Sunday, May 5, 2024

MONSTER makers

 “It seems to be a WHOLE lot easier to create a monster than to destroy a monster.” Gerry Buncher, circa USA 2024!


 “Deny, deny, deny,” said Hope Hicks. For goodness sake, by all means ,  if the bad guy did and does bad things to everyone else, then by ALL means, ignore his evil and pretend, instead, it is a virtuous act. Her mentor, her idol, so what the fuck did it matter that HE was a shameful creature, minus morals or values, just as long as HE made Hope Hicks’s’ life wonderful. Sorry, Hope, you had the opportunity, way before it was too late, to actually stop this MONSTER from terrorizing our world.


In advance of his congressional testimony, Trump’s personal lawyer wants the world to know that his loyalty to the president is deep and unwavering, and then some. “I’d never walk away,” he says. (Vanity Fair) Mikey Cohen is, ready able, available amenable, and anxious to keep his Mob Boss Idol in power. Keep the monster fed, keep the monster alive, keep the monster continuing to destroy, until YOU become the next victim. Sad sack Mikey Cohen somehow thought that the vile, and venom of TRUMP was never going to darken HIS own doorstep. Stomp upon, stamp out, incinerate anyone and everyone, and be okay with it, until YOU are victimized.


Sex tapes! Celebrity rehab! Trump hush-money trial goes full National Enquirer as Hulk Hogan, Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen are name-dropped. (Business Insider) Keith Davidson is a lawyer with a mission, the mission is to blackmail folks, or is the kinder gentler word, to assist folks who have been accused of naughty, naughty sexual kind of acts, by suggesting certain sums of money to NOT have their famous persona’s sullied. So why wouldn’t Mikey Cohen on behalf of TRUMP see out Davidson’s firm. But now, Keith Davidson, who was willing to take TRUMPS money, pretends he has a conscience, a guilty one.


Let me be clear, I am glad these three have decided to tell the truth, but IMAGINE, if way back when, WHEN that truth should have been told, how NOW, we might have been minus the MONSTER TRUMP!

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