There lies, deep in the dredges of Republican Hell, many an antagonist, enemy, scoundrel, grifter, liar, son or daughter of Satin, all who, during their reign of madness, made sure that freedoms, liberties, hope, and democracy would all die a slow and painful death. Cunning, deceitful, and intentional in their evil ways, these Republicans from the past and the present have no desire for anyone to achieve anything except for themselves and, of course, the array of wealthy donors who share the joy of hating anyone who is not them.
So, when one of the Brotherhood of Darkness surfaces from the depth of deprivation and doom to actually point his bony finger at one of his ilk, the rest of us should take heed and realize that HOLY SHIT, when evil calls out evil, it must be BAD, as in REAL BAD!
Lord Voldemort (aka Dick Cheney) has arisen from Dante’s Ninth Circle of Hell to inform us that even he, one of the Lords of Darkness, does not and never will want TRUMP to be President EVER, EVER, EVER AGAIN! Snake Oil Salespeople are usually too busy selling snake oil to the poor, uneducated, unintelligent, and self-loathing peasants to take the time and accuse another of their fraternity, BUT, damn, Dick Cheney resurfaced and is making it clear just how HORRIFYING another TRUMP administration will be!