...our elected officials seem to be concerned that any health care system that is even partially run by the government is not good for america as it will not allow "fair competition" from the for profit health insurance companies. YET, the health care plan our elected officials receive is tax payer paid for, handled by the government. and we as the benefactors of that health insurance plan have never been asked to debate what kind of plan our elected officials should receive...hmmm!
...our elected officials want to run for office, they campaign vigorously for positions in government, telling us why they should represent us. YET once they get into office the form of communication between politician and citizen becomes more remote and less frequent until the next cycle of elections comes about and they once more remind us that without the american voter they (the politicians) could not do their job. and that is the point, it becomes a job, but one it seems with no supervision. hmmm!
...we elect all types of politicians to office. they supposedly are working for us, they are considered public servants. the only reason they have the office they so tiredly campaigned for is because the majority of the voting public allowed them to do so per each vote cast. YET, when many of our elected officials retire from office they write their autobiographies of lessons learned while in office, or why they did what they did for the public good, or an attempt at rewriting their particular history. how come we, the public who allowed them to take front and center, to do the job they supposedly wanted to do for the american population never get any portion of the proceeds from the books they write while working for us. hmmm!
...we view almost all interviews or speeches or impromptu comments on video or hear it on audio tape, and the camera doesn't lie nor does the tape. YET, when a politician misstates the truth, or says something he or she believe is true, or comment on a particular segment of he population in derogatory language he or she denies ever saying it, or even better that it was taken out of context, even though the entire comment has been video aped or on audio. hmmm!
...why do we with the power of the ballot allow all of this nonsense to continue, year after year, electing people who tun into politicians who turn into self absorbed individuals who once they take their oath of office, seem to think the will of the people is less then their own blind ambitions.
i'm confused????
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