During the Nuremberg Trials, after the Second World War, to try and find justice for all of the injustice perpetrated by the Nazi’s to the citizens of Europe, many Nazi soldiers and their sympathizers were placed on trial and asked to account for their barbaric and horrendous actions. In a court room whose guidelines of fair and equal were based on democracy, not propaganda, dictatorial rule nor paranoid delusional ranting of interlopers, those accused of crimes against humanity had an opportunity to tell us why they did what they did.
The response from most of too many criminals, (the only excuse for behavior inhuman, inhumane, not human like), the responses sounded the same with the same quote, “…I was just following orders…”
With the utterance of that sentence, many of the accused assumed little to no responsibility for their actions and thus identified themselves as victims also who were manipulated and managed. With the utterance of that sentence the accused who had little conscience to begin with, who had more ignorance than intelligence, which had bile and bigotry blasting though their souls felt at ease to write off any and all consequences they caused. They were pawns supposedly easily now they could feign guilt because of the orders they followed. Don’t blame them for hate others insisted upon.
In 2010, we are confronted with new monsters. We are now bombarded with individuals who feed contempt, bias, fact less notions, and self serving tirades to become wealthier, more of a celebrity, and God like in their own minds. And we have a cadre of soldiers, all of whom have privately shared the evil spewed by these masters of manipulation who now through the beckon call of bastards are marching to orders of hate.
On Sunday, July 18, unhinged ex-convict Byron Williams loaded his truck with guns and headed up a California highway with the intention of starting a revolution. If he hadn't been stopped by brave officers -- two of whom were wounded in the confrontation -- he could have carried out a plan to kill staff at progressive organizations, including the Tides Foundation.
What is the Tides Foundation? It's the nonprofit that Glenn Beck brags about "turning the light of day" on by constantly attacking it as part of a socialist conspiracy to destroy our government. The Tides Foundation isn't the shadowy political influence of Beck's fantasies -- it's a transparent organization known in the philanthropic community for doing good public service. Make no mistake: Beck's intention was to paint the Tides Foundation as a dangerous, increasingly powerful threat to freedom that must be stopped. And Williams set out to stop them. (Ari Rabin-Havt, Media Matters for America).
Like Adolph Hitler and his henchmen from Hell, Glenn Beck stands in front of an already fearful brigade of soldiers who fantasize about villains, need reason to cause mayhem, act out on orders to act up and want someone to help them point fingers away from their miserable life and find cause in chaos of their lives from the behaviors of others. And like Adolph Hitler, Glenn Beck’s ego is so big, he has little time to contemplate on his fabricated truths, but spends hours and hours on the newly formed kingdom in which he lives. They are pitiful pawns and Glenn Beck the chess mater.
In Indianapolis, one of the stops in a 19 state tour sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) an organization who says they are committed to one man one woman in marriage and say traditional marriage is a civil right ( no civil unions, no common law) a member of NOM was carrying a sign with pictures of two ropes in a noose and a selected quote from Leviticus (always select the quote which fits your hate, poison or bigotry) which reads “…If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both they have committed an abomination: they should be put to death…” Leviticus 20: 13. Of course no one from NOM bothered to ask the gentleman to remove the sign and no one bothered to consider the violence suggested by both that chapter and that picture.
The bearer of the sign is a member of the Cross Bearer Ministry and was following orders his minister and fellow parishioners all gathered about and conspired. Mr. Adams response to the pictures of the noose was very plain and simple, “… an easy way to stop gay marriage is to hang gay people…” “…the solution to gay marriage will be solved…” How does he know this, how do Southern Baptists know this... how do born again Evangelical know this... how do Ultra Orthodox Jews know this…their self anointed liaisons to God tell them so. Someone who seems to be so close to God tells them that just reading selected passages of Leviticus will make the wrong rights. Follow me OR God will be angry with you. Ask no questions. Just follow orders. No blood on your hands you are doing my duty, errrrr, God’s job.
We were following order. I did none of this on my own resolve. It is the right thing because someone pretending to be God, know God, acting like God told me so. H hates just like me. It is right based on nothing more than fable, foible or fantasy.
When do the sane citizens of this world call to account the religious preachers who once again act as if they know God’s desires but in fact work hard to save their own institutions of religion? When do the sane citizens of this world demand facts, demand honest, demand communication instead of dumbing down to drown out reason? When do sane citizens of this world see through the empty souls of men like Glenn Beck? We wait much longer and we won’t be lucky enough to see justice put in place like the Trials at Nuremberg because there will be court, just nooses hanging from trees.