Thursday, November 15, 2012

dear john

Senator Mc Cain,
What has happened to you? You came back from a hard fought war as a hero. You demonstrated the ability to endure to survive, to find principle and stick to it. Your nation welcomed you back and we thought we had a man with conscience when you returned; someone who had morals, values and scruples.
Then you ran for president, an office whose heartbeat could lead this nation, but decided to select Sarah Palin as your running mate lacking any serious vetting process, the person who could be one heart beat away from the Oval Office. Your concern for the welfare of the US disappeared and was replaced with a selfish desire to further your own career. You selected a woman with lack of knowledge, biased, ignorant of the history of this nation a person who would rather divide then unite. Your love of country was less then your desire to win.
Senator McCain you lost the election. A better man beat you, a man more Americans decided should run this nation. You became a belligerent, bitter loser, a man who would rather lash out then join in. Even as the newly elected president reached out to you, you tried your best to diminish his victory. You threw a tantrum acting as if the people really wanted a McCain/Palin ticket and snubbed any outreach from the president.
Senator McCain you never cease to make an ass out of yourself. You seem to have this penchant to make yourself a laughing stock. Your run for the senate of Arizona found you flip/flopping on issues you initiated. Where once you were pro on an issue you were con. Where you prided yourself in being maverick, you were on the attack. You refused to to permit your history on issues be relevant, and you happily invited divide into your own homestead.
Now, again your ‘sour grapes’, your poor loser, your inability to find a conscience is shining through and you are kicking and screaming about President Obama and the incident with our embassy staff in Benghazi. You are ranting and raving, throwing out here-say, innuendo and sound bytes to make it seem President Obama is that Kenyan Socialist your party has deemed him to be. You ask for more information, but prefer to speak to the media and miss a major closed door meeting to answer your questions. You select Susan Rice to be the scapegoat for your inability to recognize your election loss to the president. And you display your powers of hypocrisy by defending the horrible misuse of information of Condoleezza Rice, but insist that Susan Rice is a leader of some anti-American cabal. Condi Rice was part of a plan by the Republicans (your party Senator McCain) to lie to the people, and Ambassador Rice preferred he remarks by stating this is what she knew at that moment.
Senator McCain, your service to this country heralded great admiration, your current behavior only warrants admonishment of all you say. You are an angry man who normally would be left alone to pout in his own preconceived misery. But you are a Senator of the US, and your actions have grave percussions for far too many people. Go away Senator McCain, lick your wounds, sulk, bitch and moan about not being the president and just go away. You add nothing but dismal dissent to a nation trying so hard o find consensus. 
Let us hold on to the hero you once were, and don’t leave us with the jerk you have become.

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