Supposedly it’s about the economy, stupid. Supposedly, the down trodden have had enough BIG GOVERNMENT type politicians (mainly Democrats) trodding on their liberties and pocketbooks, and supposedly they want to fight back and reclaim THEIR America. Supposedly it’s not about race, gender, disability or sexual orientation. Supposedly we are ALL Americans, even if only those in the Tea Bag Brigade understand the true definition of being an American. Supposedly it is a grass roots organization, but since no one has ever heard of the billionaire Koch Brothers who have funded this grass roots group, it remains of the people, even when bought and paid for by those who want to keep the people down trodden.
Supposedly Sarah Palin and Jim DeMint are the new faces of politics; each brandishing unknown candidates who supposedly speak for the used to be silent majority who now have a voice. Supposedly that voice is based on truth, fact and understanding, but somehow like Sister Sarah and Senator DeMint, the only time that voice can be heard is when the evil mainstream press, those who seek honesty, are not asking the questions. Supposedly there will not be a debate on any subject because the liberal media will distort and diminish the lies and rhetoric the supposedly... of the people candidates say.
Supposedly we the people have had enough of two years of change, digging ourselves up from the abyss of eight years of repressive republican rule. Supposedly we want to punish those in power by bringing back into power those who want to punish anyone they declare the enemy, anyone they deem Un-American, anyone who does not act like a lemming and requires fact instead of fiction.
Supposedly the Tea Bag Brigade wants less government interference in our lives, as long as we live our lives in conjunction with the standards of the Tea Bag Brigade. Supposedly equality is not equal for all and if you are Non Christian, Gay, Disabled, Old, Unionized, Poor this is not your America.
Three Tea/Party GOP primary victors for Senate, Christine O’Donnell of Delaware, Sharron Angle of Nevada, and Rand Paul of Kentucky were surprising winners in their respective state races. Each speaks clearly of less government involvement and supposedly in our lives but each does have a caveat as to who should be the recipient of less government interference.
If they are elected then certain citizens in this country may find themselves on the receiving end of bigotry, bias and bull shit.
Long before Tea Party backed candidate Christine O'Donnell won the republican primary in Delaware and became the GOP Senate nominee, the conservative firebrand was arguing that the government was spending too much money fighting AIDS and said condoms wouldn't stop the disease from spreading.
O'Donnell has said, for example, that masturbation is wrong, and that looking at pornography is equivalent to cheating on your spouse. When a married person uses pornography, or is unfaithful, it compromises not just his (or her) purity, but also compromises the spouse's purity. As a church, we need to teach a higher standard than abstinence. We need to preach a righteous lifestyle.
O'Donnell, it seems, is opposed to masturbation, and considers looking at pornography akin to adultery. "The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. You can't masturbate without lust!" msnbc news
As Nevadans have begun to understand who Sharron Angle is and what she’s for, they’re rejecting her extreme and dangerous agenda – an agenda that includes killing Social Security and Medicare, abolishing the Department of Education, and eliminating any and all oversight of Wall Street and big oil companies like BP. (If BP had no regulations, they assuredly would have been more careful and we wouldn’t even be talking about this oil spill nonsense…) msnbc news
Rand Paul, the superstar of the Tea Bag Brigade, was on NPR talking about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disability Act. He's not supportive of those federal laws, thinking discrimination should be a "local" issue. msnbc news
These three individuals are just the tip of an iceberg. This renegade chunk of ice is freely floating in the ocean of politics and may sink the ship of freedom and democracy in November if it lands in voting booths. You may not be Gay, or Elderly, or work with Union benefits, or Disabled, but who says once Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle, Rand Paul or their cohorts of chaos gain power, they won’t come after you. We, who believe in equality, not equal but separate had better become just as revved up as this bunch of self serving, selfish band of thieves or our freedom will be forgotten. Supposedly this is America?
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