Here we go, the Republicans say a word define it with their skewed dictionary of bias and bogus and suddenly the word is a BAD word. Socialism, socialists, so we are told are the ugly side of humanity. These two words create a world of evil; a place that denies freedoms and personal choice. Run, run fast when you see a socialist flee, flee far from a nation that promotes socialism. Our forefathers would be turning over in their graves if they had any indication that words like socialism and socialist were being muttered in this nation of ours.
But then, the Great Depression happened upon our shores and Americans were starving. homeless, destitute and the Government felt an obligation to take care of “its tired and its poor.” The government wanted to assist its citizens in finding their “pursuit of happiness.” So the government created jobs, opportunities for people to become employed earn a wage feed their families and find shelter. The government looked closely at its elderly those who worked so hard in their youth. Now they were slowing down and the government thought, these people helped make America great we must do something in return and give back that greatness. Social security was created a means by which getting old, getting sick did not lead to despair, dread or doom or death but instead provided the means to live a filler life. The government became a bit socialistic in its philosophy in response to the needs of its citizenry. And democracy did not die it thrived.
Like so many hypocrites those who want to pinpoint their own bigotry will highlight some of the words in the Bible and ignore the rest. Homosexuality is a sin according to Christians who base this phobia on Leviticus. But somehow all the other passages of sin stemming from Leviticus like only marrying a virgin to not getting tattoos eating shell fish are never mentioned. Socialism is bad we are told because the government wants to impose its own standard of morals and values. But then socialism is OKAY when these same zealots wish to have the government impose their standards relating to women’s reproductive rights, same-sex marriage.
Until the Affordable Care Act became law little was done by the free market to assure a majority of Americans access to health care other then a rip to the Emergency Room or to make a priority as to paying for food, shelter or health. All Americans having the same opportunity to live a healthy life became a hue and cry for that terrible demon of destruction SOCIALISM. Suddenly death panels loomed large, bureaucrats bullying you into what kind of health care is best, elected officials sitting in your doctors office all of this would happen we were warned because SOCIALISTS are handling your health insurance. And as the free market ran rampant in handling our health insurance we had pre-conditions, high premiums, lack of coverage, too expensive to operate, and no health coverage whatsoever.
Like lemmings afraid of their own shadow, some will not take the initiative to investigate their road ahead. They will follow the fool in front of them afraid to read a map and perhaps not fall off the cliff a mile ahead. They will not question for fear that those who say they are closer to God or the Constitution, or Thomas Jefferson, George Washington will call upon those higher powers and deny the lemming access to to prosperity. They will let others use the word socialism, socialist as BAD words and have no idea how pieces of both words will benefit all Americans.
The Republican leadership has done a good, good job on keeping the dumb dumber, the fearful more afraid and the ignorant unaware.
Such a shame that the road the lemming chooses is off a cliff when with one smart question, one smarter answer the road ahead leads to a rainbow.
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