Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer. " God Bless America, music and lyrics by Irving Berlin.
My native country, thee, land of the noble free, thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, thy woods and templed hills; my heart with rapture thrills, like that above. America Samuel F. Smith, Thesaurus Musicus
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! The Star Spangled Banner, Francis Scott Key
It is the 4th of July, and from the red white and blue bunting hanging from the lamp lights of any city USA to the BBQ's in the back yards of many American homes, to the Macy's Department Store Independence Day Sale with prices at least 50 to 60% discount sale to the symphony orchestrated fireworks perfomrances, most to many in this nation is finding time in our busy schedules to celebrate the history of a nation, which claims to be the home of the free and the land of the brave.
And in fact the brave are still fighting wars in lands many Americans still cannot spell let alone find on a map. And in fact many of the brave are mounting firetrucks and police cars, ambulances ready to fight a fire, save a life, offer comfort in the midst of chaos. And in fact many of the brave are standing in front of children trying to teach them how to spell, how to read, how to add and how to discover their potential. And in fact many of the brave are earning minimum wage so they can provide food, shelter, medicine for their families, some working three jobs so their elders or their children can survive one more day in this land of plenty---plenty for some perhaps, but not for all.
I have never taken the opportunities available in this nation for most of its citizens for granted. I still cry a bit of tears as the Star Bangled Banner is played, place my hand on my heart as I sing the lyrics, I read with great interest the stories about the founding fathers and their quest to create a Republic standing with one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." And I with great pride recognize the achievements many average Americans have made to this nation and the world making the creators of such achievements much more than average. I count my blessings to be an American.
But, recently, I have to wonder, how many of us who call ourselves Americans will survive in the near future. It seems in the past year more and more roadblocks, detours, obstacles have been offered by some who are easily intimidated, readily scared, openly bigoted to anyone who they deem as not American as they. Gays earn equality in marriage only to have some try and renege on that freedom, women are no longer capable of deciding on their reproductive rights, non Christan's suddenly are being called the devil, working class/middle class are being called greedy, selfish, the unemployed are lazy, the disabled a burden to the business community.
Recently the definition of America by a vocal band of bullies has been limited to, you must look like me, pray like me, think like me and hate like me. Recently the lyrics of this land is your land this land is my land, seem to fall flat limiting this land to the ownership of a band of racists, homophobes chauvinists, and religious dogmatic creeps.
I love the 4th of July, always have from the times the kids on Denniston Avenue were able to light our sparklers on the front of our lawns, to the times we traveled to the Silver Lake Drive-In-Movie to see the red, white and blue fireworks, to the time I got to direct and choreograph the Pittsburgh JCC teen musical of Yankee Doodle Dandy, to watching, religiously James Cagney portray George M. Cohan on the silver screen, to the music class of Ms Marie Cyphers, at Linden School who taught us over a dozen American patriotic songs, learning all 6 verses of each song. I love celebrating the 4th of July but worry and wonder, how much longer the freedoms and liberties, equalities and choices we are so proud of as Americans will last. I am scared of the voices who are shouting so loud, this land is their land, not yours.
Mos of us are proud people of the world today as we boldly sing about the greatness of this country. But I have learned in my 61 years of life no freedom should ever be taken for granted, and once it is given, there are those who would love to take it back, limit it or deny it. This is our 235th year of 'for the people, by the people of the people', we must make sure we have 235 plus more years ahead.
God Bless America, This Land is Your Land, this Land is my Land, America is Beautiful, and the Star Bangled Banner must triumph forever, we must make sure this happens for ALL of us.We can't let a few diminish any of it for any of us.
Happy Independence Day, 2011!
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