"i pity the fool" who stands on his hill of hypocritical hyperbole shouting so soundly about the precious institution of marriage being a sacred right for one man and one woman, only to have his words smack him in the head and with a resounding "practice what you preach mister." and if marriage is so special for one man and one woman, why did you decide to have two women (a mistress and a wife.)
" i pity the fool" senators vittor, mc cain and ex speaker gingrich, who spit in the wind and have the foul taste of dishonesty and moral ineptitude smack them in the face as they glorify the institution of marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman while "womanizing" or was it just simply put "cheating" with a second female while supposedly in marital bliss.
"i pity the fool", who stands upon his "marriage is between on man and one woman" soapbox, stating that same sex marriage is not as fulfilling or natural, as miss california stated, opposite sex is and looks the other way as married opposite sex couples have one affair after the other, and in the case of mayor giuliani, marry over and over again.
"i pity the fool" who refuses to see marriage for its real value...love. love between two people who don't need to have extra marital affairs, who don't get married because its expected by their family and friends, and who seem to marry out of convenience.
senators ensign, vittor, mc cain, you now have more reason to stop the charade, and tell your co-workers, that marriage only works when you are in love, and being in love has no gender, it has heart, and soul, and reason. that those who do believe in the institution of marriage believe in it because they found someone, man or woman, man or man, woman or woman, who they can and want to share their life with forever, and always.
"i pity the fool", who pretends to be happy with his spouse, pretends to have unquestioned morals, and who speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
"i pity the fool", who thinks that since he or she is an elected official, their foolish behavior is beyond pity.
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