So Sister Sarah tweets from some lofty pent house in the sky, Newtie explains that how he lives his life is not necessarily how he judges others to live their life. Televangelist Glenn Beck hears voices from some deity (most likely the attorneys for the gold conglomerates he acts as ad man for), the Republican party leadership let the lemmings follow them to edge of the cliff, before they (the Republican leadership) step aside and permit the lemmings to fall to the bottom, and all the bigots, racists, Islamaphobes get free reign to run their reign of terror and some snake oil salesmen is reaping the rewards of lying, fictionalizing and shouting untruths to a body of people who never want to recognize their own weakness, but blame anyone and everyone for every single ill in their life.
And for the moment the really BAD guy all Americans need to loath, hate and lynch are the Muslims. Move over Gays, Illegal’s and Abortion doctors, some one has tarnished the red white blue and cross of Jesus more than you and they need to be taught a lesson first. Once they are handled then the rest of the sinners will appropriately be tended to.
And waiting in the wings, under a rock, in the stench filled corners of a cave a pastor from Florida Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Church in Gainesville, decides that his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has a chip on his shoulder regarding other religions. And that Jesus wants to wage war for fear that someone else’s beliefs may trump those who want to believe in Christianity. And Pastor Jones revelation (why does Jesus seem to only speak to angry white southern Pastors) is that we should burn the Quran. It is waging Gods war and by creating violence we are somehow curbing violence. According to Pastor Jones, Jesus wants vengeance.
According to his flock they agree:
"We are using this act [burning the Quran] to warn about the teaching and ideology of Islam, which we do hate as it is hateful. We do not hate any people, however. We love, as God loves, all the people in the world," Ingram wrote in the article, dated Sept. 2.
A member of the church, Fran Ingram, told that they had a "stack of about 150" Qurans, which she said had been sent from across the world. "We are expecting to burn about 200 at least," she said. -msnbc news
And so in the name of God in a land where we pride ourselves in separation of Church and state, where so far anyone of any religion or anyone who does not believe in religion can freely state his case we are now finding some Americans burning a holy book of prayer. And this group of people who hate for Jesus would have never even had an inkling of burning anything had it not been for the affirmations of no consequences for my actions Sister Sarah…do as I say not as I do Newtie… I hear voices and there is no one there Televangelist Beck… most of the Tea Bag Brigade/Republican candidates running for office encouraging them to hate despise and scapegoat. Seems to me this group of low life, hypocritical self serving right wing self appointed idiots are asking the congregation to drink that specially made cool-aide as they did in Jonestown while they lounge in the luxury of speaking engagement fees, lobbyist dollars, and book fees from publishers.
Hate is catchy, fear is contagious, and blame is hazardous. Think the Muslims will be the only ones to have pitch forks thrown at? Think again, it happened in Nazi Germany in the 40’s first the Jews, then Catholics, then the gypsy’s, then the middle class… reared its ugly head in America in the 50’s first anyone who disagreed with the politics of McCarthy and his closeted side kick Roy Cohn, then the intelligentsia, then the artists...There is a great shopping list of enemies just ripe for a beheading, wonder where we all stand on that list?
This finding an evil doer based on scripture is not new, but isn’t this America? It would laughable if this mindless congregation were an isolated group of religious based haters, but they are not. Where are the same voices who love to shout fire in the theater as they exit the doorways first, finally taking responsibility for their actions? And the polls say we want to vote them into office as we vote the bums out. Who has to be next on the evil doer list to finally say enough is enough? Who?
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