Wednesday, September 12, 2012

not again

Here we go AGAIN, President Obama apologizes way too much. According to the moralist and man of values Romney, our presidents foreign policy plan is based on two words apology tour. Somehow, the world according to Romney, the puppet for puppet masters like Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh and anything FOX, is trying out the adage, this Muslin/Kenyan is  not one of us, not an American, you know because he is black.

I am amazed that smart people still support Mitt Romney. Here is a man who has no use for fact checks, insists we should trust his decisions before electing him to office, and feels that his background as a CEO, Mormon, Entrepreneur, Governor and taxes paid or not paid are none of the business for most Americans. Here is a man who doesn’t say vote for me because I can do it, but vote for me because the other guy, well, the other guy “ain’t one of us”, you know white.

One more inexcusable speech from a man who ignores his past comments, refuses to admit any video or audio of past statements saying they are fake, and is proud as hell to flip/flop and etch a sketch hoping no one really noticed in the first place. And yet there are a large group of people voting for and supporting this man.

What is it that Barack Obama has not done, that electing Mitt Romney will make better?Is it that he (Obama) says LGBT’s are human... the elderly need a safety net... young adults brought to this nation as young children deserve a chance to become citizens... all Americans should have the right to affordable health care...we are choking the environment...women are smart enough to make their own reproductive choices??????

We had 8 years of Republican government and the rich got richer, but too many foundations supporting every one else began to collapse, wars were waged never budgeted for, housing market devastated, retirement funds emptied, unemployment rising at outrageous rates, division of wealth distribution, and more “we vs they” greater then the Civil War and the days of segregation.

And  Mitt, if elected wants us to return to those days when only a handful of individuals could boast about their successes, and a few have risen to the top of society while others sunk or are still sinking to the bottom. And PEOPLE are still in favor of this man becoming the next president of the United States. It makes no sense. What has President Obama done that is anti-US except to try to be inclusive for all of us.

And today, once again, Mitt Romney uses his code words stating that President Obama is not one of us. Well whatever Obama IS, I am exactly like him. This president speaks my language, speaks of my values, and speaks for me.

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