Tuesday, September 17, 2024

And yet, another

 Mark Robinson Waves Hand By Groin, Says Young Women Must 'Get This Under Control' 

“Why don’t you use some of that building up of your mind and building up of empowerment to move down here, to this region down here,” he said, moving his hand in circles around his stomach and crotch. “Get this under control.”

“See, because this region right here, that’s the only region on your body that can make life and take life,” he continued. “If there’s anything we need to be telling our young people, it’s they need to be responsible with their reproductive systems. That means you don’t lay down and act like you’re making a baby til you’re ready to have a baby.”

Robinson then dismissed the idea of educating young women about sex and birth control. (HUFFPOST)


He is the current Lt. Governor of North Carolina. He is a homophobe and a raging misogynist. He is proud to be considered both. He is the Republican nominee for Governor in North Carolina. His hatred, his phobias, and his lack of inclusion should scare the daylights out of every single person living in North Carolina who admits to having morals, decency, empathy, and love. But he has been the Lt. Governor, and in a very Republican state like North Carolina, he still has the potential to become their next Governor.


One has to wonder just how men hate women living in North Carolina. One has to wonder just how many women hate women in North Carolina. One has to wonder why fathers in North Carolina dismiss any rights or dignity for their daughters. One has to wonder how many mothers, whose own freedoms had been enjoyed, desire for their daughter’s destiny to be stymied. Oh, yeah, and North Carolina is one of those states with lots of Electoral College votes, and one should definitely wonder, these crazy misogynists have such power.