falsehoods and fabrication shouted so loudly, so fiercely, so rehearsed, to be so overwhelming that any bit of truth can not be heard and sounds like someone whispering in the wind.

Imagine if you can stupid people running this country once again. Imagine if you can the intelligent, the ones who crave education who ask why and why not remaining silent while the lemmings, the self loathers, the bigots have the microphone and instill hate, fear and mistruth.

Imagine if you can an America made from bullies, hate mongers and self absorbed men and women who fear truth more than anything else.

Imagine if you can what will become of this Nation if we all don't stop the tide of ignorance and hate.
When is enough enough?