*** Paladino’s anger: Speaking of the Tea Party, NBC Nightly News last night profiled New York gubernatorial nominee Carl Paladino, who epitomizes the Tea Party’s anger and campaign against government. “I am angry,” Paladino said in the piece. “That's OK; it’s all right to show people that you're angry. It's sort of gets the discussion going.” But when is the anger too much? Paladino is now caught on tape threatening New York Post reporter Fred Dicker over digging into the daughter that Paladino had out of wedlock. “If you send another goon to my daughter’s house, I will take you out, buddy,” Paladino yells at Dicker. The reporter replies, “You’re going to take me out? How are you going to do that?” Paladino answers, “Watch.” Why should folks care about Paladino, a candidate who will likely lose in November? Because if he becomes an anchor on the Republican ticket, he could cost the GOP a chance at three to five House seats. MSNBC.
Perhaps, if we were reading a story by the main stream press about the politicians of a third world country, or the politics of a drug lord, or the infighting of gang members we would all shake our head and say such idiots. Perhaps if we chatted over cocktails about the insanity of some far right, or far left wing nut who is lost and self absorbed who opens his mouth and inserts foot we would giggle and guffaw stating how it was stupid and inane. Perhaps if we pretended that the person threatening others with violence was just a pervert with a lack of morals or conscience we could pooh-pooh the behavior as a mild case of insanity. Perhaps we could do all of that, but Mr. Paladino received the nomination from the Tea Bag/Republicans of the state of New York to run as Governor. Mr. Paladino received a majority of votes to become the man responsible for the good and welfare of New York. He is running to support the laws and governance supporting the Constitution of that state as well as abide by the laws of the United States. And he is threatening to kill a reporter. And where is little Sarah Sunshine Palin, or Uncle Newtie Gingrich, queen and king of the Tea Party/Republicans with their lessons on morals, values, and God---chastising Mr. Paladino for this unchristian like, un-American like behavior? Where are those with any common sense or any sense of decency protesting this maniac’s machinations? Isn’t this America anymore?
Tea Party-backed Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle again fielded questions about some of her more controversial statements Wednesday, including those about "Second Amendment remedies" and "domestic enemies" in Congress, and again chose to explain them as perfectly acceptable and logical rather than walk them back.
Asked by ABC News's Jon Karl to clarify an earlier conversation regarding the role of "Second Amendment remedies" in combating a "tyrannical" government, Sharron Angle at first shied away from the answer, then claimed that the entire exchange was taken out of context. In the end, however, she maintained that she believed a "revolutionary situation" was indeed "possible." Huffington Post
Perhaps in the days of the Wild West when the Sheriff needed to correct the corrupt behavior of its ornery citizens, a gun in hand, a threat to take life and liberty away made a bit of sense. Perhaps in the days of anarchy and chaos, anyone with a grander gun a bigger bazooka, could threaten perceived enemies and make them undo any perceived injustice to their reputations. Perhaps in countries infamous for juntas, rebellions, no democratic electoral systems, target practice, killing and murder are the norm with those candidates running for offices who would rather use the bullet than the ballot as the example. Where are those who live and breathe the red white and blue and one person one vote that smother themselves in the Constitution of this nation demanding that violence is not the way to elect officials. Isn’t this America anymore?
The death of 13-year-old Seth Walsh in California is one of at least three youth suicide cases nationwide this month that are prompting renewed attention to antigay bullying.
“It appears that what has always been a crisis is that much more severe right now,” says Daryl Presgraves, spokesman for the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
In the five years that Mr. Presgraves has been tracking media reports of such cases, this past year has included the largest spike he’s seen, including the suicides of four students in Minnesota’s Anoka-Hennepin School District who were reportedly discriminated against because they were gay or were perceived as gay. Christian Science Monitor
Perhaps the youth in our nation have discovered new role models in the likes of Carl Paladino and Sharron Angle whose use for fair and honest have been replaced with vile and violence. Perhaps the youth of our nation have listened to such Tea Bag/Republicans as the minister/politician Mike Huckabee who refuses to admit to anything as natural if it is not stated in the New Testament as correct or Mr. Moral Mormon Mitt Romney who finds homosexuality an abomination. Perhaps the youth of our nation go to churches, synagogues, mosques whose spiritual leaders deny the beauty of a God but rely more on making God human with ugly human like qualities such as hate, bias and bigotry. Perhaps the youth of our nation just recite the anger, self loathing of their self victimized parents who need a scapegoat to blame all the ills of their life upon. Perhaps the heterosexual couples that the Family Values hypocrites espouse as the perfect parents are so afraid of truth and honest that they create fear and loathing and teach their children to taunt and torment, finding the difference before the commonalities. Isn’t this America anymore?
I am so tired of hearing the Tea Bag Brigade and the journalists and reporters stating that THIS ‘grass roots’ organization wants change and their behavior is so American. I am so tired of the Jon McCain’s, Liz Cheney’s; Glenn Beck’s obscenely reciting the Constitution changing sentences of that document to feed their self absorbed egos. I am so tired of the religious leaders saying they speak for God and never speaking about people. I am so tired of hearing about the unaffiliated voters or the Independents who still have not made up their mind as to who they will vote for in the mid terms, suggesting crazy people actually might get their vote. I am so tired of permitting liars, tax evaders, ultra wealthy, lobbyist scabs to talk out of one side of their mouth of good vs. bad while the other side is chewing up real American honor and history.
What is going on in this country? How do we even give the slightest ounce of credence or credit to individuals who prey on violence, venom, and vitriolic? Are we so angry at the dirt that what we end up doing is kicking more dirt into our faces? Are we not brighter, smarter, bigger, and braver than the Carl Paladino’s, Sharron Angles, the cowardly ball-less bullies? Isn’t this America anymore?
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