Sunday, October 13, 2024



In the final weeks of the presidential campaign, Trump has leaned into an anti-immigrant message. Earlier this week, he suggested that undocumented immigrants who commit crimes have “bad genes.” While speaking here Saturday, Trump described the border as the top issue and continued to portray undocumented immigrants as criminals, even as federal data shows that the vast majority of people arrested at the southern border do not have criminal convictions. There’s little evidence that undocumented immigrants commit more crime than U.S. citizens. (The Washington Post)



"We," that is the democracies, "are not in a position to take in the Jews." Yet in these empires there are not 10 people to the square kilometer. While Germany, with her 135 inhabitants to the square kilometer, is supposed to have room for them!

2. They assure us: We cannot take them unless Germany is prepared to allow them a certain amount of capital to bring with them as immigrants.

The world has sufficient space for settlements, but we must once and for all get rid of the opinion that the Jewish race was only created by God for the purpose of being in a certain percentage a parasite living on the body and the productive work of other nations. The Jewish race will have to adapt itself to sound constructive activity as other nations do, or sooner or later it will succumb to a crisis of an inconceivable magnitude. (Extract from the Speech by Adolf Hitler, January 30, 1939/World Holocaust Remembrance Center)


I know that Republicans prefer that the masses do not read history. Still, you can bet that the current crop of American Fascists read every detail, every fact, every event history provides! The folks who surround TRUMP, those who plan for their own form of Dictatorship, understand the lessons history has taught, and they engorge themselves on all of the heinous, horrific, and horrendous iterations possible.