Just to set the record straight...
God does not hate FAGS, he despises those who call them that.
Self proclaimed Religious and Capitalists sometimes worship a vengeful and false God.
When the President Obama acts more like an uppity black man he kicks your bigoted ass.
The President does care about Israel but would prefer to use all of his collateral in words first then the lives of Americans to prove it.
Patronizing and Pandering are par for the course of a man with weak character and a waning conscience.
Mr. Romney you are right people just don’t die in their apartments, they die in their homes, on the streets in back alleys because wherever they live they still don’t have adequate health insurance.
Just to set the record straight...
Who exactly will you be protecting when you decide to spend billions on Defense while deducting millions on the line items like food, shelter and health care?
Mr. Ryan, washing dishes after they have been cleaned and those who fed off of them have eaten only makes you a condescending cocky son of a bitch and not a caring Catholic.
Todd Akin is still the same religious bigot, anti feminist, ignorant fool he was when he stated there is such a thing as legitimate rape, so how come people like Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers are once again supporting him?
It is difficult to debate a liar because all he does is recite the same fiction and folly never once admitting he is anything but real.
Just to set the record straight...
It took 8 years for a Republican President and Congress to deepen the debt, widen the divide between the have and nots, ignore any restrictions for the Finance and banking Industry and four years for a Democrat President to begin to turn it around.
Backing a candidate but doing it anonymously is being a coward. Off shore accounts are a shady practice if you want to be the president of the United States. Using your religious practice to proselytize as an excuse for you not to fight a war you deemed as the right war to fight is bogus. Stating you are proud of your record but never letting anyone else ask you about it is arrogant.
Just for the record...
If you believe in your policies share them and with a backbone and clear conscience say so, don’t tell us we have to wait and see.
If you just discovered at the age of 57 when you were governor that there ae qualified women in the US, what the hell were you doing before that. And speaking of before that while at Bain you hadn’t discovered talented and educated women.
If you are a female and still consider Mitt the man I suppose you care less about your elf esteem then the hatred for the President.
If you are a member of the LGBT community and find Romney/Ryan resonate for you, then I suppose the equity in your savings account means a whole lot more then the equality of your life.
If you are a member of the Jewish Community and have bought into the Hussein part of Obama or that the president hates Israel then you have fallen into the propaganda of Evangelicals only care about the existence of the Jewish State so the damn Rapture can begin already.
If you watch FOX news then you have no idea that others don’t hate, scapegoat, bully, that the Constitution is not the same thing as the Bible, and that democracy IS about fair and equal.
Just to set the record...
There is a major choice between Obama/Biden and Romney/Ryan and if you don’t choose correctly we will revert to the years of Bush/Cheney tens time worse.
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