We'll show you the money, say the oil cartel CEO's, to the Republican politicians, as long as you misinform the public about the lack of rules and regulations of off shore drilling. We'll show you the money as long as you make us the priority and not the environment, or the welfare of people of the Gulf. We'll show you the money if you can lie, fabricate the truth and convince the dumbest of the dumb that anything right for their lives is an anti American plot.
We'll show you the money if you are Lebron James, Alex Rodriguez, Eli Manning, Harrison Ford, Larry Ellison. Playing basketball, baseball, football, acting or being a CEO is much more a priority than being a teacher or a social worker. We will cut teachers and increase classroom size, cut back any social services, and certainly stop unemployment payments because after all they just don't market well nor sell tickets. Its all for the children but saying it is much more affordable then living it. And after all the children can spend their money at a sporting event, movie theater or consuming something or other. School is such a drag.
Funny how money speaks in the nation. It speaks from the pulpits of mega churches as the ministers open their hands for more money for their edifices while closing their hands to the poor. Funny how money speaks as the Catholic Church closes parishes or claims innocence in pedophilia cases so as not to spend any of their own money to help uphold justice. Funny how the museums of the Vatican are never depleted or used to assist those in poverty or need. Funny how the Church of Latter Day Saints tithes their followers and uses the money to fight marriage equality. Funny how money speaks for religion but is usually a one way conversation with all the money going to the Church and not the people.
Show me the money and you buy your one way ticket to a cruise with the devil. And so many people are so willing to fork up, give away, hand over the money. And all they get is a deed to the Brooklyn Bridge or maybe some trinkets for the Island of Manhattan.
Show me the money, and one by one the lemmings line up to do so. God Bless America!
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