Ann Coulter refers to Africa as “disease-ridden cesspool” in victim-blaming Ebola rant, She condemns Dr. Ken Brantly, one of the two Americans who has been diagnosed with Ebola, the missionary for making Christian charities Samaritan’s Purse and SIM USA pay for him to fly in a private jet back to the U.S. and receive care at “one of America’s premier hospitals.” (Salon)
Ann Coulter knows she can fade into irrelevance instantly so to keep from sliding into her own cesspool of crass, corse, and cheapness she fires off irreverent comments just to keep her from turning invisible. Buoyed by baseless bastards of bigotry at the ready to fend off truth for fiction, Ann Coulter sniffs out the slime hoping to offer her inbred shit herders a chance to gather their evil intended infections and spread a series of insults toward anyone with a conscience, a clear view of honor and a true sense of fair play. It is a sickness on Ann’s part, a debilitating douchery of sad commentary just so she never goes unnoticed. Never at the ready for honesty, integrity, intelligence or truth, Ann Coulter prefers the venom understanding that a rattler attracts more attention then a garter snake. Ann Coulter is welcomed by FOX News, Christian Conservative talk radio, minions of Evangelicals and American terrorists calling themselves Tea Partiers so she quite never does fade away. The more inane remarks uttered by her the higher her goal of being noticed, and when there is nothing else in your life this matters. Situated in her own ivory tower one might think she has enough fame and fortune to fade into her homemade miserable world; but Ann is insecure and realizes that she must act as insane as the self loathing cretans who need enemies to survive.
When Ann talks no one on the right tells her to shut up. Grasping at her gargled garbage of insults, innuendo and out right prejudice the fools on the right whom proclaim Jesus hates anyone without a gun, despises anyone without white skin, and of course was the first president of the US, the flock of fools follow her closely. Sadly the need to be the most stupid person in world is a competition of the right side of politics and the gamesmanship never ends. Once Ann speaks then you hear Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly, Ted Cruz, Louie Gomhert, Michelle Bachmann and the bozo’s who only count on the ignorance, bigotry and hate of sad sacks to listen. One has to wonder where are the smart people, the sensitive folk, the people who were taught right from wrong, good from bad truth from lies? But fearful of being invisible, Ann Coulter goes on and on and on demanding that dumb be the spoken language of this nation.
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