The ignorant cast of fools on FOX Noise under the tutelage of born again to hate John Stossel ranted and raved about how no one is safe from government dominance, and no one should ever, EVER tell our American children what to eat, let alone eat healthy or wisely.
Those in the nether world of finding hate a worthy American concept, applauded the trio of con men and Mr. Stossel received rave reviews from mobs of people who will eat as much fat and serve it to their children as much as they desire.
The main stream press reported all of this, never once adding the caveat that Michelle Obama had no power to enforce any dietary rules and that Ms. Obama was trying to educate the youth population of this nation and their parents on how to help curb childhood obesity.
And none of the progressives or liberals or democrats in the Congress took the time to rebut the silly and bogus claims of the the three stooges plus one, that what the First lady was doing , was in fact educating a mass of people who just don't know.
And the Republican right that same day pressed the flesh of the Tea Baggers claiming that not only would a vote for the Republican/Tea bag party candidate be a vote for small government, but it would be a vote for 'core family values'.
'Core family values' what the hell? Complaining that no one should educate kids on proper nutrition, harangues about no one has the right to explain the concepts of fatty foods, dismissal of a caring First Lady about the health of our youth as being socialistic, those are core family values?
Those of us who believe education, intelligence, finding common cause, caring, have a very short window of opportunity to survive must make sure the chaos ridden environment bestowed to us of 8 years of Republican rule under the Bush/Cheney Dictatorship will not become fact one more time. We see the foolish, self serving, self promoting gimmicks that the entertainers like Beck, Limbaugh, the posers like Palin, and Gingrich, the liars like Boehner and McCain have presented to America and anyone with a conscience and heart should worry.
To try and smear the First Lady for her concerns on the health and welfare of our American youth is outrageous. (Do we want someone like Sister Sarah talking to our youth. She was so successful in explaining to her own daughter Bristol, that abstinence is the only way to think about sex, and forgot to mention that if you should partake in sexual activity while in high school try some protection.) Should we have Sister Sarah saying to our youth eat what you want but don't get fat. Have sex but don't get pregnant.
The Republican/Tea Bag political party are no one's friends. They are good at talking dumb, speaking ignorant, and appealing to self loathing, fools. Their core family values are only to be afraid and never ever think for yourself.
If the Republican/Tea Bag Party politicians win in November we may not live to regret it. And then think of the 'core values' the youth will inherit!
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