Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Rachel Maddow calls the bluff of Trump supporters who claim to be making a 'business decision' (MSNBC)

Over the last couple of months, a neighbor of ours has been upping her sign game. In addition to the usual stuff—“Law and Order,” “Not My President,” “No Legal Rights for Illegal Immigrants,” and so on—she’s added “Democrats Are Communists and Terrorists—ARE YOU?” and “The Democratic Party HATES AMERICA—DO YOU?” (The New Yorker)


Be it the Jewish American pretending that somehow Trump’s so-called love for Israel means he is not an Anti-Semite. Is it the LGB Log Cabin Republicans pretending that there is more to voting for a candidate, like their economic well-being, than his homophobia? Be it the Uber wealthy billionaires who are happier with freedom from taxation than freedom and liberty for all. Be it the Latin community, feeling snug and smug because somehow, they arrived in this nation safely, rather than the current immigrants who want the same security but are constantly harassed and victimized. Be it the Black community, who somehow pretend that KKK, White Nationalists, and Neo Nazis will only demonstrate Racism and Bigotry to other people of color who choose to vote Democrat. Be it women, who think that being raped, having miscarriages, being a victim of incest, or having pregnancies that endanger both the embryo and mothers, only happens to the wrong kind of female. Be it so-called non-committed voters who stand on their high horse insisting that this year both political parties are the same, that both candidates for President are the same, that not voting somehow makes taking a stand relevant.            


So many demographics are pretending that their shit does not stink like THE OTHERS. Pretending that once a dictator gains power, he or she will kindly relinquish that power. Selfish and self-serving are those LGB Americans, Jewish Americans, Latin Heritage Americans, African Americans, and Females who think they are shooting THE OTHERS in the feet, ALL THE WHILE pointing the gun at their own feet!