Once upon a time, when I thought it was cool to listen to Bill Maher’s sense of humor, I thought, wow, this guy is thinking out of the box, I should listen to this comedian turned everyman. As is usually the case with false prophets, they begin to take themselves too seriously, preferring to pontificate rather than listen, they prefer to judge rather than reason.
Bill Maher Backs MAGA’s ‘Woke’ Wildfire Claims in Fiery Rant. Maher prefaced his argument with, “Is ‘wokeness’ the main reason for the fires? Of course not.” But, he said, “it’s also not wrong to associate some of the unforced errors our government made with the things normies see as hallmarks of uber-progressive politics.”
I am sure a whole lot of reasons, examples, causes, and concerns can now be shouted out loud because somehow, NOW, even as the death toll rises, the amount of devastation grows. The frustration from the victims is loud; why not pick apart how a natural disaster might not have happened or might not have occurred as severe, as blunt, as horrendous as it did indeed?
First, I had no idea that WOKE was a noun, as in a person, place, or thing. Secondly, I had no idea that genuinely trying to be inclusive was an awful human trait. And third of all, I never thought that to care to invite was actually a deadly weapon.
Hurricanes happen in the Red States, and oftentimes, the Governors are not ready to assist. Tornados happen in the Red States, and those governors, oftentimes wearing their Bombardier jackets, pose in front of the cameras and say stay home. Floods occur in the Red States, and those Governors hold a press conference introducing a million important people, and still thousands of citizens suffer.
Hmmm…is it because California is a Blue State that Gavin Newsome says words like Gay or Trans? Is it because Gavin Newsome may want to run for President if we still have elections in the year 2028? Is it because Climate Change is a real deal, and environmental concerns have a priority in California? Is it because the LA Fire Chief is a Lesbian and, as such, only has the qualifications for the job because she is a Lesbian? Is it because the mayor of LA is a woman of color? I guess WOKE can kill, whereas racism, bigotry, and fascism are people’s best friends.