Thursday, October 7, 2010

when do we stop stupid

(Oct. 6) -- Rush Limbaugh felt he was being "charitable" when he called President Barack Obama a "jackass."

And for good measure, the
conservative radio host also threw in "economic ignoramus" and "idiot" during a monologue on Tuesday, just in case listeners missed the point. Limbaugh's choice words for the president emerged during a segment about George W. Bush's tax cuts, which Limbaugh believes should be extended to all Americans, including the wealthiest 2 percent of wage earners. AOL Surge Desk.

In America prior to 2010, perhaps caring politicians on the conservative and progressive sides of the aisle would rush to television microphones state that free speech is an American tradition and Constitutional right, but stupid speech leads nowhere at all in finding consensus and commonality.

In America prior to 2010, real journalists would decry the divisive and derogatory tone used by Limbaugh and state loud and proud his (Limbaugh’s) choice of words have no place in legitimate broadcasting.

In America prior to 2010 advertisers would sharply warn any shock jock that ignorance has its limits and anyone representing their product should be aware, awake and alert to misrepresenting what is good about America.

But this IS America in 2010, and words said are words meant. Usually they are words via no fact (ask Sister Sarah about truth and honest), based on insightful innuendo (ask Liz Cheney about dangling participles and principles) and words said only to inflict hate (ask Newtie Gingrich about; do as I say not as I do).

We have experienced in this nation, an expanding band of bullies who blatantly say they speak for God, represent the masses, and serve the purpose of defining the consciousness of Americans. Their voices lack merit but since they are able to speak louder, looser and crasser (with little content or clarity), they manage to drown out the voices of reason as their rhetoric resonates with vile and venom. And many of these self serving zealots find the courage to speak without truth, without fact, without honesty as their words are empty and their actions sad.

The legions of lemmings (those who self victimize but blame others for their inadequacies) love the dummying down of America. They applaud the inappropriate and inarticulate words spoken by people like Limbaugh. They think bigotry and bias are cool. They need to feel at least someone is one rung below them on the ladder of life.

The army of the intelligent however remain silent, ringing their hands wondering when normal and sane will return (really smart huh!!!). But they do little more then worry in silence. And they laugh a nervous laugh thinking this has to be the last crazy response from idiots.

And so those who call the President a ‘jackass’ over the airwaves, those who pound the political pavement demanding a birth certificate, those who insist all Presidents be Christian, those who prefer to run from the truth but embrace lies, seem to be calling the shots. They are permitted to bully, to act as hypocrites, to demean this American way of life in 2010. And too few Americans even put up a counter protest to try and stop this form of Un-American behavior.

“Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night!” [Bette Davis as Margo Channing in All About Eve]. The road ahead after the November mid term elections is either going to be raucous and rocky or if luck has it the sane will take the steering wheel back from the insane and a bit of safe driving will lead us to the next horizon. (Want to drive the car... then vote.) Words hurt and those who use them as weapons are dangerous. Demanding truth, conscience and clarity are the best defenses.

When do we stop the stupid?

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