Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Good God

Pat Robertson Tells Man to Beat his Wife, Move to Saudi Arabia. Good ole Reverend Robertson joked and giggled that the laws in this land provide protection for spousal abuse. He then added that in some conditions, especially when the wife is a nag (and had’t read the scriptures where it says the husband is the boss and has the power) a little bit of abuse can go a long way. Robertson ended by saying the Muslims are bad people but when it comes to beating up your wife all good Christians can turn the other cheek. And then Pat (I am your direct communicator to God) Robertson asked his audience to pray and of course send in money.
Children with disabilities are God’s punishment to women who previously had abortions. VA Del, Bob Marshall. Va. Delegate Marshall is praying to a very vengeful God who will not only smote you but will also provide your kid with any myriads of disabilities. It seems not only is his God pro-life but will make that life difficult if you don’t toe the line. Mr. Marshall of course uses no science but prefers science fiction to make his inane and insane accusations. But because Mr. Marshall is a man who quotes the Bible while he is stumping too many small minded. religiously blind minions believe he is correct.

Mitt Romney suggested that President Obama has taken God out of his heart during a rally in Mansfield, Ohio on Monday, telling a crowd of manufacturing workers that unlike the current occupant of the White House, he will always be guided by the Almighty. I am not sure when I ever  heard the president say he has taken God out of his heart. In fact most of the presidents comments and action seem much more like something God would prefer (unlike Mr. Romney’s actions). God out of his heart, hmmm, saying poor people should have access to food, elderly to use social security until they pass, men loving men to wed, a woman the power to control her body, Americans access to affordable health care are not God like? As for me Mitt, my relationship with God is personal and the stronger I believe the more I care, share, concern, and have conscience in my interactions with the world around me the stronger God becomes. And Mr. Romney you may give a large percentage of your money to your church, but that is just money, how you act is the sign of a true believer!

Finally, I want to know who this GOD is that people like Pat Robertson, the Virginia Delegate, Bob Marshall and Mitt Romney pray to. I want to know the Bible they read and where it states hate first pray second. I want to understand how the GOD they are best buds with can be a purveyor of prejudice before he/she provides empowerment. I want to wrap my head around how a GOD these men worship is always voting Republican/Tea Party, on the side of bigots, racist and homophobes, and never worried about rights, freedoms and equality.

Good God!

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