Wednesday, September 23, 2009

bad guys win

No matter what the crime or the criminal intention, it seems the more gluttonous and greedy you become, the better your life in these United States.

Ask Tom DeLay the indited ex- House Majority Leader. The man is a criminal. He was charged with conspiracy to violate election laws in 2002. And he was charged with conspiracy to engage in money laundering. But criminals, as long as they brand the Republican hate toward democracy, and do what it takes to never tell the truth, seem to advance in this country. Mister Delay has been on news shows speaking his twisted mind. And most recently his rewards for his criminal act is to make a few $100,000 as he dances his way with the stars.

Ask Sarah Palin, the lady who quit being Governor because, well she was tired of it. Didn't matter she gave her word and her oath with her hand on a Bible to serve the people of Alaska to serve for four years. Or it didn't matter that she forgot to tell her daughter the truth about two sides of the story when it comes to abstinence. And it does not matter that she lied about the "death panels" in the Obama health care package. Nope, she can point fingers to anyone else and point out their faults, their sins, but her finger pointed to others never finds her own face. Nope she is speaking in Honk Kong raking in at least half a million dollars.

Ask the CEO's of he auto industry or AIG, or the lending institutions how they cheated the public of billions of dollars, how they cared less about law or fairness. Ask them when they made bad decisions, when they helped millions of men and women lose their millions of dollars, ask them as they cash in the millions they made from their golden parachutes. For doing such a poor job.

Ask the Republican Senators and the Blue Dog Democrats who seem to feel we have a whole bunch of time to figure out this Health Care Reform. Ask them why they get to have a Government run health insurance year after year, never paying for any of it, and ask them while they go from Specialist to Specialist, paying next to nothing for prescriptions, or never worrying about preexisting conditions why Government run Health Care for everyone else just is not right.

Every day a loser seems to win. Everyday the rich seem to think they deserve it all and those without any should stay that way. Everyday the Bad guys seem to win.


1 comment :

Tom Degan said...

Sit, Blue Dog, sit! Good, Blue Dog! Nice, Blue Dog! Now be a good little doggy and lie down and play dead! On second thought, lie down and stay dead! GOOD boy!

What gives here anyway? I grew up believing that the Democratic party was the "party of the people"! I was reminded of this again last weekend when I made a little pilgrimage to the FDR Library in Hyde Park, NY. President Roosevelt ushered regular people like you and I into the twentieth century. He brought electricity to the rural south! The middle class that we all now take for granted - which hadn't even existed prior to the New Deal - is now in serious danger of vanishing. Look around you. The signs - ominous and disturbing - are all there. The entire reason for the existence of the Loony Right Wing since 1964 has been to roll back the advantages gained by the New Deal and the civil rights movement. Do you think I'm being an alarmist? Fine. Just keep sending these Right Wing extremists and these Blue Dog Democrats to Washington and see what happens.

The Democrats are not going to distinguish their party by trying to sell themselves as Republican Lite. They're not going to turn America around by foolishly preserving the policies of the last thirty years. They need to educate their constituency by showing them the folly of their abhorrence of things "Left" and "Liberal". Three-quarters-of-a-century ago, American democracy was saved by a government that was decidedly left-of center in all but a few areas. It can happen again. But it's only going to happen if WEEDA PEEPOLE refuse to turn right at the next crossroad. It is only down the road.

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY