Waiting till the last day, to veto a bill that would allow the LGBT citizens in Hawaii to gain the status of civil unions and the same status as married couples have in that state, Republican Governor Linda Lingle, said the issue of stopping separate but equal is so BIG that the voters of the state of Hawaii should take it upon themselves in the voting booths to decide its merits.
The Governor expressed concern for the heterosexuals in her state saying this right is too BIG for just one person or one legislature to decide. Her voice fake with empathy and lacking any sympathy quivered she did not say why she waited till the last minute in denying equal rights to a minority of citizens in her state.
Hmmm dear (this is an issue for the majority to decide) Governor Linda Lingle if the Congress did not pass the Women's Suffrage Amendment, Amendment 19, wonder what the fate of womens rights in this country would look like? If your uncommon sense of the voters need to decide was decided by the male voters of this nation way back in 1919, all of whom were preached to by their religious leaders that the sooner women gain any rights the value and concept of family would never be the same), the then male dominated society, the majority of the voting population were sure it would be better to keep the women as chattel, pregnant and home bound. Where might you be?
Wonder if we let the voters decide on a national religion instead of the government in 1776. You are a Jewish woman wonder if the Evangelicals, the Baptists, the Protestants would vote that Jewish is the religion of America? Your family might be hiding in the back of a building praying to a God considered pagan.
Wonder what this nation would look like Governor Linda Lingle if the Civil Rights act did not become law? Would we still allow the lowly African blacks in our society the same rights as the superior European whites? Or based on the belief that slavery was the right of the majority of white voters in this country a two class society was right as rain. God's rain that is!
Wonder how many couples whose marriage is interracial would not be together had the Government not intervened in the guise of the Supreme Court in Loving V. Virginia when they declared Virginia's anti-miscegenation statute voted on by the white majority to be unconstitutional? When they (the Supreme Court decided the voters in Virginia who voted for the racial Integrity Act were selfishly denying a group of Americans justice.
Women's Suffrage, Civil Rights, Interracial Marriage, Division of Church and state were all laws put in place to protect a minority from the bigotry, ignorance, religious dogma of the majority. None of those laws would have passed all of the states and perhaps any of the states had the Government not taken a stand against intolerance, racism, sexism.
Is it politics Governor Linda Lingle? Are you playing by the Karl Rove Republican handbook of divide and conquer, we versus they, call upon the bias of religion to demonize the devil? Or are you just a homophobe afraid of a minority population based on nothing but your lack of education, lack of true morals and lack of ethics?
If you can sleep well, look at yourself in the mirror, then dear Governor Linda Lingle your parents raised you with no conscience, and as heterosexual parents they failed you miserably.
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