change we were told, by you, is necessary, vital and something ALL americans deserve.
you insisted that we must look forward, and not harp on the mistakes of the past by placing blame, but learn from them and push forward, acknowledging that mistakes happen, but never really honing in on who perpetrated those mistakes. thus mister obama, anything done in the past eight years, by the Bush administration, or the republicans, and the lasse faire democrats is in fact useless, in condemning the authors of the mistakes or the conduits of the mistakes. we let bygones wile away while the innocent wail away, wondering if anyone has learned anything from their selfish and reckless ways.
and mister obama, you inherited a large buffet of blunders, baloney, and buffoonery, along with quagmires so deep the depth of the oceans or the infinity of space seem small and limited. and you have begun gallantly to address MOST of the issues which consume most of the Americans.
but mister obama, it seems you have let slide something as simple as recognizing the civil rights of a group of Americans who are both "out" and about, and also hidden and silent, scared and afraid.
the LBGT population of Americans, mister obama, somehow do not seem to high on your list of CHANGE. this population it seems does not need the right to marry, or the right to serve in the military, the right to experience American life as equals to other Americans.
it seems mister obama, your schedule of squelching fires and reconfiguring the status quo, has no time for something as American as apple pie, motherhood, freedom, CIVIL RIGHTS. the civil rights of a group of Americans who have done nothing wrong but be LESBIAN, BI-SEXUAL, GAY and TRANSGENDERED. it seems that we have allowed those who perpetuate the hatred, the bigotry, the inequality of this population to never be called to task, similar to those in the past eight years who will most likely never be held accountable for their lies, immorality, and gluttony.
how difficult, mister obama would it be for you to really stand for the change you so eloquently preached, and make a stand for ALL americans. not just simply saying lack of tolerance, lack of respect, lack of facts, and the irrational dogma of bigoted, uneducated religious intolerance should not be part of your presidential administration, part of THIS america, but acting on it sooner than later.
imagine mister obama, if women's rights were considered something to think about later, mrs. obama might only have been a law clerk, because after all women were less then men. or imagine mister obama, if the struggle for civil rights for african americans was just not important enough during previous administrations to do more than verbalize, you sir might never had had the opportunity to be a senator or president. and what if we left interracial marriage up to the states, how many decent couples and loving families, would still be denied their ability to love and live however they wanted and wherever they wished.
change mister obama is what you promised, and change is what most americans opted for when they voted for you. the americans, straight, and gay, white and black, male and female.
how much longer should the American population wait for equal not separate?
how much longer should we wait for you to be more than a blustery politician using words instead of deed to have ALL americans see, feel, and live change. the CHANGE you promised.
mister obama, the president i voted for seemed more willing to take chances, take risks, not do the political dance of mind changing, or promises depleted, dependent on the mood of some of the nation, but to act on his conscience, morals, and values. and remind us as AMERICANS we ARE equal.
it would be nice mister obama, for you to be a president who is a PRESIDENT, of all the people, how proud to call you MISTER PRESIDENT, mister obama.
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