So, I need to know why we heralded the revolutions of tyrannical governments during the Arab Spring, applauding the average citizens of those countries to yell loud and yell long for freedoms denied, but our own American citizens trying to protest the imbalance of wealth, the imbalance of power, the imbalance the haves vs the have-nots are met with disregard from Mayors to Police Chiefs and the only reward for equality is pepper spray?
Michelle Bachmann and most of her cohorts describing themselves as Christian Conservatives running for president from the Republican/Tea Bag party declare and deride that Obamacare is pure and true socialism. They cannot be more vocal more critical, more verbose on the horrible road America will ride if we let this demon of socialism come to fruition and provide health care to those in this country who cannot afford it. They know how to tell their constituents, many of whom also pride themselves in being Christian Conservatives how awful this Affordable Health Care Act will be, but they never seem to tell their Conservative Christians followers what they might place in law instead. They all brag that they know how terrible it would be for universal health care to happen, but none of them tell their Christian Conservatives what they would do help the masses.
I am curious as to just how Christian these candidates are and how Jesus might view their ability to deny all Americans the right to be healthy, stay healthy and live healthy. I wonder if Jesus would place his arm on their shoulders and say sure, let the market place decide the price of living and maintaining a healthy life style. I can hear him saying I agree with Michelle and your cronies, it is about corporate greed first and human life next. I am so tired of Christian Conservatives being anything but Christian.
So, we have a week left for the SUPER DUPER WE ARE MEN AND WOMEN OF STEEL COMMITTEE to try and lower our deficit. They had been handpicked from both parties to tackle the hard questions, to find common ground to SAVE AMERICA. They told us, no they swore that politics would not be on the agenda, that partisanship was not permitted, and that revenue and cuts would find fair play. We were told they are the elite, the men and women of the Congress who will find a way to make America better.
Now we see angry Senators and Congress people avoiding the press, telling the reporters who can place a microphone under their talking heads as they try to avoid saying anything incriminating, we will be here as long as it takes. Except it has already taken long and we don't have much more time for them not to do anything but pontificate and blame.
And all the while this SUPER DUPER WE ARE MEN AND WOMEN OF STEEL COMMITTEE pander to their corporate bosses, their wealthy lobbyists, millions of men and women are unemployed or running out of unemployment benefits, losing their homes, lacking health insurance and eking out an existence that fill many with depression and distress.
Where are the majority of Americans with heart, soul, brains a conscience? Why have we let Mayors permit their police departments to pepper spray away our First Amendment Rights? Why are good religious people, who actually practice the spirit of God, permitting so many people to shout blasphemies in the name of God? Why are we ignoring the influence the wealthy, the corporations, the greedy are demonstrating by paying our politicians to worry about their own careers rather then the lives of average Americans?
This time in our American history is puzzling, confusing, and unfair. When do we take back our country from phonies, partisan politicians, and people who live for the lie and fear the truth? How much longer does this divide thrive? When does a common goal revive? When?
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