Friday, January 29, 2016

A 2016 Quiz

IF YOU prefer your comedians or politicians who deliver their jokes bold and brash but never provide you with a punch line YOU: A) prefer noisy things like bombs dropping or AK assault weapons being shot in rapid fire, B) are just mesmerized by people who move their lips fast, wondering how fast their next sentence might be spoken or C) are a supporter of Donald Trump? IF you bask in the light of your Savior YOU: A) support a man married three times who would make his daughter his fourth if he could, B) support a candidate who has enough clean water for just his kind of Christian believers C) support man who believes Jesus would have deported his own immigrant followers if in fact he too hadn’t been an immigrant. IF YOU believe you are a Patriot YOU: A) dress in clothing filled with Confederate paraphernalia, B) poach on Federal land because the Lord gave you this land C) go out and purchase a white hood to match your white robe and or a bunch of those cute swastika picky do’s tom prove white supremacy? If you swear by God (not any God Jesus God of course) that you are pro-life YOU” A) burn down any and all Planned Parenthood clinics, B) vote for politicians who deny food assistance and early childhood education, C) want a bunch of men folk to check the genitals of elementary school kids as they enter the bathrooms or D) just arrest unmarried women who are slut and whores anyway?

IF YOU are walking down a sidewalk and headed toward your east is a black man with a black hoodie on and to your west a white man with a white hood on YOU:  A) take out your open carry weapon and shoot the black man B) pass the white hooded guy blaming the Jews, Colored, and the Mexicans with cantaloupe calves for making the sidewalk so narrow or C) say hello to the black guy with a hood and hope the white hooded guy is not carrying matches or rope? IF YOU deny climate change WILL YOU A) by a cemetery plot of the tallest peaks of the Rocky’s for your grandkids B) hope that the Trumps, Cruz’s, Bush’s and Koch’s will set aside a seat on their rocket to a satellite above the Earth or C) don’t really mind because you are certain the Rapture will happen before all the ice melts? IF you too have a sixth sense and see things that no one else sees like videos, and back room deals to kill American soldiers in Benghazi WILL YOU: A) find a director/writer to make Sixth Sense 2, B)continue to swear the sun rotates around the Earth because you have seen pictures of that also or C) just keep your head in the sand, yours ears tuned into FOX News and buy Gold from Glenn Beck?

IF YOU are walking down the sidewalk, a very narrow sidewalk and two people are approaching you both alone together as they are each texting DO YOU:A) step into the bushes or on to the street so they can continue to be self absorbed, B) stand still, playing the game chicken or C) place your leg out in front of them hoping the first one trips and falls onto the second one? IF A person is talking on the phone as if they are in the confines of their house and speaking so loud the jackhammer on the street seems like a distant melody DO YOU: A) point and laugh, B) answer the next question they are asking C) start screaming to yourself in the same loud voice or D) tell them to shut the @#%& up? IF YOU actually think the GOP Tea Party is holding debates instead of debacles HAVE YOU NEVER A) actually witnessed a real debate, B) rarely care about truth C) think NOT answering the question is real politics or D) just like to view building implosions, pictures of highway wrecks and the version of the World’s Funniest People who fall down stairs, fall out of planes or think they arr professional wrestlers performing body slams on their mothers?

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Like a

Like that bright yellowish bulb hanging heavy from the eaves of your porch lit on a summer’s night attracting all kinds of insects promising them warmth, safety, security but just a false bit of hope at the ready to snap, crackle and pop each bug as it it finds footing on nothing but a failed prophet. Like the Wizard standing behind a large door surrounded by his guards shouting out loud a bunch of loony tunes which somehow resonate as lullaby’s to those desperately hoping to find the truth never really realizing that looking inward will solve their own madness. Like the promise of the Mega-Lottery, glitzy and full of glow, promoting dreams and desires and all you have to do is take your money for anything needed and place a bet on something so far away that the depths of the universe are closer to find then that promised pot of gold. Like all of that we find people ready to embrace a shiny object, an empty room filled with artificial light, a gaggle of what if’s and how come’s based on nothing but bigger, better, and boastful.

Today I listened as “so called” news organizations pretended that they didn’t understand the Trump phenomena, acting so coyly and cautious as to how this side-show barker could suddenly become a the ring-master, the man wearing the top hat at the ready to introduce what comes next. The main street media babying, cajoling, pampering every mood swing and foul mannerism of Donald Trump giving his antics more air time then some of the paid for commercials scratching their heads as to the popularity of man they assisted to become King. FOX News pretending that they were not part of the zombie virus afflicting their viewers, never stopping to even pretend their sponsored debates were nothing more then a propaganda tool which created a lot of revenue. CNN sending their own reporters out to ask why henchmen with white robes, an abridged version of the Constitution and Confederate Flags support Trump. ABC, CBS, NBC so confused why Trump can get away with lying, fabricating facts or ignoring any questions asked, without anyone of those “Journalists” offering a fact checker or two with every non answer they permitted Trump to get away with.

Like a population always wanting quick and easy responses, never concerned about honesty, thinking heroics are about solving problems with a wall, carpet bombing populations, excluding Americans, we watch as groups of self victimized men and women who by their own habits are marginalized, try and embrace a man who sees himself as a bright glorious yellow orb enticing all to step into the light, only to dissolve, disappear and die. Like a reverse Stephen King novel instead of good triumphing over evil, we are witnessing the vapors of the vicious slowly intrude into our nostrils slowly suffocating the good and replacing it with nothing but the best, baddest and WORST.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Many Americans believe that sitting in front of a screen in the coziness of their man cave, living room or den having a great time with their PlayStations fighting marauding armies of whom ever is supposed to be the enemy, they ARE actually real soldiers themselves, able to make life and death decisions feeling supremely brave; because even if they lose they can start the game all over. Many Americans believe that reality television is REAL. They believe a bachelorette or bachelor can in fact find true love, the one four leaf clover in a field of three leaf clovers. They believe that the Kardashian’s are talented, the American Idol winner actually is America’s most talented, that any female with blond hair on FOX News is a professional journalist, and that people like Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham and Joel Osteen actually have a direct line to Jesus. Many Americans also relish the idea of superhero’s with super powers. With capes or sans the cape, for many Americans the easiest way for a good life is either winning the Mega-Million Lottery or calling upon your own Super Hero to vanquish the evil doers in your life. And for many an American YOU know exactly who that evil doer IS!

Fantasy has taken form in American culture voiding out truth, honesty and even humility. Fantasy has created fanatics who actually believe every story must end the way they wish and they will only be satisfied when the perceived boogey man is tarred and feathered, imprinted with a sign of evil, chastised, burned at the stake, or sent to some cast-away island. For many Americans hero’s are idolized not necessarily by the accomplishments they have made toward to society but in fact glamorized by the promises they pretend will become reality. (In 2003 Californian’s voted for Arnold Schwarzenegger for Governor, sure that his on screen heroics would translate into real life). Americans want every thing NOW, they think laws, behaviors, every day living can and should be as quick as texting, receiving an email, and using your phone. And many Americans especially who identify as GOP-Tea Partiers believe that the men and one woman running for President can make America great again, or to be exact make America in the greatness which is good for them.

So why is anyone surprised that Donald Trump is ahead in the polls. He can breathe fire, he can shoot someone and get away with it, he can do better, best and boast about all of it without ever having to prove he really can. He can eliminate free speech if he feels like it, he can tell a woman she is ugly, he can pave buildings in gold. He has NO one to answer to not the Supreme Court or that annoying thing called the Constitution. While others can talk to God, Trump has him on speed dial. Donald Trump is well on his way to become the POTUS because the weak wish for a hero and this man can stomp, yell, bully better then anyone else who better then to serve in the highest office of this nation? When the media is more concerned about ratings then truth, when questions too hard to answer are instead turned into attacks, when puppet masters set the agenda, when lies have taken on a life of their own, when the only answer for anger is to identify and enemy then people like Donald Trump reign supreme. In most movies the hero saves the day and many Americans are lulled into believing in a quick happy ending, legions will line up to elect men like Donald Trump! So why are so surprised!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


On Sunday’s way back when my family would visit my Grandma and Grandpa Buncher. It was a ritual for us, we actually had to get a little dressed up with a tiny speech about respect and off we would go to visit my fathers parents. My Grandma Buncher was a lady who believed in waste not want not. I had no idea, then, of the word frugal but indeed she was very frugal, the word I used at the time and only sharing it with my little sister was mean. In Pittsburgh the word for soda was “pop”. My dad was a policeman and our income was not that much so if we had any “pop” at our house it was a generic brand and it was delivered by the “pop” and seltzer man(back in the early 50’s almost everything was delivered.) At least it was “pop” so my little sister and I felt that we were almost like every other family. My Grandma Buncher however thought that “pop” was a waste of money and a lot of phooey. Trying hard to have her grandchildren enjoy their visit to her house my Grandma would invite my little sister and I into her kitchen and she would say, “Children, this is much healthier for you and you don’t need a lot of it to enjoy it.” She would then take some elixir of raspberry, or grape drip drop it into a a glass then take out the seltzer bottle and spritz it also into the glass. As she would add the seltzer she said, “it seems like a whole lot but children, all you really need is tiny bit and you will certainly be just as satisfied.” Handing the the glasses of home made “pop” to us my Grandmother would end the discussion by saying, “ People who are empty inside always want more, people who are satisfied inside need nothing more. Never consider what you think you need but enjoy every ounce of what you have.” She would finalize that conversation by saying “and give it a good burp!” She would giggle but how could anyone burp in front of their grandparents!

For me there is no real wonder as to the popularity of most to many of the GOP-Tea Party candidates for president. As monstrous as many of those men and one woman seem to be the real scary part of this whole cultural debacle is the EMPTY people who celebrate and support them. This pack of presidential hopefuls with or without their white robes and hoods, understand that promising more, better, greater and most will fill the void and vacuum of a demographic never ever able to feel satisfied. Like the spritz of seltzer, promises made by the GOP Tea Party candidates, arrive in a bubbly. Add the sweet taste of “we versus them” to color the drink and suddenly you feel full. But when a person is truly EMPTY inside as my Grandma Buncher suggested some people may be, your satisfaction grows less and your need for another glass of hate and anger grows and grows.

“Never consider what you think you need but enjoy every ounce of what you have” were sweet words from my Grandmother, but sadly in this nation in the year 2016 the candidates running for president only offer their townsfolk parables about what you have is not enough. The presidential candidates promise that more for you is correct and less from them appropriate. Don’t be satisfied unless you have it all. Just like the seltzer bubbles spinning and bouncing the promises of the GOP-Tea Party are so enticing, causing a burp of excitement, but eventually will fall flat. “People who are empty inside always want more thus they seek others who are just as empty to be their hero’s.

Friday, January 22, 2016


To be sure, becoming a parent for many is not too difficult. Our bodies are designed to procreate and humans more often then not do exactly that. Once birth happens we suddenly call ourselves PARENTS. But JUST because we are identified as parents does not mean that each and everyone of us knows exactly how to PARENT. What might be a natural reaction in our bodies to bring another life into the Earth, how our brains, soul and gut behave is entirely a completely different function of NATURE; identifying itself as NURTURE. Various cultures decide on the rules and regulations of what responsibilities we should and might have, but most often the COMMON denominator of quality parenting throughout the world is the protection of the child providing unconditional love and the ability to place their lives as a priority above your own life.

It is always an awkward moment to infer, suggest, or even criticize to friend or family that the process by which they are raising their child is NOT correct. After all what is correct. But every now and then we observe habits, traits and patterns in which some PARENTS are too cavalier, too detached, too selfish all resulting in either a lack of interest in the welfare of their children or a complete abandonment of PARENTAL responsibilities, and something must be said; for the protection of a healthy child. Sometimes the WRONG way of being a PARENT is so obvious it begs the bystander to no longer stand on the sidelines.

Sarah Palin has made it her business to protest how same-sex couples should NOT be permitted to either adopt kids or indeed have their own children. Sarah Palin has scolded single parent families suggesting that it takes a MOM and a DAD to raise the kids correctly. Sarah Palin has made it her business to become the moral police and the values monitor for PARENTING. Sarah Palin says it is her responsibility to do so because she is only following the directions Jesus somehow provides her when he visits. Sarah Palin’s PARENTING might have been her own business, but once you open yourself up as spokesperson for FAMILY values for everyone else then even if you are a Grizzly Mom you become fair game. The thing about Sarah Palin is some people were NEVER designed to be a PARENT. Sarah Palin preaches to her daughter that abstinence only, never providing her daughter with options and education of choice. Sarah Palin has a son suffering from PTSD yet has assault weapons lying around the house, and easy access to alcohol. There are some simple remedies to assist Sarah Palin with her PARENTING skills, but its seem she is too simple witted of a person to realize that. PARENTING is hard.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Dear Sarah, again

Dear Sarah,
you are back, just like that zit, the one with lots of puss that seems to ooze that creepy white stuff anytime a big event happens, or like that cold sore that lies dormant until its time to greet some close friends. You are back Sarah because just like Vampires need blood to survive you thrive for attention and if you can’t create the fuss then you accept the fuss of others who at the moment are louder and more stupid then yourself.

If your son Track suffers from PTSD, it is a shame and something to worry about, not just pray about but hopefully find ways in which he can be helped. My sympathies for you and your family and I hope Track can find the necessary help. But Sarah, Hon, instead of even trying to do anything for your son, your first response is to blame his recent actions of abuse, alcoholism and availability to guns on President Obama. Sarah, Hon, did the President purchase your household of guns? Did the President permit alcohol to be at the ready in your home for consumption? Did you not promote more war, more bombs more boots on the ground, claiming that Obama was kind of a “wuss” for actually wanting negotiations instead of war? Did your ghost writers never inform you that it was and has been the Republican majority in the Congress who reused and still refuses to create funds for men and women like your son to receive mental health care. And Sarah, you silly fool ask your ghost writers to re-read your own texts on how mental illness should NOT disqualify a “good guy” using a gun. 

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah most Americans who don’t hate themselves or need to find a victim for their own poor judgements find you repulsive. Your leadership and now parenting skills leave much to be desired.(Now tell me again about that Christian religious thingie you always pretend to believe) If you knew your son suffers from PTSD, why in the world would you not have locked up the dozens of guns you have freely sitting in most rooms of your house. How could you even have him in the same spaces as your youngest children? How could you not have taken your millions from  doing nothing but being a reality star and found a residence for Track to get 24/7 assistance? You never like to admit your weaknesses Sarah, perhaps because if you do you might implode. Sarah, Hon your daughter had two babies out of wedlock. You often times chastise one parent families, blaming the slutty God hating girl, but I suppose Bristol is your daughter so that is different. Your son Track has had history of getting drunk and causing fights, not just now but even before he went to war. Most people would wonder why Children’s Protective Service hasn’t been called to your house. Sarah, Hon you need to take inventory on the all the awfulness you have left in your wake of hypocrisy. A half term Governor, a low ratings reality star, a finger pointing moral police. Your addiction to fame and fortune has only brought failure toward your family. Selfishness, insincerity are blemishes even a beauty queen can not ignore. But perhaps Sarah the most terrible of tragedies is how you claim NO responsibility for your inadequate, inappropriate parenting skills! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


It might seem disconcerting that a half term Governor mother who preaches abstinence as God’s way until marriage is sealed by Jesus himself has a daughter who had two babies out of wedlock and still no husband to complete Gods desires also has a son who owns a gun, cause of course he is a good guy with gun until he isn’t, was arrested abusing a female, interfering with the law while of course being drunk; TO ENDORSE a man on his third marriage, with one out of wedlock baby while practicing adultery and who by the way would certainly date his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter, BUT this is the norm in a Tea-Bag loving political party. So if anyone is SHOCKED, where the Hell have you been living? Values we are told by the Republican Party is what makes the difference between God and the Devil, Good and Bad and of course Democrats and the GOP. It might seem disconcerting that as the Evangelical Christian crusader clutching his Confederate flag, while open carrying missile launchers to deter ISIS from storming his homesteads, reciting only the passages from a Bible with words like smote, smite, hate, kill, ravage, would embrace a Trump family and a Palin family acting as if somehow the words shallow, self-serving, bully, ignorance and stupid are words Jesus spoke somewhere in the Bible touting his NRA rating and his love for the bigot! It might seem disconcerting to ENDORSE the words and actions of two reality stars, BUT this is the norm in a Tea-Bag loving political party. Still shocked, in which cave are you living?

It might seem almost laughable that a Governor would knowingly place his citizens in a slow and painful death because he is a Tea-Bagger who believes the bottom line has more importance then healthy lives, and only does a mea-culpa when found out to be a fraud, getting all pissy and pouty even after admitting he is an accomplice to murder and mayhem, and having a bunch of his conservative buddies either ignoring the whole thing (because it only affected a bunch of people of color) or even make him a martyr by declaring the only reason Democrats care is to get the black vote; BUT come on this is a GOP Governor so how many still alive and healthy black voters was he going to get anyway! 

It might seem weird that when you place a bunch of bought and paid for performers who believe they can be president, on a stage, pretending NEVER EVER to be a career politician who hate government, who despise parts of the Constitution they or their puppet masters do not agree with and to actually call it a debate. Kind of weird when questions demanding fact are considered “gottcha” questions, when innuendo which is just opinion is called fact,when the moderators for the most part are themselves entertainers, who would rather bask in the limelight then find the truth then expecting for a person to present any credentials aside from bias and bigotry for that PERSON to become their party’s nominee? It might seem weird that all of the above is happening in supposedly the most powerful nation on Earth, in supposedly the most democratic nation on Earth, especially in 2016 when cures for disease have been found spacecraft has landed on planets in the heavens, and technology has provided a roadmap to everything. It IS disconcerting, laughable and weird that monsters are being touted by the townsfolk to roam free and eventually eat the townsfolk and yet the townsfolk have no idea of what horrible event is about to happen.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Governors Ball

Did you hear the one about, a Republican who becomes the Governor of Michigan, all filled with the Tea Bag philosophy that more is bad and less is more American; let’s call him Governor Snyder (his real name). So this Governor decides that the best way for democracy to work in his state is to NOT let democracy work, yep! So he and his Tea Bagging Republican legislators come up with a plan to disallow municipal governments to function and he establishes city managers, not of the people, by the people, but of the Governor and by the Governor. Now before you wet your pants and get all teary eyed for the Michiganders, just remember most of the municipalities held under dictatorship were those with a majority of minorities living there, so does it really matter! It seems that somehow this Governor (who pleads he as Christian as they come and probably can site something in the Constitution that says the intent for America was to be Jesus Land), thinks that since he lowered taxes for the wealthy in Michigan and revenue has fallen off because we all know that (Reagan-omics like “trickle down”, only rise up) one way to make his Tea Bagging budget look good is to let his people drink rancid, lead filled water. (Kind of like Antoinette who thought her peons should eat cake). A few months ago people became sick, little people, like kids and this Republican Governor of Michigan pretended that he would look into the matter, all the while counting just how much money he was saving on unhealthy water, flowing from the Flint River. Somehow, this Governor was finally embarrassed enough about his direct decision (because some white folk were talking) to make the kids of color sick and held a news conference swearing by God, he will almost , certainly, perhaps immediately take care of this health issue. As any coward might say, Governor Snyder of course stated that mistakes happen don’t dwell on those black kids dying of lead poisoning, look at me I am almost doing something about it. And you want to tell me why you are still proud to be a Republican?

This Governor is not the only Republican Governor to cast aside the needs of his/her state for the profits that the billionaire puppet masters promise. Governor Lepage of Maine has stated that mostly black men sell drugs to white girls because you know how them Negro’s like them white women. Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma has no problem with the amount of earthquakes in her state, not when the Gas and Oil puppet masters pay for her campaign. Why Governor Fallin has even placed a surcharge on any other kind of energy like solar. The list can on and on with this breed of Republican Governors who cater to the hate, dine with the bigots and get aid handsomely by a group of people known as corporations.

Being a Republican is not bad, except currently the crop of so called Republicans are bad, selfish, self-serving and many are sinister. From genital searches before elementary school kids can use the bathroom, to current attempts to make illegal same-sex marriages to Open carry laws permitting guns in mental institutions, to the closing and closing of Planned Parenthood Clinics, Republican’s have gone crazy So I continue to ask, you still want to vote Republican?

Thursday, January 14, 2016

So Confusing

I am so confused when Republican politicians complain about affordable health care NOT working even as they repeal it and never try to replace it. I remain confused when Republican politicians prefer war to NOT war. I grow even more confused as to how if a trickle down economy was so perfect, ever since Reagan’s reign why everyone is NOT wealthy by now as the Republican politicians insist. I remain confused why Militias, Freedom Riders, Minutemen love to flaunt the Constitution as law, except when decide it is NOT, and their Republican politicians urge them to do so.  I am very confused when the Republican politicians say the Obama years in office have been a failure in government, when each and every elected Republican sworn into office on the President’s first day took an oath to NOT permit any of his policies work.

However I am NOT confused watching Ted Cruz lie absit almost anything he chooses, because we know he thinks he is a Prophet and is so much of a film flam man. He believes double speak is how you speak to the dumb, and by God it works. I am NOT confused that Donald is as popular as ever, all Donald does is pick a fight, and ya know everyone likes a bully as long as the bully isn’t after them. I am NOT surprised at Paul Ryan’s lack of emotion as the president spoke about dignity, equal rights, as Paul loves himself some hypocrisy as in his family time, his work hours his health care.I am NOT confused that Jeb Bush is dumber than George, but amazed that his billionaire puppet masters didn’t know it. I am NOT confused that Ben Carson is not much more of an asterisk in the race for prez because even the dumbest run out of dumb.

I am confused though that good people, people who have women in their lives or in fact are women even for one minute think the Republicans are not at war with them. I am confused though that good people who know anyone from the LGBT community or are a member of that demographic in or out of the closet don’t think that if the next State of the Union is given by a Republican most LGBT’s will be behind bars. I am confused though that anyone who knows a person of color or is a person of color can believe that not will Black Lives not matter but brown, light brown, beige lives will not matter. I am confused that Vets or any family or friend of a Vet would conducer voting Republican when at least 90% of the Republican Congress still hasn’t found money of returning Vets, mental health cafe for Vets, homes and jobs for Vets.And I am thoroughly confused that any father or mother, sister or brother believes that NO control over guns makes guns safer for their family. So confusing!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Ted (The Prophet) Cruz thinks Hilary has been very Naughty, Naughty, Naughty and wants her to be spanked. Being the Lord in his own home, Ted (The Prophet) Cruz knows that Naughty, Naughty, Naughty women need to be hushed up and quiet and nothing like a good spanking will do that to the woman who acts like a Dame. Ted(The Prophet) Cruz says he spanks his 5 year old daughter when she is naughty (naughty with a lower case n). A good dose of letting it be known who the master of the house is, is quite the thing. Donald (The Douche) Trump thinks that Hilary is to blame for her husbands indiscretions, because naturally it takes a woman to MAKE her man stray when he can’t that certain THING at home. When asked about his own three marriages, one adulterous affair and daughter out of wedlock, Donald (The Douche) said none of that matters because he was just being a man and since he wasn’t in Oval Office all of his own infidelities are just history. (Oh yeah and remember he knows his own daughter ids a looker and if only things were different he would date her!)

Paul (The Dude) Ryan looked into the camera forgetting it was not FOX News and with that( I can lift more weights in the gym than you can) smirk, he admitted that yet once more his Congress People (the ones mainly from gerrymandered districts or Voter ID states) tried to repeal ObamaCare and are proud of it because affordable health care is so socialistic. And not to be outdone for that foolishness, Paul (The Dude) Ryan did an extra swarmy smirk and proudly stated that he also was proud that his band of misogynists decided to withhold any budget money for Planned Parenthood. So,the Gospel according to Paul (The Dude) Ryan is that women’s health is not a matter he believes is important enough to consider. Women need not be concerned about their bodies, reproductive parts go their bodies because any good woman with a good man will stay healthy!

So let me understand this, please. You are a Republican, which is okay, but this year, you ARE still going to vote for the GOP! Let me understand this, ALL of the Republican candidates for president, almost 90% of the Republican Congress don’t believe in fair wages for equal work, paid maternity/paternity leave will leave the real people Corporations upset, women’s health is a matter of a Christian government, and only a man can truly understand what a woman wants. So, you want to vote Republican because you never had a mother, you never had a grandmother, you have no sisters, aunts or nieces or even daughters, and your only friends are men. You are a self loathing lady? You really, really hate women so much that you will vote for a political party which considers females to be less then equal to men; now that IS Naughty!