It is extolled by those who place themselves as God's messengers, who for some slight of hand have convinced the lemming like loser that he/she has Gods ear and is conveying God's human like weakness for hate that THEY know right from wrong and good from bad.
It is absorbed my the many whose own life seems fruitless and frail to blame anyone else but themselves for life's problems. It is marketed by politicians that 'we' are not 'they' and once 'they' have equal rights like us, terrible things will happen.
It is convenient to use hate, bigotry, bias, lies and fabrication to avoid the real issues of life. It is easy to disguise consensus with divisiveness, remove resolve with resistance, and divide with conquer.
And now feeling the power of the hate of the Church... Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical Christian, Orthodox Jewish, Muslim and the reverberating raucous ruminations of the Tea Baggers in the form of Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Jim DeMint and the excuses for sitting back and letting equality play itself out from President Obama and his spineless Democratic majorities in Congress a sinister stupid man who fears life itself and has less interest in being human than being hateful has put the icing of 2010 HATE on the cake:
Clint McCance, a board member of an Arkansas school district, believes "queers" and "fags" should kill themselves — that is if they don't get AIDS and die first.
The madness is now fervent and at fierce level. The ability to hate without any consequence is frightening. The ease at which any group of people can be written off, written away, disposed of is phenomenal. The lack of leadership by religious leaders, elected politicians, mothers and fathers, human beings is unprecedented.
When did so many of us stop being alive? When did so many of us begin to evolve into dumb, stupid, ignorant? "Queers and fags should kill themselves... and no tidal wave of outrage except for the Gay community has erupted? When do we finally have one voice of reason no matter gender, sexuality, religion, race, ethnicity, age, ability? Pandora's Box is open wide, who is brave enough to seal it shut permanently?
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