At first THEY came after the Muslim, Kenyan, non citizen, Communist man who, by the democratic process won the election as President of the United States. He was too smart, too black, too Chicago, too uppity to be the President.
Then THEY decided that no matter how high the divorce rate, the acts of infidelity, or adultery by the heterosexuals, the mere mention of marriage between two members of the same sex, would wreck ruin, and destroy The Institution of Marriage. Pretending it was about the preservation of families and not out and out homophobia THEY insisted that life on earth would not be the same if Adam said to Steve “I Do”.
Then THEY wanted the average person in the United States to forgo any adequate health insurance, because healthy was not the governments concern. They were against abortion, euthanasia, and needed control on those aspects of a person’s health but to require universal medical care for all Americans was just Un-American. We will tell you what is right for you body based on the Bible and the profits of the Health Insurance Cartels and then we will act as God once again and insist that you don’t need the assistance from the government to maintain a healthy mind and body.
Then THEY refused to hold debates or to be interviewed or asked any questions by journalists or reporters who were considered the enemy. Like those on Nixon’s Enemies List, THEY blacklisted anyone who asked why, contradicted them or asked for fact instead of fiction. If it was on video it was altered, if it was on audio it was re-dubbed, if you saw it in person you only saw it through uncaring liberal eyes. Only those who spoke the same language of racism, bigotry, and bias could understand the hate filled loathing message THEY spoke.
Then THEY blamed the Mexicans for all the ills in the economy. If you were Mexican you were an illegal. You were the reason for unemployment! Never mind the fact that corporations out sourced jobs, never mind that corrupt business men wanted to pay less than minimum wage to boost their bottom lines, never mind that you tried to pull yourself up from your own bootstraps, nope you were not an American and you were a lighter shade of black and you were to blame.
Then THEY called out the unions; made the word union synonymous with Communism and Socialism. You didn’t deserve better working conditions or good benefits or salaries because THEY were not receiving the same. The workers of unions wanted to freeload, to live a middle class life; if THEY couldn’t live that life then neither could you. And even the word worker is a communist word, ‘dontcha’ know!
Then THEY smeared the religion of Islam. It’s a cult, a monkey religion, a baseless vile jihadist religion that is so Un-Christ like. It is not the red white and blue American religion, the one written in the Constitution, the official Christian religion our founding fathers founded. Muslims need not apply, need not worship, need not live in this land of free speech, free religious choice unless there was a renouncing of Muhammad and conversion to Christianity.
And now THEY are sure any educated individual, educated in universities are the real reason for the moral, ethical and Anti-Christian downturn this nation is experiencing.
Under the tutelage and torment of THEIR secret society Televangelist, Pastor, Reverend Glenn Beck, THEY have announced “We have been setting up re-education camps. We call them universities". With an okee –doe- kee and pat on the back from Sister Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Michelle Bachman FOX Failed News, Glenn Beck is warning THEM that smart people are people you need to be wary of. University educated people are the front line in the devils army to disrupt and disband the kind of democracy Mr. Beck knows this country needs, or can profit from.
In Germany THEY found one scapegoat and group after another as reason for recession, depression, the downfall of government, the lack of quality of life. THEIR only solution aside from the Final Solution was to rid the country of the intelligentsia, the organized labor unions, the press who might offer a differing voice. THEY feared a voice of reason, a voice to solve the problems and issues. In America of the 50’s Senator McCarthy and his army of Communist hunters insisted that the shores of America would crumble and fall if we permitted free speech, free press, free thought. Anyone with an idea was a potential “red” and that color red was not found in the red white and blue of the flag. Eliminate debate, dissent, discourse and create divisiveness, discord and demons.
Hey America, so you want to ‘vote the bums out’. Just look who you might end up voting in. THEY won’t stop, you know, until everyone in this country is an unthinking lemming like clone--- one of THEM. The meek will not rule this world as the Bible states, NOPE in America of 2010 it looks more like the stupid, the inane, the bigot, the bully, the, the fool will surely reign supreme. Wonder WHO is next and when THEY will find you and declare you the enemy?
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