No abortions. No freedom to choose if you should carry the baby to term even if in doing so you might die. No need for affordable health care. No reason to visit a doctor if you can not afford the doctor bill. This is America and if the free market is too expensive for you then perhaps you never appreciated this red, white and blue democracy thing after all. And when God told the Founding Fathers he wanted to build a Christian nation, anyone who was a non believer had the chance to go back to the United Kingdom.
States rights are the keystone to the Constitution. The Civil War was merely a demonstration of particular people living in particular pieces of property who felt particularly sensitive to their particular definitions of freedom and equality. In our state, we don’t want Poor, Blacks, Muslims and Gays. But if they should find themselves living amongst us, they have to understand that these states laws are greater than the nation of America, and we can restrict anyone’s sphere of existence. We live ‘under God’, but not just any God.
Mass transit is a pain in the butt. All it does is permit the help and those dreadful working class souls to traverse from their poverty stricken zip codes to our houses or some meaningless job. We never want the mass transit lines to run through our neighborhoods, and God forbid would we ever permit a stop that might be conveniently located for the help to reach our homes. Energy is expensive; oil doesn’t grow on trees so raising the cost of bus fare while eliminating the routes is only fair no matter the expense for the poor. God invented cars, and cars are the American symbol of success, so if you need to get anywhere don’t use the socialist method of mass transit, use the American gluttonous manner and drive your own car.
Hey, you lazy bum, get off of that unemployment payment golden parachute. What, you can’t find your cushy $40K job that you once had. Get over it loser, making $7.50 an hour will put meat on your bones, give you a backbone, and it will stop you from leaching off of my good luck. This is the 2000’s and you are not a kid anymore, life is tough so if you have to learn to prioritize between, food or rent, or health care, get over it just pick one. No one promised you a rose garden, so if you are stuck in the weeds use some elbow grease; it’s just a fallacy that three meals a day is healthy.
Simple math jerk, if you have a summer cottage, a time share and a permanent residence, and the economy is bad, then sell one of them. If you can’t hire an interior decorator do the furnishing yourself. Man/woman up! What, you only have one home, then just like the three home owner you must give one up 3-1—2, 1-1= 0. Rent too expensive if you only receive SSI, are disabled, have an income below the poverty line, are OLD, well move in with a few friends, that way you can help each other cope. You don’t need your own bed and three is not a crowd and four is good company.
Jobs are important, but first we must make sure the rich remain as rich as they possibly can get. First we must make sure that the corporations feel really, really, really secure that their incomes will not be taxed for the next two decades before we insist they reinvest all those trillions of dollars in the American worker. Jobs, yeah, but first we must make sure we tell you who you can marry, how you don’t need unions, argue that equal pay for equal work is Commie ploy, demonstrate that voting is not a condition of the Constitution, and explain that any entitlement program is a bad thing and then we can begin a future discussion of jobs. Taxes, not for the rich they have to invest in the same amount non government junk they did during the last 8 years of Bush.
It for the kids stupid! Not your kids or your grandkids, but the other kids. Don’t be so selfish we have to cut teachers salaries because they are just propagandists for the liberal point of view and we assume they vote Democratic. We must cut school funding because they teach that Martin Luther King was a man who wanted equality for all (a black man-really), that the Founding Fathers actually wanted a division between church and state (it must have been a warrior on Christianity that wrote that garbage), that the Civil War was about slavery(the whites supplied employment) that we actually had a depression in this nation (some socialist named Roosevelt tried to help all of us and almost destroyed Capitalism). It’s for the kids, some unnamed unclaimed kids, but look beyond the fact that you can’t afford to keep them healthy or have them eat nutritiously, or that your own angst regarding self worth is diminished due to your economics. It’s for the kids don’t be so self-serving give up good pay, good benefits, and a good life. Your kids need to understand that if they are poor it is for some other kids. What you do now will be for the generations to come, even though you will not be around to enjoy it and many of them will be suffering just like you.
I wondered what is next for us in America, now that we witness how ridiculous it is/was to handle a the debt ceiling. How will we explain our change of heart as a nation, moving more apart than closer. I wondered what the talking heads might sound like, if we all don’t stop and try to find real consensus and true compromise, the kind that takes in consideration ALL of us. I wondered what the next year would look like if we never bother to see the forest through the trees. If all we see is my tree or your tree.
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