it seems that Governor Mark Sanford, needed to escape from his bubble of being Governor while traipsing along to Buenos Aires with his "very good female friend, whom he has known for 8 years. To quote the teary eyed Governor, " needs a break from the BUBBLE of being governor..."
A break from the hardships of the daily grind. How many South Carolinians, unemployed, not meeting their weekly budgets, burdened with lack of adequate health insurance, needing care for their children while they work, etc, etc, etc, could use a break from their BUBBLE. How many people when they are able to take a break can afford to pick themselves up and travel to Argentina, let alone to walk to the end of the block and blow off some steam.
Governor Sanford, the BUBBLE you live in was created by you. You strove for the power for the prestige, for the press and the pomp and circumstance.
If you needed a break Governor Sanford, and decided to stray away from your responsibilities than by all means you should have resigned your position as an elected official and taken the next BUBBLE out of town free and clear and with no hidden lies or agenda.
You need a break from the BUBBLE of being Governor. Uh Huh! YOU decided to run for that office. You told all the possible voters how you were the man for the job, and how you could and would make the hard choices, no matter how long or difficult they may be. And you decided that an affair with another married woman, even as Governor, would be okay, would not get in the way of you doing your job as Governor or perhaps your role as father and husband.
Governor Sanford you were blowing a whole lot of BUBBLES, wonder how it feels to have one so huge and filled with hot burst all over you?
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