Governor Rick, I want to be President of Texas America, Perry claims he is an Evangelical Christian, who follows the principals of Jesus Christ. He is a creationist, believing that the history of the world is told through the Bible, and that this Earth was created by God and is a gift to mankind. Yet, Governor Perry wants an end to the Environmental Protection Agency, claims that Global warming is a hoax and that the economic downturn in this nation is based on the EPA having too many restrictions and regulations including protection of the water we drink and the air we breathe. Governor Perry, did the Jesus you say you believe in create Earth and its inhabitants so we could just destroy the Earth and the environment in which we live? Is the God you say who founded America really out to get all of us with pollution and ruin because he thinks that corporations should make a profit no matter what? Is the Jesus you say is your Lord, taking on any human who cares about the creatures living on the earth and feel that people come before profit? Huh?
The Catholic Church is almost one beat behind the polls when states decide that civil unions, or same sex marriage is part of the Constitution of this nation and ALL citizens living in this country deserve equal instead of equal but separate. They are at the ready to protest, deny and fight any and all civil rights that Americans deserve in this nation. They are quick to respond to people who want to marry out of love, and speedy to find scripture and verse explaining the evils of people who love people having the access to do so. But when it comes to responding to pedophile priests, to come forward and look at the policies of the Vatican which seemingly protect and deny any pedophilia, to firmly put a foot down and say any child abuse done by anyone is wrong. The Church, the Pope, his minions of Bishops and other pedophile protectors drag their feet, hesitate, refuse, repudiate, and ruminate about any and all injustices, immoral and Un-Catholic like behavior blaming everyone but the people they employ. Dear Pope, what would Jesus do? And dear Catholic Church why is people loving people wrong when people who bully, intimidate, and abuse people over looked?
Why is it that the banks, Wall Street, the ultra wealthy seem to never be the problem when the economy tanks and the poor, the elderly, the unions, the disabled, the middle class receive the blame as the evil doers causing all kinds of recession and unemployment? Why is it that the wealthy never have to give up their income, their health care, their vacations, their spending, but everyone else seems to have to continue to make sacrifices? Why is it that it is okay for corporations, businesses to accumulate trillions of dollars in their bank accounts, to increase their profits, to say we are not sure of the future so we will not hire. Yet,it seems the only recourse is to deny any stimulus money to hire, to cut back the simple wages of a worker, to blame the teachers, to accuse the greed of the poor as the only way corporations with trillions of dollars will hire again? Why is that white collar crime is never considered as bad as a mugging or petty theft? Why have almost none of the criminals who lied, stole and hid the truth about our economy not facing the wrath of justice?
Why is this nation permitting hypocrisy to run un-reigned? Why is this nation permitting fiction to be claimed a fact? Why is this nation even considering candidates who want to President who not necessarily want to be president of all Americans, just the chosen few? Why does this nation think reality is only real when it is scripted? Why, why, why?
Shouldn't we demand answers, and answers based truth, honesty, morals and ethics?
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