There sadly are a whole bunch of stupids. Stupid itself is a sad situation but sometimes a simple stupid can earn some sympathy just because the person being stupid is legitimately unaware of his or her own behavior. Often times this kind of stupid is considered dumb. Dumb stupid can be tolerated if and when the dumb stupid person acknowledges that perhaps they should have read a little more, questioned some or even ventured into the land of other ideas. Stupid has been around for eons and many people celebrity, politician and average Joe or Joanne have demonstrated the dredges of dumb. We have grown up with stupid, gone to school with stupid, some of our neighbors were stupid but somehow there has never been a great opportunity or showcase for this group of stupid to languish and linger. Few of the dumb stupid have garnered recognition or acclaim with the successes of FOX Noise and Limbaugh radio. But then with the passing of time the reliance of fiction as a shining example of trust, the bogus of bias to bring in the brand new day, the idolization of hate, fear and difference as a bad thing dumb stupid has moved into a new category.
And now we have bat shit bonafides crazy, deliberately evil stupid…we have Sarah Palin STUPID. “President Obama’s rewarding of lawlessness, including his own, is the foundational problem here. It’s not going to get better, and in fact irreparable harm can be done in this lame-duck term as he continues to make up his own laws as he goes along, and, mark my words, will next meddle in the U.S. Court System with appointments that will forever change the basic interpretation of our Constitution’s role in protecting our rights. It’s time to impeach, and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment.” (Mother Jones). Mama Grizzly reality star and oh yeah half term governor is quite stupid, but her kind of stupid is laced with arsenic, atomic particles glowing with radiation and simmering at a temperature to explode but of course without a trace of Ms Palin in the room when it happens. Palin STUPID is terminal and loves to eat at the flesh destroying any trace of normal. Palin STUPID is a result of the 2000’s when instant is more important then honest, when flash is sought over substance, when heresy and in effectual argument used to win the debate. Palin STUPID is a virus that destroys the foundation of democracy and Sister Sarah is patient zero.
Now of course Palin STUPID is not confined to the borders of Alaska, nope this virulent disease has found its way to the four corners of this place called Murica by those infected. Congressman Louis Gohmert from Texas, assured of being Congressman for life due to gerrymandering said this, “…immigrant children are flooding across the border To secretly vote for Demmycrats. (Huff Post). A guy with a medical degree, yep Palin STUPID knows no boundaries, Dr Keith Ablow, a regular on everything Fox stupid has said in the past, “ Obama likes the World Cup because it distracts the American public”, and the Florida theater shooting victim might be to blame for his own death because of date rage. Governor Chris Christie afraid that he is not stupid enough for the right wing stupid so he reverted to a Palin STUPID when he vetoed a NJ gun regulation and refused to meet with the families of the murdered Sandy Hook children.“I already signed it,” Christie said at a press conference Monday. “It would have been really hypocritical for me to sit down and act like I was listening to their arguments, again, when in fact I already signed the conditional veto.” “Are we saying then that the 10 children on the clip that they advocate for, that their lives are less valuable?” Christie said Monday. “If you take the logical conclusion of their argument, you go to zero, because every life is valuable.”
It used to be that stupid was self destructive. It used to be that stupid would eat its own. Since dumb stupid has morphed into Palin STUPID it has become a carnivorous monster and is somehow managing to eat at the foundations of a once significant and caring nation. Palin STUPID is dangerous, very, very dangerous!
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