If the elected officials screw up or get found out, they can write a tell tale book, go on a reality television show, or become a lobbyist for the same people who once owned them, or maybe become a regular "entertainment celebrity for FOX News.
They can always be born again, and swear this time the devil or the Democrats are out of his/her system.
The livin' must be easy when an Eric Cantor, Republican Whip from Virginia told a constituent that if she really needed expensive treatment for cancer she should sell her assets to pay for it, or just stop working sell everything and become so poor that the Government will finally help her. Easy livin' for him never having to worry about any of that common folk stuff.
Easy livin' for Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma who recently told a town hall group that true American health care is going to your neighbors or church and having them lend a hand and if necessary some dollars to your better health. The woman he spoke with said she already had over $200,000 in bills, and expected about $200,000 more or she would have to stop receiving necessary treatment. Easy livin' for good ole' Senator Coburn cause all he has to do is use his Government run/sponsored health plan and rack up maybe NOTHING to pay for any treatment he or his family may need.
And good old Senator Max Baucus from Montana. He just admitted that he can't pass a bill that many Americans may need if it costs too much. He is comfortable with no public option because it will mean that the Senate will pass a bill that he sponsored in spite of the fact that it will add to the bottom line profits of the insurance and health corporations. Easy livin' for him because passing a bill for his ego is much more important than passing a bill for the good of the majority of Americans, and for the under or never insured.
The Republicans, Blue Dog Dems, the current officials up for re-election, the good ole boys and girls on the receiving end of lobbyist money all are livin' easy because its always about them. It's about how much fame and fortune they can get. Yeah, yeah, yeah we are told how what they do is for us the voting American public. And if they talk badly about too much Government interference in our lives, or too many taxes, or not enough God, or those with no money wanting the same things as those with money, the loser lemmings, the self loathing low life, the selfish, the I fear different folk all give them their attention. The livin' is easy when all you have to is set up fear in the minds of blank minded fools who can't achieve but blame others for their failures.
Imagine if the bad guys win and we have no public option. Imagine how much more we will pay for insurance because NOW there will be no regulations nor any roadblocks. Imagine when the folks who rebel about Socialism or Fascism meet real Capitalism and find that the Corporation profit is the great Messiah. Imagine when the livin' gets so easy for all those who claim they do what they do for you and me find another target.
Seems livin' is easy when you just don't care.
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