When I was a sophomore in college way back in the late 60's, the VERY cool phrase used to describe anyone weird, anyone with lack of content, anyone stupid was to use the words 'douche bag'. But because we were really COOL we didn't just use douche bag we had to give it a flavor, and depending on the flavor used we determined the degree of douchieness the person deserved. Liars were considered spearmint douche bags, back stabbers were called peppermint douche bags, and hypocrites were defined as ass wipe douche bags. Along with staying up all night to cram for an exam, being able to party 21 hours of a 24 hour day on a weekend, and wearing anything bell bottomed upon the senior year of college I stopped using the words douche bag to describe anything or anyone...
...Until now...
"Our blacks are so much better than their blacks,” said Ann Coulter, speaking of Democrats. “To become a black Republican, you don’t just roll into it. You’re not going with the flow…and that’s why we have very impressive blacks in the Republican party.”(Newsone).Ms Evilena Coulter has no problem in spewing hate, racism and bigotry. Somehow she is never chastised and instead of being sent to the corner for time out she ends up selling more books with fellow racists, homophobes and bigots waiting anxiously to get her autograph. When she was ranting and raving about Gays (and I always wonder when one protests too loudly about Gays if one is in denial), I considered her the product of an abortion gone bad. But now Ms Coulter acting like the owner of plantation complementing her blacks is more like an ass wipe douche bag.
...And now...
"This is gutter partisan politics, and it's the politics of minority conservative personal destruction," he said. "...It really is about blacks and Hispanics getting too uppity." The notion that the media treats black conservatives more harshly than black liberals or Democrats is one of Limbaugh's frequent themes. He wondered aloud what would happen if the story had been about President Obama. The media, he said, would have attacked the unnamed women in the story. (HuffPost)
From a man who has not stopped calling the President one slur after another, from a man who has demeaned women on his radio talk show, from a man who has disregard for anyone who does not make the amount of money he earns calling this partisan politics is more than ridiculous, and more than that pure ridicule and ruminates on audacity and pure lies. We must always be ware when a lion feigns hurt, in most cases all he is doing is lying in wait to attack. The words that come to mind is spearmint douche.
...and now...
"Mr. Cain, Clarence Thomas, before he was to attend his confirmation hearings was attacked with sexual harassment charges, now you who are a leading candidate for President, do you think because you are a strong conservative black man, feel that race, is the reason for these charges"? Charles Krauthammer while interviewing Cain on a (FOX News special report).
Mr. Krauthammer relentlessly harangued Bill Clinton, found no reason for any excuse from Anthony Wiener, and relentlessly hounded John Edwards before any evidence of any of these politicians infidelity were admitted. He was judge and jury on most to all Democrat adulterers and said America does not need to spend any more time on men with no morals. Mr. Cain however is being harassed because he is not an immoral man but a Republican.
Mr. Krauthammer of the "Fair and Balanced" three ring circus is a peppermint douche bag.
...and finally...
And Herman Cain running for the office of the most important powerful leader in the world is just a douche bag. His flip flops, his denials then memory jolts, his it never happened to it may have happened do nothing to prove his innocence but in fact leave plenty of room for guilt. His account of how the story didn't happen then how it might have happened, and suddenly if it did happen are stale attempts at not taking any responsibility for inappropriate actions. Mr. Cain has already made more comment on an action that supposedly because of a settlement in court was never to be mentioned and since he has spoken so bravely about a silly accusation by an angry employee, should now ask the Restaurant Association to let the two women speak out. If it is nothing then as quickly as it has become news it will blow away in the wind.
As the slogan goes what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, fits well to what happened in college stays in college. But somehow as I reflect on the usage of douche bag and all the iterations thereof I kind of think that part of my past need no longer stay in the past. Calling those who are douche bags douche bags feels as good as a burp when you eat too much food, and a fart when you just can't hold it in anymore.
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