You are bad because I think so. You are evil because God told me so. Your behavior must be reprimanded because it is not like my behavior. I am insecure but there are more of me so I will confidently scapegoat/bully you acting superior because I am the majority. I base my hate, bigotry, bias on never being told the truth about you, but listening to innuendo and epitaphs from those who thrive on a “we” vs. “they philosophy. It is God’s word and I do God’s work. I know the lies about you but have never bothered to find the truth.
The preceding quotes seem to be American attitudes in 2010 sponsored by extremist religious leaders, right wing politicians; self proclaimed messengers of God, self serving zealots who preach do as I say and not as I do. These words of no wisdom range from the mouths of ill informed millionaire shock jocks like Rush Limbaugh, to hypocritical ‘wanna’ be politicians such as Newt Gingrich to near to God am I religious leaders like the Pope to stab you in the back but never look you in the eye demons like Sarah Palin. And they are played out in heinous order by Rev Fred Phelps who protests at funerals of soldiers, Mike Huckabee who says if it ‘ain’t’ in the Bible it ‘ain’t’ so, Ann Coulter paid to prey on Gays, Jon McCain trying to keep legal, inequalities for the LGBT community, school yard bullies who are never taught morals or ethics by their heterosexual parents, and two college students at Rutgers University (who taped the sexual encounter of freshman Tyler Clementi in the privacy of his dorm room), hiding behind their own insecurities and deciding to ridicule someone else’s life.
And like most disasters in American life, all that could have been in place to avoid the disaster was never done. And now the ringing of hands, pointing of fingers, denying of responsibility, words of warning of impending doom are being scattered about ignoring the systemic reasons for death, horror and torment in the first place. HATE and IGNORANCE.
'He was spying on me'
"And so I feel like it was 'look at what a fag my roommate is,'" the cit2mo post said. "Other people have commented on his profile with things like 'how did you manage to go back in there? 'are you ok?'" The user also pointed out that people seemed to focus on his encounter, instead of the roommate's spying.-msnbc online
And in America of 2010 it seems if the crime is against a perceived pervert, doing a perceived perverted act then the criminal is not really the person who just performed a disgusting, demeaning action--- nope it’s the one being persecuted who deserved it. To even think that many people have ignored the spying, the taping of a personal action of an individual and made having sex the issue should be appalling to EVERYONE.
"...i mean come on...he was SPYING ON they see nothing wrong with this?" Tyler's post said.
Numerous websites have popped up in defense of the suspects, with some proclaiming their innocence or calling their alleged actions a prank-.msnbc online
And in America of 2010 no matter how horrific, how inhuman, how Ungodly an act, there are people who learn nothing from the actions of demented deranged men and women and applaud the harassment, the haranguing and continue to spew venom and vile. They hide deep within their own fears of different smothered by self denial of who they are and project no conscience or intelligence and continue the name calling. Many of these hoodlums think that the louder they scream the more difficult it will to find out about their own frailties failures and insecurities.
The comments on the pages are emotional and sometimes vitriolic. Some postings call the suspects "sickos" and "cold-blooded killers" while others contain homophobic and racist content (both suspects are of Asian heritage), even thanking the suspects for their possible role in a gay man's death-msnbc online
When did America become this way? When did thinking, caring people, permit reason and rational to be replaced with poison? When did the lowest common denominator become the norm? When did we permit those who shout loudest about God to speak for God? When did respect for difference become unimportant? Who are these lemming like people who disrespect human values, human life? It seems America of 2010 is walking even closer to the boundaries of an abyss ready to fall in a spiraling void of inhumanity. Is it to late to take one giant step back from the edge? When did hate and ignorance become so chic? How hate and ignorance become so damn popular?
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