There seems to be a moral outrage, led by the self described evangelical, (take the Bible literally when it proves one of their misled bigoted lies) religious right that states a marriage is defined as one man and one woman. The Church of Latter Day Saints has quietly partitioned its membership (seems if they so vehemently hate same sex marriage they should not sneak about denying it) to add to the Institution of Marriage that the purpose of one man one woman is to make sure the human race procreates and lives on and on and on, OR until they die and find a celestial planet to call their own. The Catholic Church, when not ignoring priests who molest boys and girls or priests who steal from the coffers of the poor to support their lavish life style, add that the moral fiber of family would be the ethics and morals presented by one man and one woman. The ultra Orthodox Jews would rather exile their offspring who say they love someone of the same sex and want to marry them, and the hard core Muslims will just stone anyone of the same sex who wants to hold hands let alone marry.
Those who so soundly say they speak for God or state they are the inheritors of the correct translation and meaning of their particular Holy Books, seem to honor a God with quite the many negative human traits. Where as we are told we are created in God’s image by the Rabbi’s, Priests, Ministers, Imam’s, Church Elders, it seems that those ( who tell us from their Ivory Tower) they are following God’s laws seem to have juxtaposed the calculation and almost want us to believe God now appears in their image, speaking in their tongues.
And along with saving the Institution of Marriage for he and she, no matter he may be a criminal, she may have no parenting skills, or they may make babies but do make a home for the babies, those who speak from both sides of their mouth disguising homophobia for religious zeal, always add whatever they are doing, they are doing it for the children.
But somehow the act of saying it is for the children, to avoid saying we hate Gays, is usually done from the protection of soap boxes, pulpits, mosques, synagogues, churches and political rallies. The words reach a crescendo, those in attendance don’t have to call their bigotry hate and life of separate but equal can flourish in America. Those who spew hate in God’s name, who recite no fact but fancy foibles and fables pat themselves on the back and once the applause dies down, the children whom we are suppodedly doing it all for are once again done in by mere words and no actions.
Marriage between one man and one woman, uh huh… they marry, the father or mother is abusive… the parents commit adultery…they marry not out of love but out of duty towards their church and the expectations of their family…one man and one woman!
Kids are orphaned wanting to find a second chance in a new home made of loving parents. The churches scream keep the kids in foster homes rather than place them in the den of the Gay or Lesbian devil. Let them stay in a foster home which many times has little love but receives money to board the kids. Let them suffer because the loving adults may be two men or two women who want to care for and take care of the kids.
Marriage between one man and one woman, uh huh…has anyone looked at the home life of kids who grow up to be in gangs? Many come from the homes of one man one woman, and because of the lack of morals or values, poverty, un-involvement in their kids life, the kids of one man and one woman grow up to kill, sell drugs, prostitute their bodies. In the city of Los Angeles alone, gangs have wrecked havoc killing innocent kids, terrorizing communities. No one from the religious pompous self righteous really wants to delve into saving those kids.
And it’s for the kids, uh huh…the first budgets to be cut anytime good years and years of recession is the education budget. Public schools seem to be the target of the conservatives who seem to look the away from large classrooms, less nutrition programs, no extra curricular activities, less pay for teachers. The older the one man one woman couple gets, the less involved they want their taxes to fund the children of younger one man one woman couples.
Marriage between one man and one woman, uh huh…no hue and cry or public protest when divorce happens, no hue and cry when politicians are caught cheating while married, no pounding on the Bibles when politicians demonstrate infidelity as long as they also demonstrate their bias and bigotries for the LGBT community. Somehow the children of the adulterer, the people who practice infidelity, who never demonstrate love at home are okay because they are heterosexuals.
If only those who hate could be honest about why they hate and who they hate. If only those who think (because their voice is louder than most) they are closer to God and can interpret his/her words into human failings would have the guts to say they speak for no one but themselves. If only the hype of hate would be found out to be the hypocrisy it is… then perhaps we all could find a common denominator and try to solve the problem we as humans have created.
Isn’t it about time we begin to heal the sores that tear us apart? One man one woman uh huh!
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