A Florida minister said Wednesday that he would go ahead with plans to burn copies of the Quran this weekend despite widespread opposition, including a warning from the top commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan that he would be handing extremists a propaganda gift.
Speak Up Johnny, I can't hear you...
Hey Johnny McCain, you ex-‘mavricky’, ex-POW from the war in Viet Nam, you major flip-flopper, you talk out of both sides of your mouth, you spineless self serving politician, cat got your tongue? Seems you got all huffy and puffy when George Bush and his Neo-Con goons declared war on Iraq with their phony declaration of weapons of mass destruction. You insisted that during a time of war, even if the war was created by Dick Cheney, ALL Americans should support the troops and do the right thing. Whatever it took to keep our Troops safe, you demanded we as citizens of this great Nation should do it. You flew your red white and blue colors high on the flag pole, ready to single out anyone who wanted to question the policies of the war in Iraq.
You huffed and puffed all over again when fair minded people began to open dialogue on permitting Gays to serve in the military. You took exception, umbrage to stopping the inequity of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”, explaining that if the top military brass felt it was okay, you would consider going along with that decision. Yet when the Secretary of Defense and his Chief of Staff said it was time to end this type of discrimination you reverted to McCain Syndrome and ran away from what was right for this nation and crawled into your self preservation cave of bigotry and bias and said not on my watch. (Got you the primary election didn’t it.)
Now General Petraeus, a man you once placed on a platform as an ideal soldier, has spoken out about grievous, grave, un-American activities of a pastor from a Pentecostal church who wants to burn the Quran, and your voice is no where to be heard. General Petraeus has renounced this act of Quran burning as dangerous to the safety and health of the Troops in Afghanistan. (I assume you remember that war, or that country---Afghanistan is where Osama Bin Laden deployed his attack on America on 9-11. That was the country most likely to have originated the whole deplorable attack, but that was the country you and George Bush ignored while making Saddam Hussein public enemy number one). Once again Johnny you were wayyyyyyyyy verbal about finding Saddam and that Bin Laden could wait.
Johnny, what is going on with your voice now? Are you afraid that the Tea Baggers whose hate is greater than their love for this country will sniff you out as an Islam loving liberal? Are you fearful that the venom you espoused about illegal’s in Arizona will seem to have been a whisper in the wind if you defend the lives of our military? Are you scared that Sister Sarah may ask her good Christian minions to NOT vote for you if you show any ounce of courage and leadership and speak up for the Troops and against the anti American behavior of self loathing evil doers?
To the people of Arizona is this the leadership you want? Do you not already have a Governor who talks about headless corpses in the desert, only to be proven she has no facts correct, and is only helping to flame the fear insecure people harbor to help her get elected? Do you want one more politician who only looks after what is good for him/her and cares less what is good for the people? Do honesty, integrity, humanity no longer get priority?
Speak up Johnny, I can't hear you...
I wonder how people like you Johnny McCain sleep at night.
In Germany they first came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me -
and by that time no one was left to speak up. Martin Niemoller, January 6, 1946
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