A Fire Mountain restaurant patron calls a gay man a "fucking faggot," and threatens that he should be "put to death." He later says his "religious principles" motivated him. (Huff Post) Some people, when they look at the worst Ebola outbreak in history, hope for its quick end and for the safety of those in the communities affected. But others, like Christian Radio Host Rick Wiles hope it spreads to the US and wipes out every last atheist and gay person in the country. (addictingingo.org)
Religious principles, to hate, to reject, to segregate, to ostracize to murder. More and more those who say they are soldiers of God those who hear God whisper to them, those who want to act like God are at the ready to justify their humanness by citing religious principles. God now is used to justify the Second Amendment. God’s name is called upon to interfere with women’s reproductive rights while at the same time ignoring the basic needs of being alive. God is suddenly a white’s only entity who has disdain for people of color and certainly must have looked the other way when brown and black hues found footing on Earth. God never liked difference we are told and HIS image can only be the face we see in the mirror; as long as that face is white, heterosexual, Evangelical and stupid.
We can read the words of homophobic, racist bigots and laugh, but the laughter is drown by the venom that those words retain. If we say God told us so, and that it is God’s religious principles I adhere to then supposedly the bile spewed makes hate okay. The stupid are not going away, no they are bolted by entertainers on FOX News paid not to think but to demonstrate ignorance. They are supported by pseudo- politicians who understand that as long as they quote falsehoods they are relevant, as long as they play puppet for self serving billionaires they can survive. They are supported by men and women who insist God ordained them to fight the Devil, the Devil they define.
Where and when did a loving God demand people be put to death? And if that is the God you prefer why would you choose a God who seems to suffer the same failings and fault as mere mortals? And exactly what religious principles are you extolling; mob rule, mayhem, murder? In America of 2014, it seems those who call themselves Patriots are the first to want segregation, restriction on freedoms, and a disdain for democracy. In America 2014 those who call themselves Christian are the first demand retaliation, and murder. I want so much for those who are not self loathing, insecure, stupid to take back the agenda for this nation and create real principles of humanity by which we all should live equally!
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