Did you hear the one about, a Republican who becomes the Governor of Michigan, all filled with the Tea Bag philosophy that more is bad and less is more American; let’s call him Governor Snyder (his real name). So this Governor decides that the best way for democracy to work in his state is to NOT let democracy work, yep! So he and his Tea Bagging Republican legislators come up with a plan to disallow municipal governments to function and he establishes city managers, not of the people, by the people, but of the Governor and by the Governor. Now before you wet your pants and get all teary eyed for the Michiganders, just remember most of the municipalities held under dictatorship were those with a majority of minorities living there, so does it really matter! It seems that somehow this Governor (who pleads he as Christian as they come and probably can site something in the Constitution that says the intent for America was to be Jesus Land), thinks that since he lowered taxes for the wealthy in Michigan and revenue has fallen off because we all know that (Reagan-omics like “trickle down”, only rise up) one way to make his Tea Bagging budget look good is to let his people drink rancid, lead filled water. (Kind of like Antoinette who thought her peons should eat cake). A few months ago people became sick, little people, like kids and this Republican Governor of Michigan pretended that he would look into the matter, all the while counting just how much money he was saving on unhealthy water, flowing from the Flint River. Somehow, this Governor was finally embarrassed enough about his direct decision (because some white folk were talking) to make the kids of color sick and held a news conference swearing by God, he will almost , certainly, perhaps immediately take care of this health issue. As any coward might say, Governor Snyder of course stated that mistakes happen don’t dwell on those black kids dying of lead poisoning, look at me I am almost doing something about it. And you want to tell me why you are still proud to be a Republican?
This Governor is not the only Republican Governor to cast aside the needs of his/her state for the profits that the billionaire puppet masters promise. Governor Lepage of Maine has stated that mostly black men sell drugs to white girls because you know how them Negro’s like them white women. Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma has no problem with the amount of earthquakes in her state, not when the Gas and Oil puppet masters pay for her campaign. Why Governor Fallin has even placed a surcharge on any other kind of energy like solar. The list can on and on with this breed of Republican Governors who cater to the hate, dine with the bigots and get aid handsomely by a group of people known as corporations.
Being a Republican is not bad, except currently the crop of so called Republicans are bad, selfish, self-serving and many are sinister. From genital searches before elementary school kids can use the bathroom, to current attempts to make illegal same-sex marriages to Open carry laws permitting guns in mental institutions, to the closing and closing of Planned Parenthood Clinics, Republican’s have gone crazy So I continue to ask, you still want to vote Republican?