Wednesday, November 28, 2012

who are these people

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman-Sachs and his bevy of CEO’ buds have a problem with American workers.
Blankfein's Goldman Sachs got billions from the federal government during the Wall Street bailouts, enabling him to hold a job that paid him $16.1 million in 2011, and now he wants the rest of us to take a pay cut -- now and in the future. Referring to Social Security, he told CBS "You're going to have to do something, undoubtedly, to lower people's expectations of what they're going to get." That's a second-rate vision for a first world country, and we just voted for a lot better than that. (Ethan Rome, E.D. Health Care for America Now)
Lower expectations are the resolution for this very, very wealthy CEO to solve the problems of debt in this nation. The man who received corporate handouts in the millions feels that too many others are too needy and certainly undeserving of any government support and should indeed lower their expectations to do something as simple as live their life as they grow older. Mr. Blankfein pampered and primal in his love for his fellow Americans is also a spoiled rich guy who has no idea of the needs, desires and functions of he real world. He dares to to kick his well healed heels up and down telling the rest of the non millionaire world lower those expectations cause i don’t want to increase the amount of taxes me or my corporation pay.
Blankfein is one of many Fortune 500 CEOs who joined together under the name "Fix the Debt" a campaign to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to address the federal deficit during the fiscal showdown. This group of more than 90 CEOs is pushing cuts to middle-class programs while shielding millionaires, billionaires and big corporations from tax increases. (Ethan Rome, E.D. Health Care for America Now). 
Cuts to middle class programs, the kind that help feed, shelter, educate and keep healthy the middle class American population need to be cut back, some eliminated forgotten so say these individuals whose taxable contribution to this nations revenues are either nil or void. And arrogantly these men/women pooh-pooh anything  that may raise the standard of living for anyone but themselves. 
We are told we may fall off the fiscal cliff, but in reality not all of US will fall to the bottom bloody and bruised. Nope, people like Mr. Blankfein and his CEO cronies will hire someone else to fall off the cliff or will have purchased  golden parachutes to keep them afloat while the rest of us careen to our death. Who are these people?

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