In the meantime...
During the few weeks that the President was on his vacation, the one that we were told was a well deserved respite, and the few weeks Congress was supposedly home meeting with their constituents, except many didn't because meeting with their constituents meant actually listening to their constituents complaining about Congress's poor job performance, and most of the Congress would rather listen to their well healed donors instead. In the meantime how many people needing jobs, employment, unemployment checks, social services were left to fend for themselves or just be ignored?
In the meantime...while the Congress sparred and spatted about the deficit and permitting it to increase or stay the same or have the USA implode or turn Communist or Socialist or Libertarian or into a big pot of tea how many more homes were foreclosed, how many newly unemployed people were added, how many seniors needed better medical care and how more trillions of dollars did corporations reap while not increasing the prospect for jobs?
In the meantime...while we debated on how small government should be because we were told that the reason for the deficit was a too BIG government, as we debated the merits of small government we spent time screaming about just how big government ought to be when it should intrude in our lives. We were told by he same holier than thou crowd that big government is only big when it comes to economics not when it comes to telling us who should marry whom, who has a right to their own body, who can pray at a holy sight of their own choosing. In the meantime how many more people needed basic health care, jobs, more money to spend on rent or food or medicines.
In the meantime... Labor Day is approaching Congress and the president will be back at work, Fall Primary campaigns are blossoming, fund raising is rising with all kinds of PAC's money is being handed out in the millions by those who have millions to lavish on politicians and life still goes on for the millions who need a job, financial help to ease the burden of their own debt, affordable health care, equal rights, equal opportunity and we are told there is no money to spend right now on any of that!
In the meantime... we just sitting idly by letting the politicians worry more about their careers, their book deals, their lobbyist opportunities, their stint on FOX News. We still go hungry, stay unemployed, can't make ends meet, prioritize food or rent or medicine. I want to end that cycle of in the meantime. I want our voices to grow louder than the promises of presidential potentials, louder than special interests, louder than the bigots, louder than billionaires who refuse to invest in OUR America, louder than the men and women who refuse to find commonality and consensus.
I have waited patiently in the meantime and I have run out of patience.
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