Tuesday, September 4, 2012

found something

When our Founding Father’s created the Constitution they began a framework of ideas and ideals for a new nation. They tried hard to remove the restrictions of tyranny and torment delivered by an uncaring royalty. Our Founding Fathers realized that many of the laws created by the royals of Britain were more restrictive then resounding. They were set to limit the quality of life for the peasant, and prolong the quantities of life for the privileged. 

Many of the amendments in the Constitution written at the time of our Founding Fathers were interpretations of the status quo of the day. They were treaties of the times illuminating the ebb and flow of the society of the day. Some had far reaching articles added with the understanding that the moment can change and a few moments from now may beg a slight bit different approach. The Constitution was a new document meant to to set a foundation, but the Founding Fathers realized how foundations can shift and change and some elasticity is essential to keep the foundation standing.

In decades since the Founding Fathers established this land of free and equal, society had discovered that free and equal was not benefiting all of the citizens of this great nation. And rational men and women like our Founding Fathers have found consensus in the fact that the “pursuit of happiness” can be pursued only if happiness is provided to the many and not the few. So women became more then chattel, minorities more then slaves, workers becoming valued assets, and so on and so forth. It was common knowledge that the Constitution was the parameter by which America survived but that foundation could expand and should expand when the lives of its citizenry become less then or not equal to.

And now we have a new brand of Republicans being led by anarchists calling themselves the Tea Party who love to exclude, eliminate and deny rights to the Constitution. They are at the ready to recall the rights and liberties thriving in the Constitution and replacing them with a version of Americana more like fascism and fanaticism then democracy. And this group of bigots/racists/ homophobes/sexists set about their redefinition of the Constitution insisting they are doing the continued work of the Founding Fathers. And the many who learn about current events from Fox News, science from their Evangelical preachers, exclusion from their biased families seem to think the denial of rights, freedoms and justice is how and why this nation of ours was created.

And the Republican/Tea Party seems to be enjoined by others who think the president is a Muslim, should not be the president because he is black, not going to defend Israel because he would first like to try a peaceful track, likes the poor by not providing the wealthy with even more tax breaks, hates America because he shows respect to the other nations of the world. We watch as the Romney/Ryan team want to tear down the rights in our Constitution and witness the Republican/Tea Party continue to lie about facts or hide the truths.

Our Founding Fathers did NOT create the Constitution so one day false prophets could redefine their values based on their own bias, bigotry and ignorance. And yet we are being sold a bill of goods based on bogus.

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