Dear President Obama,
I will vote for you in the 2012 election. But as of now that vote will be a vote based on the lesser of two evils. When I cast my ballot for you in 2008, it was filled with emotion, hope and the belief that you could, would and indeed make change. Change not only that I could would and indeed hope for, but you seemed like a changed candidate, a person who would fight for morals and principals. The only other presidential candidate whose campaign motivated me so was that of JFK. When I cast my ballot in 2012 it will be based on fear of anyone from the Republican/Bagger political party coming to power and making us change into a country whose values are geared only for the wealthy, hedonist and selfish.
I believe you are a man of intelligence, emotion and substance, however as my President, I see a person who does not fight hard enough, does not persist, does not insist that some principals Can and Will not be broken. I see you transformed into a politician, like so many before you who is more worried about a second term (your future) then taking a stand now and dealing with the present.
I am a Progressive and I am so dismayed at the lack of backbone, guts and wherewithal the Progressives/Democrat Party demonstrates. Lies are told, fabrications promoted, fiction formed as fact by the Republican/Baggers and both you and the Democrat party seem to never fight back but submit and give in. You and the Democrat Party permit the bully to take the soapbox, the bully to define the agenda, the bully to create the rules and regulations. No matter your good intentions, your well meaning, your trying to do the right thing, you and the Democrats are shoved around and always placed on the offense.
I give you credit for wanting to compromise, and realize how savvy that stance is to woo the so called Independent voters for the 2012 election, but how many times do you have to have pies thrown in your face by compromising, when those on the other side have no intention to participate in the debate? By playing your please re-elect me game the main issues of our time such as jobs, entitlements, and standard of living are tossed asunder by self serving and selfish politicians. I don’t hold you responsible for their lack of attention to these issues, but do hold you accountable for permitting them not to be demanded.
This has been a difficult week for Americans with the downing of the helicopter in Afghanistan, the down grade by Standard and Poor, the inability on your behalf to find a real bipartisan resolve to the issue of debt, but with all of that behind us, all I seem to see is an even more bleak future. The resolve for the issue of budget is yet another Grand Committee to argue until the last minute, for the Republican/Baggers to go on a marketing massacre blaming you for your lack of leadership, for my friends to still be unemployed and for me to worry about how I can afford to grow old.
Mr. President, all I am asking is for you to take the lead, is to play offense, is to state to the American people the facts and uncover the myths perpetuated by the uneducated, the bigoted, those who want to deny and destroy this American life.
All I can do is write you this letter and hope someone in your food chain reads it and perhaps shares it with you. I want you to succeed because your success can filter down to me. But right now Mr. President, with all due respect, I am worried, frustrated, and afraid. I will vote for you but with lackluster and less excitement then the first time you ran for office.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gerry Buncher, an American Citizen
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