Saturday, October 5, 2024

She did it again

“Oops she did it again!” Yeppers, Margie Putin Greene, has added to her list of complete insane and inane unintelligent lies a new conspiracy. This cra-cra loony toon, has decided that somehow,someway the Democrats have developed a way to control the weather, and are using that ability to direct hurricanes to areas of this country which are inhabited by Republican voters.

The Jews are off the hook this time, I suppose we are hording our Jewish Space Lasers, for something much more ominous, so instead of the Jews, it is the Democrats playing the part of “THE BAD GUYS,” or is it the “BOOGIE MEN”? 

How the fuck, is Margie Putin Greene not committted to an insane asylum, and locked away for a long, long time?

And even more frightening, is the fact that she is a sitting member of Congress!

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